Media Gratiae

Special Episode I: Behold Your God: Rethinking God Biblically

Many of you know Media Gratiae through our podcast network, but we do much more. We have also produced documentary films and multimedia Bible studies.

Every year we take a few weeks to present you with some of the teachings we have produced over the years. This week we want to highlight our first 12-week study, Behold Your God: Rethinking God Biblically.

This is session one: Beholding God: The Great Attraction. In this session, John is in Chicago, Illinois to introduce A. W. Tozer. If you have been through this study, we pray it is a reminder of the things God taught you through this 12 weeks. If you have never been through the study, may it whet your appetite for more.

If you would like, you can find more information about Behold Your God: Rethinking God Biblically at

Because we are highlighting this study on The Whole Counsel, we are discounting the study at the link above 10% normal price. The sale will end when next week’s episode is published.

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Consider Revival V: Seeking Revival Practically

This is the fifth and final episode of John Snyder and Steve Crampton discussing revival. Last week they introduced a little book called The Causes of the Lord’s Wrath against Scotland Manifested in His Sad, Late Dispensations. In that book, Presbyterian pastors across Scotland joined together to discuss why God’s wrath was being poured out on Scotland. They didn’t point to the rebellious culture, but to themselves and their own sins.

To aid in their repentance, they pointed out particular sins they were guilty of and then joined together in congregational repentance. In this episode, John and Steve pick some of the confessions they find most applicable to our day and time.

Show Notes:

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Consider Revival IV: Repenting Leaders

After three weeks of looking at Old Testament accounts of God’s nearness—what we would call “revival” today—John Snyder and Steve Crampton begin this week to examine a historical revival mentioned earlier in the series.

This revival took place in Scotland in the 17th century. Before it began, a group of Scottish Presbyterians ministers came together for their annual session. They saw the need for revival in their land, so they assigned men to preach. However, the focus of their sermons was not to be the evil of the land or the rebellion of that nation against God: they were to lead this group of ministers in repentance for their own sins.

In this episode, John and Steve discuss the importance of being a repenter who preaches repentance. And this need isn’t just for pastors—it is for every person whom God has entrusted with spiritual influence over others. You may be a Sunday school teacher, a parent, or a Christian with a little brother or sister. If you are a Christian and a leader, pay close attention to the example of these ministers and lead the way of repentance.

The Fulfilling of Scripture by Robert Fleming:

The Works of Jonathan Edwards:

Causes of the Lord’s Wrath Against Scotland:

Words to Winners of Souls:

Consider Revival III: Consider Revival 3: God’s Response to the Enemy’s Lies

*The audio this week is a little “off.” Due to a technical difficultly, we had to use our secondary audio. We apologize for the inconvenience.

Hezekiah, as John and Steve discussed last week, was not a perfect king. But he was faithful. He trusted in the Lord and His hand. He destroyed the idols and returned the people of Israel to worshiping God as He prescribed.

But in the midst of this revival, Sennacherib began attacking Hezekiah’s kingdom. He threatened to destroy the land, the people, and even the God of the people. We can only imagine the fear and trepidation Hezekiah and his people must have felt. But they turned the lies of their enemy into prayer to the Lord and He answered in a miraculous way.

In the end, Sennacherib was shown to be a liar and God was proved faithful again. So it is the Christian life.



Consider Revival II: Hezekiah’s Repentance

The story of Hezekiah is one of God’s faithfulness. The king came from a line of wicked fathers who abandoned God. But Hezekiah’s heart was turned toward God and He drew near to His people. We would call that a revival. In this episode, John and Steve Crampton discuss this Old Testament revival and how we can prepare for revival but never obligate God to it.

Show Notes:

Revival: A People Saturated with God:

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Considering Revival I: Nineveh

We are all aware of the story of Nineveh, but how many of us every looked to this story to learn how we should pray for revival? John is joined by Steve Crampton, a member of Christ Church New Albany, to see what we can learn from Jonah and the pagans of Nineveh.

Show Notes:

Link to Lord I Agree:

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Bonus Episode: Sustained by the Gospel

When Jordan came into the studio to record a few episodes, he and John recorded a bonus episode. They begin discussing the founding of Jordan’s church in Memphis, TN. The duo also discuss some encouraging practices that have come from a resurgence of reformed doctrine, but also some dangers associated with that.

If you want to check out the Hebrews series John and Jordan talked through, click here:

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God‘s kindness to one sinner

We spent three weeks skipping along the surface of Hebrews. There is so much more we would love to say. But we take a turn in this episode to see how God applied the priestly work of Jesus to the life of one sinner: Jordan Thomas. Like so many in our evangelical culture, Jordan prayed a prayer as a child and thought he was a Christian. But the Lord, in His kindness, showed Jordan the depth of his sin and used genuine Christ-followers to lead him to repentance. Jordan and John also benefited from the wonderful discipleship of a mutual friend.

Because We Love Him:

Show Notes:

Check our Jordan’s sermon series on Hebrews:

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Hebrews III: The Offering of the Body of Jesus

This week we return to our series on Hebrews with Jordan Thomas. We spent the first episode on the first chapter of the epistle and the second contemplating the command to look upon Jesus. In this episode, John and Jordan take a look at Hebrews 10 and Jesus’ bloody, complete, and perfect sacrifice.

Show Notes:

Check our Jordan’s sermon series on Hebrews:

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Recommended Reading for 2022

Last week we talked with Jeremy Walker about the first five of six principles in having a balanced reading diet in 2022. This week we pick up with the sixth principle and then get to our annual recommended books list.

Show Notes:

Check out Jeremy’s podcasts:

The Heart of Spurgeon:

A Word in Season:



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You can get The Whole Counsel a day early on the Media Gratiae App (along with both of Jeremy’s podcasts):

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