Joonas Laajanen

A Call to Visitation Ministry

Jesus spoke the most plain words about visiting lonely believers who can’t come to church. His words make it clear that He cares about them deeply, and gives special attention to them. They are His sheep and they need to be fed.

Visiting the sick, the needy, and the shut-ins is part and parcel of pastoral vocation but also an office of kindness to which all Christians are called. There is a special obligation to engage in visitation when the subject is a brother or a sister. Open doors to visit unbelievers are also to be taken as evangelistic opportunities. Like earthly doctors offer medicine for the body, so Christians are to offer the medicine of the soul to those about to face eternity.
A Test Of True Religion
True religion can be tested in many ways. James highlights visitation ministry as a prime example:
“Pure and undefiled religion before God and the Father is this: to visit orphans and widows in their trouble, and to keep oneself unspotted from the world.” (James 1:27 NKJV)
No one questions we are called by God to be invested in the truth (doctrine), and be on the watch in our walk so that it would be above reproach. But more is needed from us. Focusing on doctrine and a scandal-free life can be done without the love of Christ, who came and tabernacled among despised sinners. If we do not engage in a true ministry of mercy, we will soon find ourselves being cynical, cold-hearted, and suppressing a bad conscience that knows something is lacking.
In historical context, to visit orphans and widows is to visit those who need it. Elsewhere this command includes prisoners (Hebrews 13:3) and the sick (James 5:14). This wide category of people highlights the need for all Christians to engage in visitation. There are doors wide open, easily seen if we care to look around. Even unbelieving shut-ins are generally delighted to have a Christian come and read the Scriptures to them.
Jesus spoke the most plain words about visiting lonely believers who can’t come to church. His words make it clear that He cares about them deeply, and gives special attention to them. They are His sheep and they need to be fed. Jesus says:
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