Why Won’t the Librarians Blush?
If we don’t oppose events like the tranny story hour, we cede the war by handing over the next generation. These story hours are not an innocent opportunity for nice fairy people to give back to their community. These are confused, sinful people who are after generational acceptance. They want to confuse our children into thinking what they are doing is normal.
Bring Back the Boomer Upbringing
Our modern-day culture has many of us longing for the olden days. When our grandparents grew up, if a dude in a dress attempted to read books to some minors he sought out in the library, he would be flung out by his frills before he could crack the cover. There would be all manner of men that would assume this as their duty and eagerly put themselves to the task.
And there would be no complaints about this discriminatory behavior – only cheers – because the “common sense” of that time was well-trained by the light of nature and their God-given consciences. “Have you no shame?” they would say. They knew where to aim their shame, and the utility of dishing it out. They knew that a weirdo being weird should not feel comfortable in public. A man who liked to wear fishnets was forced into closeting his behavior or, at the very least, pulling the curtains.
Shame did a lot of good back then.
Today, we see people heaping shame on those who point out obvious perversions. “Bigots,” we are called. They are using shame to curb society toward evil, not good. And this is the main way that they push their “progressive,” ideas. No logical argument will advance the normalization of clown world.
How far have we regressed.
The Shame of Rotorua
Remember when librarians were considered the frigid do-gooders of society? Today, they no longer know how to blush. They invite those with the kinkiest of bents into their peaceful place of books to twist the minds of innocents. They’re on a mission to kill that natural impulse of a child to shudder at a he-she trying to suppress the inescapable. Shame on them!
“Are they ashamed of their detestable conduct? No, they have no shame at all; they do not even know how to blush. So they will fall among the fallen; they will be brought down when I punish them,” says Yahweh. (Jeremiah 6:15)
Bring Back the Blush
So, how do we make cheeks respond to kink with pink again? It will not happen with more gentle permissiveness – that is what got us here. We need to cut deep with plain truths said plainly, and Lord willing, we will recover some sensitivity from the buried consciences of our city and nation.What are these truths, and how are they so plain?
Well, we all know that a man cannot be a woman, and this is seen plainly in the drag queen’s make-up dilemma. Too much, and they look like a clownish version of a woman, but any less than over-the-top, they hide nothing. Everyone knows intuitively that this is black-face for the gender confused. In the same way that black-face degrades non-whites, woman-face degrades all women. How dare they mimic feminine glory in such a debasing way. Their cheeks should be red hot when they walk amongst the real thing. It is obvious to all that they are rebelling against reality, and it is a losing struggle.
But the very young know far less how futile an attempt at transitioning is. Without any artificial influences, this will become plain to them, so they must be lied to – the earlier the better. Older trans men often keep their man parts because they know they gain nothing from cutting them off.
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