Media Gratiae

A Command to Remember II: Away From Look Toward

Last week Dr. John Snyder and Teddy James introduced our new series that will, by the grace of God, help us walk closer to Jesus in 2025 than we did in 2024. We will spend a great deal of time focusing on that sweet command to “look unto Christ.”This week we are still getting help from Isaac Ambrose’s book “Looking Unto Christ” (details on the giveaway linked below).
In order to look toward an object, we must first look away from all other objects. Imagine a groom who sees his bride walking down the aisle. There are many people in the church with them, but his eyes are fixed on one. That is how the Christian life should be. There are many things in our lives, but our focus should be on the one thing needful.
In this week’s episode, John and Teddy dive into a bit of Greek language in Hebrews 12:1-2, hence the odd title of this episode. Your English translation of Scripture may say “fixing our eyes on Jesus,” “looking to Jesus,” or “looking only at Jesus.” But there is a nuance in the Greek term apherontes eis that is hard to convey. The literal translation is away from look toward. So the writer of Hebrews is telling us that in order to look to Christ, we must first look away from every other thing in life.
We pray this episode helps you identify the things in your life you have been looking to for hope, comfort, and help that are not Christ, so that you may look to Christ alone.

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Show Notes:
John’s Sermon:
Sign up to win a copy of Looking Unto Jesus here:
See our previous episodes where we mentioned Looking Unto Jesus:
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A Command to Remember I: Intentionality Required

Even the sweetest commands from our King are still commands. We may be tempted to view commands such as “Do not kill” as more weighty than the command “Look unto Christ.” But both are spoken from the same authority, God himself. Therefore, they are worthy of the same attention, effort, and obedience.
For the next few weeks, we will be discussing the command to look unto Jesus. There are several passages that state this command, each in a different way. But it is a theme of both the Old and the New Testaments. For this week’s episode, Dr. John Snyder and Teddy James are getting help from a journal entry written in 1773 by John Newton. Many of you will know Newton as the author of “Amazing Grace,” among other hymns. But the particular journal entry we are resourcing in this week’s episode reads:
This is the Ninth New Years day I have seen in this place. I have reason to say, The Lord crowneth every year with his goodness. The entrance of this finds me and my _ [dear Mary] in health and peace. I am still favoured with strength, and with some liberty for my public work and hope the Lord is still pleased to work by me, for the edification of his people already called, and the awakening of sinners. As to myself, It is given me to trust in the Lord Jesus for life and salvation – I know he is both willing and able to save. Upon him as an All-sufficient Saviour and upon his word of promise I build my hope, believing that he will not suffer me to be put to shame. My exercise of grace is faint, my consolations small, my heart is full of evil, my chief sensible burdens are, a wild ungoverned imagination, and a strange sinful backwardness to reading the Scriptures, and, to secret prayer. These have been my complaints for many years, and I have no less cause of complaint than formerly. But my eye and my heart is to Jesus. His I am, him I desire to serve, to him I this day would devote and surrender myself anew. O Lord, accept, support, protect, teach, comfort and bless me. Be thou my Arm, my Eye, my Joy and my Salvation. Mortify the power of sin, and increase the image of thy holiness in my heart. Anoint me with fresh oil, make me humble, faithful, diligent and obedient. Let me in all things attend to thy word as my rule, to thy glory as my end, and depend upon thy power and promise for safety and success. I am now in the 49th year of my age, and may expect in the course of a few years at most to go whence I shall no more return, nor have I a certainty of continuing here a single year or even a month or a day. May thy grace keep me always waiting till my appointed change shall come, and when the summons shall come may I be enabled to rejoice in thee, as the strength of my heart and my portion for ever.
For the rest of this podcast series, we will be getting help from the first few chapters of Looking Unto Jesus by Isaac Ambrose. This 17th-century book was written after a prolonged illness and has been helping Christians gaze at the surpassing beauty of Jesus Christ for over 400 years.
Looking Unto Jesus was out of print for some time, but we were happy to find it available for sale again. We were so happy, in fact, that we bought two copies to give away at the end of this series. If you would like to be entered to win a copy, you can join the Media Gratiae email list. Our email subscribers get two emails a week: the first is a devotional thought from trustworthy writers and sometimes our own studies, and the other email highlights the podcast content we are publishing that week. If you are interested, you can sign up here:
Show Notes:
Sign up to win a copy of Looking Unto Jesus here:
See our previous episodes where we mentioned Looking Unto Jesus:
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You can get The Whole Counsel a day early on the Media Gratiae App:

Union with Christ- Finishing Well II

“If my God preserves you, and preserve you he must, or else you are not his; if he will keep you, and keep you he will if you have committed your souls to his faithful guardianship, that an honor awaits you!” These words by Charles Spurgeon perfectly summarize the objective promise for every believer in Christ.
God has promised that every Christian will finish this life clinging to Christ. He has done all the work necessary to fulfill this promise and will see it to completion. Yet this doesn’t mean we are without responsibility. We must press on, fight, and run forward. We must run the race set before us. We can do so confidently, knowing He will make our efforts effective.
This week Dr. John Snyder and Teddy James continue our discussion from last week about how our union with Jesus Christ should quicken our spiritual pace in 2025 and beyond. We pray this becomes a watershed year for you—one where you can look back and see that you made greater use of God’s means of grace than in 2024, continuing this pattern in the years ahead.
Show Notes:
John 10:28
John 6:35-40
Matthew 10:22
Matthew 14:10-14
Romans 11:22
Colossians 1:21-23
Revelation 2:7
Revelation 2:11
Revelation 2:17
Revelation 2:26
Revelation 3:5
Revelation 3:12
Revelation 3:21
1 John 5:4
Philippians 1:6 and 2:12-13
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Union with Christ- Finishing Well I

Last week we mentioned a new series with Teddy James and Jeremy Walker. This week we decided to postpone that series because Dr. John Snyder and Teddy James recorded a two-episode series for the conclusion of 2024 and beginning of 2025. John and Acey Floyd recorded a series focusing on Union with Christ several months ago. As we said during those episodes, there was much more we could say on the topic, and so we wanted to revisit it with a particular emphasis on looking ahead to a new year.
Likely everyone has heard the adage “Once saved, always saved.” While that is a true statement, it is also incomplete and far too small to truly convey the depth of finishing this life united to Christ. But one of the biggest problems with that statement is that it leaves no room and no application for the warnings of Scripture. It also leaves large questions for those who apostatize from the faith. This is dangerous for every Christian because it means we will miss what God is saying in those passages, and it could cause us to finish slowly and poorly.
To help us think about finishing well, John and Teddy discuss what faith is, what apostasy is, and why understanding those things is crucial to living a life and dying a death close to Christ.
Show Notes:
Scriptures mentioned:
Hebrews 3:12-4:2
Hebrews 6:4-8
Hebrews 10:26-39
2 Peter 2:30-21
The story of Alexander:
2 Timothy 4:14-15
1 Timothy 1:19-20
Acts 19:29-34
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The Altogether Lovely One IV: The Sanctified Bride of Christ

See Jordan’s study, Christ Our Treasure: Enjoying the Preeminence of Jesus in the Local Church –
Over the last three weeks, Dr. John Snyder and Jordan Thomas have been discussing the ultimate jewel of the Christian life. We all know that Christ is to be the precious treasure of our individual and corporate Christian lives, but sometimes we must fight a difficult battle to keep Him as our focus.
After John mentioned session four in last week’s episode, we thought it would be a good idea to present that entire talk to you for this week’s podcast. We pray you are encouraged by this session and it fuels your love for both Christ and your church.
Show Notes:
See Jordan’s study, Christ Our Treasure: Enjoying the Preeminence of Jesus in the Local Church –
See the 2024 Media Gratiae Ministry Report

The Altogether Lovely One III: Seeing Scripture Christocentricly

See Jordan’s study, Christ Our Treasure: Enjoying the Preeminence of Jesus in the Local Church –
If we are going to see growth in our Christian lives, we must learn to see Christ through the entirety of the Bible. When the New Testament was written, the writers constantly pointed back to the Old Testament to make Jesus known. When Paul tells the Corinthians that his only objective was to make Christ known, he was talking not just in his preaching and writing but also every aspect of his life. He was a man truly marked by his love for and preoccupation with the person of Jesus Christ. So how can we follow that example? How can we be a people so preoccupied with Jesus that he permeates every conversation, every thought, every action? We are fallen people who still struggle with sin, so this will be a battle. But we will be given every grace of God to fight the battle well. The entirety of Scripture is the best weapon and tool we have in this warfare. But this emphasis isn’t just for the individual Christian life. It is for the corporate life as well. How can a local expression of Christ’s bride have a preoccupation with our Redeemer? How can a pastor lead in such a way that his flock gazes upon Jesus every worship service? John and Jordan ask and seek to provide some answers to these questions in this week’s episode.
Show Notes:
See Jordan’s study, Christ Our Treasure: Enjoying the Preeminence of Jesus in the Local Church –
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The Altogether Lovely One II: He is not the Problem. We Are.

See Jordan’s study, Christ Our Treasure: Enjoying the Preeminence of Jesus in the Local Church –
This week we continue our series with Jordan Thomas discussing the greatest treasure of the Christian life. If our eyes are fixed on anything other than Christ, we are looking in a fatal direction. While this sounds very noble and spiritual, it is essential. But just because it is essential does not mean it is easy. In fact, it is one of the hardest things for an individual Christian, a faithful family, and a careful church to do consistently. Dr. John Snyder and Jordan Thomas share some encouragements and examples of how we are to do this in our everyday lives. Perhaps the greatest example given to us is the Apostle Paul. There are multiple instances through his letters where he breaks out in worshipful doxologies in the middle of a logical argument. And this reality isn’t reserved for Paul because he was a “superChristian.” This is meant to be the experience of every Christian. If we want to pursue holiness, if we want to fix our churches, if we want to prioritize evangelism and missions, the driving force must be a fixation and obsession with the person of Jesus Christ. Nothing else has the power to move us and the fuel to make us fight the temptation of looking elsewhere. Another major point John and Jordan tackle is the idea of Jesus being boring. Why do so many find Jesus unattractive and not worth following? Is there something wrong with Jesus? Any Christian can answer that with a resounding “NO.” But how often do we find ourselves bored in our praying to him, reading of him, studying his Word? How do we fight the battle and warm our hearts by the beautiful reality of who he is? By gazing more and more at him. If we find Jesus boring, the problem is not with him. It is in us.
Show Notes:
See Jordan’s study here:
See Jordan’s study, Christ Our Treasure: Enjoying the Preeminence of Jesus in the Local Church –
Want to listen to The Whole Counsel on the go? Subscribe to the podcast on your favorite podcast app:
You can get The Whole Counsel a day early on the Media Gratiae App:

SPECIAL: 2024 Ministry Report

We are incredibly thankful for each of you that follow our podcasts, participate in our studies, and support our work. We could not do this work without you.
As we are looking to finish 2024 and prepare for 2025, we wanted to take a few minutes to let you know what your support helped us achieve over the last 12 months.
To see the full 2024 Ministry Report from Media Gratiae, visit

The Altogether Lovely One I: Keeping the Focus
Those of you who have followed Media Gratiae for a time will know Jordan Thomas. He is a contributor to both Behold Your God studies and has a study of his own produced by Media Gratiae. Released earlier this year, Christ Our Treasure: Enjoying the Preeminence of Jesus in the Local Church, is an 8-week study examining how the local church body is to enjoy and treasure our Savior. In this new series of episodes, Dr. John Snyder and Jordan discuss not just the development of the study, but the heart behind it. Churches choose many things to focus on. It may be mercy ministries, confessional statements, clarity of doctrine, etc. All these are good and worthwhile, but Scripture makes it clear that only one thing is ultimately needful – a clear, consistent, persistent, undistracted view of Christ. Everything else will fall into place if we truly seek first the kingdom of God. Confessional statements are wonderful tools (and we at Media Gratiae use them), but we must not allow them to take preeminence in our hearts. And notice the plural use of “our” hearts. The commands to treasure Christ are not just given to individual Christians. They are given to bodies of Christians. We cannot truly obey Christ without the element of the local expression of his bride. We hope this episode is a blessing to you, and we will see you next week when John and Jordan continue their discussion.

2024 Book Recommendations

One of our favorite episodes to record every year is our annual book recommendations. This year, Dr. John Snyder and Acey Floyd agreed to a three-book limit. If you have ever watched one of our book recommendation episodes before, you will not be surprised to learn they both cheated (but only slightly).
Rather than creating a long list of links in the show description this year, we will just have one link. It will take you to our Media Gratiae blog where all the books are listed, along with links where you can purchase them.
Our prayer for these book recommendation episodes is that you may consider buying them for yourself if you have never read them and that they may challenge and bless you in 2025 as they have us in 2024. If you have read them before, consider gifting them to loved ones so their hearts may be drawn nearer to Christ.
List of books and links:
Show Notes:
*Growing in Christ was written as a book and is not a collection of sermons.

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