Ligonier Ministries


When we read in John 1:14 that “the Word became flesh,” we recognize that Jesus took on a human body. But did Christ take on a human soul too? Today, Barry Cooper discusses a fourth-century heresy that seems slightly off but actually makes a world of difference. Read the transcript:

The Second Coming

If you are a Christian, your best days are ahead of you and getting closer by the moment. Today, Barry Cooper considers how the promised return of Jesus calls us to steward our lives faithfully and look with hope to the moment we see Him face to face. Read the transcript:


What makes people so obsessed about the end of the world? Today, Barry Cooper considers what Christians should know about the “last days” and how we ought to live in light of the promise of Christ’s soon return. Read the transcript:

The Ascension

When we talk about the ascension, we aren’t merely referring to Jesus’ physical rising into the sky. Today, Barry Cooper explains that in this climactic moment, the victorious Christ rose to His throne as King of kings and Lord of lords. Read the transcript:


It can sometimes seem as if Christians don’t have permission to be unhappy. Today, Barry Cooper reminds us that Jesus Himself was a “man of sorrows”–and our expressions of sadness are heard by our good God. Read the transcript:


God tells us in His Word to address him as “Abba,” the Aramaic word meaning “Father.” Today, Barry Cooper considers God’s unqualified goodness as our heavenly Father. Read the transcript:

The Providence of God

We will not always understand why we are suffering. But God knows, and His people can always trust Him. Today, Derek Thomas turns to the book of Job to see how the sovereignty of God brings us present peace and eternal hope amid suffering. Get A 1-Year Subscription to ‘Tabletalk’ Magazine and This Month’s Issue for Your Gift of Any Amount: Don’t forget to make your home for daily in-depth Bible study and Christian resources.

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