Media Gratiae

Fighting and Killing Sin III: Be More Enamored with God than Sin

Having discussed the necessity of mortifying sin and the flesh, watching and praying through Christ, John Snyder and Jeremy Walker move to discuss the practical helps God provides for us in fighting sin, repenting when we fall, and seeing restoration in our communion with God.
We often look for a silver bullet when it comes to difficulties of the Christian life. We want an easier way to kill sin. But Owen is too wise to offer an easy and cheap solution. He gives us the tools God has given us. They aren’t easy; they do require effort. But He provides the energy, the will, and the desire to master them.
Check out Jeremy’s podcasts From the Heart of Spurgeon and A Word in Season here:
Temptation Resisted and repulsed by John Owen:
The Mortification of Sin by John Owen:
Volume 6 of the Works of John Owen:
Check out Jeremy’s book John mentioned: Jeremy’s book:
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Special Episode: Turn Conference with Richard Owen Roberts

Richard Owen Roberts is a long-term friend of Media Gratiae. Even before Media Gratiae existed, Mr. Roberts played an important role in John Snyder’s life. In this special episode, we want to introduce Mr. Roberts and International Awakening Ministries to those of you who may be unfamiliar with them. We also want to let everyone know of an upcoming conference IAM is presenting on November 27-30 at Norwood Baptist Church. The conference is called “Turn” and its foundation will be Acts 3:19.
For more information about the conference, please see

Fighting and Killing Sin II: Watch and Pray

Robert Murray M’Cheyne described the human heart as gunpowder and temptation as a spark that will ignite the heart in sin. The most careful practice we can have is to keep our hearts damp by gazing upon Christ.
In this week’s episode, John Snyder and Jeremy Walker share how Owen encourages us to keep our hearts damp by the dual command to watch and pray. What must we watch for? How must we pray? John and Jeremy share some of the most practical help from Owen in this week’s episode.
Check out Jeremy’s podcasts From the Heart of Spurgeon and A Word in Season here:
Temptation Resisted and repulsed by John Owen:
The Mortification of Sin by John Owen:
Volume 6 of the Works of John Owen:
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Fighting and Killing Sin I: Temptation and Testing

We at The Whole Counsel love Puritans. We have benefited so much from their sermons, prayers, and books, it is our delight to discuss them and hopefully whet your appetite to read their words. In this new series of podcasts, Dr. John Snyder is going to walk through two books from the Puritan, John Owen, with our longtime friend Jeremy Walker.
In this first episode, Jeremy and John are discussing Owen’s, “On Temptation” and they discuss how to define, identify, and deal with temptation and testing. What are the differences and how should we approach them differently?
Check out Jeremy’s podcasts From the Heart of Spurgeon and A Word in Season here:
Temptation Resisted and repulsed by John Owen:
The Mortification of Sin by John Owen:
Volume 6 of the Works of John Owen:
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Grace and Law XVI: The Right and Wrong Use of the Law

We have had 15 discussions of the Christian’s relationship to the God’s moral law in this series. If anything, we hope we have shown you this topic is important and worth a great deal of meditation. In the final conversation of this series, John Snyder and Steve Crampton ask what are the right and wrong ways of using the law.
We’ve already answered the lies of antinomianism, the belief we shouldn’t use the law at all. But now we discuss how how to properly use the law in our life, and inappropriate uses we as humans are tempted to pursue.
If you haven’t gotten your copy of Ernie Reisinger’s book “The Law and the Gospel,” we highly recommend it to you. Get your copy of it book here:
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Grace and Law XV: The Dominion of the Law and Sin

Next week we will finish our series on The Law and the Gospel. In this series we have sought to study the New Testament Christian’s relationship to God’s moral law. Before salvation, the Law could only offer condemnation. It pointed out our flaws but could provide no cure for our sin-sickness. But now, because the Christian belongs to the Kingdom of Grace, God’s moral law has become the path we walk to please our King.
This is part of what Paul’s point in Romans 6. We are no longer slaves to sin. We are slaves to righteousness. Even though we still wrestle with sin and hear the whispers of our old master. telling us the law will condemn us, we are assured by the faithfulness of Christ that His grace is sufficient.
Get your copy of Reisinger’s book here:
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Grace and Law XIV: Is the Law Fulfilled?

This week we return to our ongoing discussion of the Christian’s relationship to both God’s Law and His grace. The emphasis this week is simply to explain what Jesus meant when He said He came to “fulfill the law.”
We can understand this fulfillment in a few different ways, but Ernie Reisinger’s book offers us a great deal of help. Dr. John Snyder and Steve Crampton discuss not just how we can find rest and hope in Jesus’ fulfillment of the law, but also how we can follow His example to draw near the Father.
Get your copy of Reisinger’s book here:
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10 Years of Beholding God: Andrew Davies

Regular listeners will know we have been releasing complete interviews from our production of Behold Your God: Rethinking God Biblically. This is to commemorate and celebrate the Lord’s kindness over the last 10 years.
This week we highlight the interview with Andrew Davies, a Welsh minister who met Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones and J.I Packer as a child. He also served as a pastor in New Zealand for a time. Going back over Davies’ words was a genuine blessing for us and we pray they will warm your heart to Christ today.
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10 Years of Rethinking God Biblically: Eifion Evans

At this time 10 years ago we were putting the final touches and beginning the process of manufacturing Behold Your God: Rethinking God Biblically. This study has gone much further in the last decade than we ever thought possible. But the Lord has seen fit to use it around America and outside her borders in places such as Russia, The Netherlands, South Africa, Canada, and more.
Each video session of Behold Your God: Rethinking God Biblically ends with interviews from men such as Paul Washer, Conrad Mbewe, Anthony Mathenia, and Eifion Evans. We sat down with these men for a long time. Some interviews were as short as 40 minutes. However, their total time in the study averaged 20 minutes. Because of that, the majority of their words have never been heard publicly. So to commemorate a decade of the Lord using this study, we want to present to you the complete interviews of our contributors.
This week we present to you the Welsh historian Eifion Evans. His interview is unique in that he is not asked questions. His heart was overflowing with the things he felt important to say we simply turned the cameras on and let him speak. We have been blessed by his words and pray you are as well.
Get your copy of the DVDs for Behold Your God: Rethinking God Biblically:
Get your workbook for the study Behold Your God: Rethinking God Biblically:
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Grace and Law XIII: Is God’s Law Fair?

If you have gone through the Media Gratiae study Behold Your God: The Weight of Majesty, you will know that God’s attributes include being just, good, and kind. So how can a just, good, and kind God require the adherence to a law that people may not understand or be able to follow?
That is the topic of discussion this week for Dr. John Snyder and Steve Crampton. They are sharing their notes from chapter nine of Ernie Reisinger’s book, The Law and the Gospel. In this chapter, Reisinger looks to David Brainerd, the son-in-law of Jonathan Edwards, for help. In his journals, Brainerd discusses the hatred and contempt he felt towards God’s law when he was unconverted. He then details how his renewed understanding of God’s law led to his conversion.
His journey is one that we believe can be very helpful to discuss the fairness of God’s law to unconverted people today. It is so helpful, in fact, that we allowed the discussion to go a bit longer than normal. If you haven’t picked up a copy of this book, we highly encourage you to do so and make sure to carefully read through chapter nine: Does Human Inability make God Unjust?
Get your copy of Reisinger’s book here:
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