Joe Thorn Jimmy Fowler

Seminary and Serving

Jimmy and Joe answer a couple listeners’ emails. One about choosing the right seminary and another about plugging into a new church after leaving a toxic one.OUR SPONSOR: LOGOSYou know we use Logos Bible Software everyday, and with the release of Logos 10 it’s a great time to get started or upgrade. Visit to find the best Logos package for you.Support this podcast at — Inquiries:

A Different Downgrade

Today Joe hangs out with Dean Lentini to talk about theological downgrade of a different sort. We most often heard of liberal drift, but what about conservative drift? The pharisees weren’t liberal, yet their conservatism was corrupt. Listen in as Joe and Dean chat and chuckle.OUR SPONSOR: LOGOSYou know we use Logos Bible Software everyday, and with the release of Logos 10 it’s a great time to get started or upgrade. Visit to find the best Logos package for you.Support this podcast at — Inquiries:

Making Disciples

Joe and Jimmy address a listener’s questions about making disciples. What does discipleship look like in the local church? Who should be doing it? What guards (if any) should be in place? Does Ephesians 4:11 come into it? Support this podcast at — Inquiries:

Our Churches' Idols

Joe and Jimmy start a conversation about where our churches, denominations, and networks often put their confidence in attempting to plant or revitalize healthy churches. Part two will drop on tomorrow's episode of Banter of Truth (which will be available for everyone).OUR SPONSOR: LOGOSYou know we use Logos Bible Software everyday, and with the release of Logos 10 it’s a great time to get started or upgrade. Visit to find the best Logos package for you.Support this podcast at — Inquiries:

10 Ways to Handle Criticism

Today we have Jason “All Good” Alligood back on the pod, and he and Joe discuss 10 ways to handle criticism, fair and unfair, when it comes our way:1. Don’t get Defensive2. Listen to Understand3. Pray On It4. Get Some Perspective from Others5. What (if anything) is Valid in Their Criticism?6. What (if anything) is Wrong in Their Criticism?7. Remember Your Justification8. Learn in Your Sanctification9. Ask: What is God Teaching Me?10. Is a Conversation or Confrontation Needed?Support this podcast at — Inquiries:

We Need Good Systematic Theology

Happy Reformation Day! We are excited to have Dr. Matthew Barrett back on the podcast. This time we are talking about the value of systematic theology, why some of the modern works done’t measure up, and his upcoming volume on systematic theology.OUR SPONSORDwellDwell is our favorite Bible app for good reason. And listeners of Doctrine and Devotion can get 10% off a yearly subscription, or 30% off Dwell for life. Get the best Bible app today at this podcast at — Inquiries:

The Value of Conflict and Controversy

Pastor Steve Meister is back on the pod’ and we discuss the value of controversy among christians and in the church. It can be discouraging to see fighting and conflict, but these are often tools God uses to sharpen his people and clarify truth. How can we engage in necessary debate and disagreement in ways that honor God and best serves his people?OUR SPONSORDwellDwell is our favorite Bible app for good reason. And listeners of Doctrine and Devotion can get 10% off a yearly subscription, or 30% off Dwell for life. Get the best Bible app today at this podcast at — Inquiries:

Mistakes Pastors Make

Jimmy and Joe discuss 11 common mistakes pastors make in ministry: Under Communicating with the Congregation Too Eager to Promote LeadersAfraid to Promote LeadersSharing Confidential or Sensitive Information Teaching Christian Myths in SermonsNot Apologizing When WrongNeglecting Prayer over Administration Neglecting Administration Over Prayer Neglecting Doctrine Over the Practical Neglecting the Practical Over the Doctrinal Stop Developing Their GiftOUR SPONSORDwellDwell is our favorite Bible app for good reason. And listeners of Doctrine and Devotion can get 10% off a yearly subscription, or 30% off Dwell for life. Get the best Bible app today at this podcast at — Inquiries:

Mailbag: Episode 662

Jimmy and Joe open up the mailbag to talk through why Christians pray with their eyes closed, and what they would recommend to elders and teachers in the church to read.PBHB GIVEAWAYWe have partnered with Particular Baptist Heritage Books to giveaway beautifully bound editions of the First and Second London Confessions of Faith. We will pick 2 winners to receive both confessions on Friday, Oct. 28 at 10pm CST and announce the winners on Monday, Oct. 31.To enter the giveaway hop on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, or TikTok and to share how Doctrine and Devotion is an encouragement to you, and be sure to include the hashtag #PBHBCONFESSIONS.OUR SPONSORDwellDwell is our favorite Bible app for good reason. And listeners of Doctrine and Devotion can get 10% off a yearly subscription, or 30% off Dwell for life. Get the best Bible app today at this podcast at — Inquiries:

He Gets Us?

Joe and Jimmy sit down to talk about the He Gets Us campaign, how NAMB got involved and then pulled out after pushback from critics. What’s wrong with He Gets Us? And what can we learn from this mess?PBHB GIVEAWAYWe have partnered with Particular Baptist Heritage Books to giveaway beautifully bound editions of the First and Second London Confessions of Faith. We will pick 2 winners to receive both confessions on Friday, Oct. 28 at 10pm CST and announce the winners on Monday, Oct. 31.To enter the giveaway hop on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, or TikTok and to share how Doctrine and Devotion is an encouragement to you, and be sure to include the hashtag #PBHBCONFESSIONS.Our SponsorDwellDwell is our favorite Bible app for good reason. And listeners of Doctrine and Devotion can get 10% off a yearly subscription, or 30% off Dwell for life. Get the best Bible app today at this podcast at — Inquiries:

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