Media Gratiae

Union with Christ V: The Objective Result

God reveals Himself to be perfectly just, perfectly holy, and perfectly wise. So how could this perfect Being unite His perfect Son to fallen humanity? How can man, who has rebelled against God’s sovereignty since our first parents, ever have a right standing before this Supreme Judge?
Therein lies the sweet doctrine of justification. That is the focus of this week’s conversation between Dr. John Snyder and Acey Floyd. They explore God’s plan to justify a fallen people so there can be communion between us and Him, what justification does not do, and what the final, eternal result of justification is.
Show Notes:
Key Scriptures: Job 25
Job 15
Psalm 89:14
Deuteronomy 32:3-4
Deuteronomy 25
Proverbs 17
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Union with Christ IV: United in Death

So far in our series, we’ve discussed how we are united with Christ in life. His perfect and obedient life is credited to our sinful and rebellious lives. However, Scripture goes further, stating that we are also united with Him in His obedient, yet horrific death because Jesus is our sacrificial Lamb.
This week, Acey Floyd leads the discussion with Dr. John Snyder, exploring Old Testament descriptions of Jesus’s death and their New Testament fulfillment. All the scriptures Acey summarizes can be found below.
But what does it mean to be united or baptized into Jesus’s death? As Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones articulates in his commentary on Romans 6, it means that we are dead to the power of sin. The death of Christ empowers every Christian to overcome sin. While we will never be perfectly sinless, we will ultimately conquer sin to the glorify of God.
Show Notes:
Redemption Accomplished and Applied by John Murray
Blog Post:
Martyn Lloyd-Jones on Romans 6:
Scriptures mentioned:
Deuteronomy 21:22-23
Psalm 22:6-8
Psalm 22:12-21
Isaiah 53:1-3
Isaiah 53:4-6
Isaiah 53:7-9
Isaiah 53:10-12
Mark 10:37-38
Galatians 3:13-14
Romans 6:3-4
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Union with Christ III: The Origin of Our Union

Union with Christ doesn’t begin after we have reached a certain point of spiritual maturity. Jesus doesn’t wait until we know Him “well enough” to unite Himself with us. Our union with Him was decreed by the Father in eternity past and is experienced by every Christian from the moment of conversion, through every scene of life, upon death, and into our eternal rest.
Focusing on Ephesians 1:3-4, Dr. John Snyder and Acey Floyd put on their thinking caps (make sure to check out the YouTube channel!) to discuss this glorious mystery. Whether you want to use the word foreknowledge, predestination, or election, the reality the duo discusses this week is like a mountain whose peaks are obscured by clouds too high for us to see clearly. We cannot understand every aspect of it. However, God has revealed enough for us to know His choosing is sourced solely in Himself.
This gracious choosing of the Father should drive us to worship Him and tell every person united to Adam to turn to Christ as their only hope.
Show Notes:
Redemption Accomplished and Applied by John Murray
Blog Post:
Scripture to meditate on after this podcast:
Luke 22:22
Acts 2:23
Acts 4:27-28
1 Peter 1:2
Ephesians 2:8-10
2 Timothy 1:9
John 6:37
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Union with Christ II: The Nature of Our Union

The Scriptures are filled with metaphors and descriptions of the Christian’s union with Christ. Each of them expresses a different reality of that union. But even with all the words dedicated to explaining and describing that union, it still holds a mystery that escapes even the best theologians.
But the existence of the mystery should not stop us from taking our time to study, examine, and meditate on our union with Christ. In fact, it should motivate us. So this week, Dr. John Snyder and Acey Floyd spent time doing exactly that, discussing what we can know of our union with the second Person of the Trinity.
We pray this episode will lead you to a time of sweet worship and communion with our Savior and Redeemer, Jesus Christ.
Show Notes:
Redemption Accomplished and Applied by John Murray
Blog Post:

Union with Christ I: The Most Important Word

Dr. John Snyder is joined this week by Acey Floyd, co-elder of Christ Church New Albany and Media Gratiae’s Office Manager, to start a new series discussing the Christian’s union with Christ. This doctrine is central to the letters of Paul in the New Testament and should therefore be central in our lives.
Union with Christ can be seen as the central hub of the wheel that is the Christian life. If we put that hub as anything else, the wheel will become warped and our progress will be slowed.
For this first episode, John and Acey focus on the Who we are united to. We are united to the only Being in history to have two distinct natures. Jesus Christ is truly the Godman. If He is not God, as some have claimed, our union with Him would be worthless. If He is not human, as others have claimed, our union with Him would be impossible.
Show Notes:
Redemption Accomplished and Applied by John Murray
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The Hope Project with Jeremy Walker

Jeremy Walker, pastor of Maidenbower Baptist Church in Crawley, England (a town just south of London) is a long-time friend of Media Gratiae. We turn to him when we have difficult questions and value his wisdom and godliness.
Several months ago, while Jeremy was preaching in Lusaka, Zambia, he was approached by a man who was burdened for the orphans on the streets of Lusaka. This man had been seeking a way to help educate, evangelize, and disciple these children. After a short conversation, Jeremy understood the need and decided he had to become involved in the ministry himself.
Currently, The Hope Project is seeking to provide education so the children can learn to read Scripture for themselves. While meeting their spiritual needs, the team behind The Hope Project is also working to meet their physical needs.
We pray this special episode of our podcast will pique your interest, and you will begin praying for The Hope Project. If the Lord enables you to financially support the ministry, a link to where you can do that is provided below.
Show Notes:
Project Hope
Go Fund Me – Help the Hope Project Care for Vulnerable Children
Learn more about The Hope Project here:
See more from Jeremy Walker here:
From the Heart of Spurgeon:
A Word in Season:
Through the Eyes of Spurgeon:

The Power of a Consistent Life III: The Oxymoronic Nature of Christianity

This week, Dr. John Snyder and Teddy James will wrap up our series on a talk given by Hudson Taylor to several missionaries in the late 19th century. His main emphasis throughout the talk was the significance of the missionaries living a life that aligns with their teaching.
While we are focused on living consistent lives, we also have to be aware of the contradictory nature of the Christian life. But the contradictions aren’t between teaching and life. They are between what is happening to us and how we respond.
As Paul says in 2 Corinthians 6:8-10, “We are treated as impostors, and yet are true; as unknown, and yet well known; as dying, and behold, we live; as punished, and yet not killed; as sorrowful, yet always rejoicing; as poor, yet making many rich; as having nothing, yet possessing everything.”
So, as we strive for consistency in our lives, let us also embrace those contradictions the Lord brings for the glory of His name and the growth of His kingdom on earth.
And if you haven’t taken the time to read Hudson Taylor’s short talk to his missionaries, let us encourage you to do so at the link below. We pray you will find it beneficial.
Show Notes:
Days of Blessing in Inland China: Being an Account of Meetings Held in the Province of Shan-Si
Hudson Taylor Biography
Poor Richard
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The Power of a Consistent Life II: We Commend Ourselves

This week we continue discussing a talk Hudson Taylor gave to a group of missionaries in the late 1800s. His talk was grounded in 2 Corinthians 4:1-2 and focused on the importance of leading a life consistent with the teachings of Christ.
There is so much to highlight, Dr. John Snyder and Teddy James couldn’t fit it all into one episode (or even two). So today they take a deep look at what it means to commend oneself to the world. We do not do so to bring glory to ourselves, but to show the world our message is true and can be lived upon.
There are other fruits beyond evangelism. By living in the power of Christianity before those we love, we protect them from false teachers. Heresies are not powerful enough to live upon. Only the gospel is. So if we want to teach others the true gospel and give them answers to the false teachings, we must lead holy lives.
Show Notes:
Days of Blessing in Inland China: Being an Account of Meetings Held in the Province of Shan-Si
Hudson Taylor Biography
Poor Richard
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The Power of a Consistent Life, pt 1

Hudson Taylor is no stranger to anyone who has been through a Media Gratiae study. He was a pioneer missionary to inland China and founded the Inland China Mission. There is a great deal we could say about his life and ministry, but Dr. John Snyder and Teddy James wanted to spend the next two weeks walking through a particular talk Taylor gave to his missionaries in the 1880s.
The talk is recorded in “Days of Blessing in Inland China” and the story of its creation is worth noting, as John does in the podcast. But the heart of his focus is 2 Corinthians 4:1-2 where Paul is teaching that Christians do not have to rely on the same tools and deceitful approaches of the world for success. We do not have to alter the truth of the gospel to affect change. We use His means and trust His hand.
While Taylor’s talk is aimed at missionaries, his applications speak to the pastor, the Sunday school teacher, the parent, or the Christian friend witnessing to a lost soul. Because we wanted to give a brief biography of Taylor in this episode, we only get through the first major point of his talk. We will finish it next week. If you would like to read it for yourself, find the link below.
Show Notes:
Days of Blessing in Inland China: Being an Account of Meetings Held in the Province of Shan-Si
Hudson Taylor Biography
Poor Richard
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Trusted with God’s Words VII: Our Great Example, pt 2

his is the final episode of our series focusing on Christians fulfilling our responsibility to speak God’s words carefully, accurately, and timely.
We started last week looking at our ultimate example in our Lord Jesus Christ. He perfectly spoke the words the Father gave Him to speak. He spoke comforting words to the hurting, convicting words to the lost, and glorifying words to the Father. We are called to do the same.
But how was He able to do that? This week Dr. John Snyder and Teddy James look at the tools Jesus used to learn how to glorify God in His life. How did He know what would please His Father? How did He know the words to say, the path to walk? It wasn’t a mystical, magical power. He didn’t have a secret antenna through which He heard the Father speak. He had the same Scriptures, the same prayer, and the same indwelling Holy Spirit available to us. Now, He was able to study with an uncorrupted mind and heart. But He had a fully human mind and heart, the same as us. How can we know those things will be enough for us? Because God promises they will be.
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