Ligonier Ministries

128. Universalism and Hell

Why do some people claim that hell will ultimately be unpopulated? Today, Barry Cooper contrasts this idea with the clear teaching of Jesus on who will inherit eternal life and who will not. Read the transcript:


Is it possible that the apocalypse has already happened without many of us realizing it? Today, Barry Cooper considers two related ways of interpreting the Bible’s end-times prophecies. Read the transcript:


The name Adonai refers to God’s absolute sovereignty over creation. Today, Barry Cooper explains the most exalted title used to describe God in the Old Testament. Read the transcript:

Theophany and Christophany

If we’re paying attention in our Bible reading, we’ll find that the New Testament isn’t the first place we meet Jesus. Today, Barry Cooper considers the Old Testament appearances of Christ and the Lord’s heart to be present with His people. Read the transcript:

Biblical Theology

To make sense of the many details in Scripture, we need to get to grips with the overarching story of the Bible, following God’s unfolding revelation chapter by chapter and book by book. Today, Barry Cooper introduces the important discipline of biblical theology. Read the transcript:


When God wanted to reveal Himself in the most unmistakable way imaginable, He spoke with language that our minds can understand. Today, Barry Cooper explains why our Creator often uses human traits and characteristics to describe Himself in His Word. Read the transcript:


In His unchanging divine nature, God does not and cannot suffer. Does that mean He’s unable to love us or to empathize with our pain? Today, Barry Cooper explains why the doctrine of divine impassibility is wonderful news for sufferers and sinners. Read the transcript:


In His unchanging divine nature, God does not and cannot suffer. Does that mean He’s unable to love us or to empathize with our pain? Today, Barry Cooper explains why the doctrine of divine impassibility is wonderful news for sufferers and sinners. Read the transcript:


We live in a world that never stops changing. But there is One who is the same yesterday, today, and forever. Today, Barry Cooper spells out the security we have in knowing the unchanging God. Read the transcript:


How optimistic are you about the future? Today, Barry Cooper examines one of the main views Christians have held about the end of the world, the glory of God’s kingdom, and the reign and return of Christ. Read the transcript:

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