Media Gratiae

Trusted with God’s Words VI: Our Great Example, pt 1

In what was supposed to be our final episode of the current series, John and Teddy are in the studio again discussing the type of person who can be trusted with God’s words.
The conversation begins by asking how we should view conversations on the Internet. Are we commanded as Christians to answer every question we see on social media? Are we to respond to every criticism of Christianity? Or are we merely adding to the noise by doing so?
After this, John and Teddy move to the central point of the episode: following the pattern of Christ in being a person entrusted with God’s words. Jesus had the perfect word for every situation. He knew how to apply the Scriptures to every circumstance. And He spoke experientially, not from secondhand knowledge. This is an important distinction.
But is His path one that a redeemed sinner can walk? Can a believer in today’s world have such wisdom and speak such words? The answer is yes. We will not do it perfectly, but we can do it faithfully.
Though we hoped to make this the final episode, there was too much to say for a 30-minute conversation, so we decided to add one more. Next week, we will conclude the series by diving deeper into Jesus’s path and how we are to follow in His footsteps.
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Trusted with God’s Words V: Two Vital Questions

See the new study here:
We have spent the last four episodes dealing with the types of people God will and will not entrust with His words. But how can we, a fallen, weak, and sinful people know that we are capable of accomplishing the tasks or delivering the messages God has entrusted to us?
God leads His children to difficult, and even impossible, situations every day. This is nothing new. In this week’s episode, Dr. John Snyder and Teddy James come together again to share three such examples from Scripture.
God led Moses, a man of slow speech, to deliver the Israelites out of Egypt. He chose David, the leader of a weak nation, to devote materials for the building of the Temple. He chose Paul, a blasphemer and murderer, to become an Apostle and missionary to the Gentiles.
Each of these men had to ask two vital questions: Who am I? and Who is sending me to accomplish this task?
Those are the questions every Christian must ask throughout the day-to-day tasks of life. Whether we are in the midst of the mundane or overwhelmed by the impossible, we must keep in mind Who it is that sends us, and who it is we are in Him.
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Trusted with God’s Words IV: Do Not Remove Your Word

We have been discussing the type of person God has and will entrust His Word and His messages to. These are those who do not turn a blind ear to the truths of God, those who find application to HIs Word in their lives, those who repent when truth shines light on sins. We have also discussed those who God will not trust with His words. Those who harbor idols, those who have the form of religion without the power.
This week we take a look at a strange passage of Scripture, Psalm 119: 43, “And do not take the word of truth utterly out of my mouth, for I wait for Your Ordinances.”
It is as though you have had the words of God on the tip of your tongue, but now they escape you. You know the best words that are right for the person in front of you, or even for your own soul, but now you can’t find them. We can find this happening in our praise, in our prayer, in our evangelism, and more.
So how do we turn this request from the Psalmist into our own prayer, and what do we do if we have found the Lord has removed His word from our mouths? Dr. John Snyder and Teddy discuss these realities in this week’s episode.
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Trusted with God’s Words III: When God Won’t Speak

This week Dr. John Snyder and Teddy James are continuing our series on looking at the people God entrusts with His words. Though we spent the last two episodes examining the type of people God does entrust with His words, this week we examine the negative example. In Ezekiel 14, and 33, we see a scene where idolators are coming to the prophet to hear a word from the Lord and God refuses to speak to them because they have idols in their hearts.
A natural question that arises from this passage is what an idol actually is and how can we identify idols in our lives?
The duo follow these Old Testament examples with Paul’s letter to the Colossians where Paul tells the saints there to let the Word of God dwell richly in them. God will trust His Word to people who will not limit its access into their lives.
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Trusted with God’s Words II: Leave No Ground Unplowed

very Christian wants have the right words to deliver to their family, friends, children, coworkers, and fellow church members. We want to speak timely truths in love. But some things can hinder this and make our words weightless.
Last week Dr. John Snyder introduced us to our new series and this week he is joined by Teddy James, the guy who belongs behind the camera. They discuss the reality that if we want to be a people who are listened to by those we love, we must be a people who listen well. That means primarily two things:
First, we must be active listeners to God. Whether it is reading Scripture, participating in a sermon on Sunday morning, or having a spiritual conversation with others we must win the battle of actively listening, rather than being passive and lazy.
Second, we must do the hard work of plowing up our lives to make room for the truths of Scripture. How much of the sermon you heard on Sunday has found application in your life? How are you living on and applying what God showed you in your morning devotion? Do not leave truth unapplied in your life.
For reading and meditation:
Psalm 111:10
Matthew 25:14-30
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Trusted with God’s Words I: Who Does God Speak To and Through?

This week we begin a new series discussing the weight of our words. We will focus particularly on speaking weighty words. We have the words of Scripture, which are the most important words to read and speak. But we’ve all had the experience of listening to someone teach or preach Scripture and we feel as though listening to them is optional. Their words are weightless.
So what gives weight to a person’s words? It is the fact they have been entrusted by God. In this series, John Snyder will be joined by Teddy James to discuss what makes a person trustworthy with God’s messages. This is something special that goes beyond hermeneutics. It is a particular help that only comes after we have done the hard work of studying and applying Scripture to our lives.
Can your family, your church, your community afford to have you speak good and true things but without the weight and effectiveness that only God can give? The simple answer is no. But how do we pursue that gifting from God?
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The Martyn Lloyd-Jones Trust II: Interview with Greg Jones

Last week we teased an interview Teddy had with Greg Jones, president of the Martyn Lloyd-Jones Trust. This week we can deliver it to you.
During the discussion, Greg and Teddy discuss the purpose and mission of the MLJ Trust, where Greg would recommend people begin with Dr. Lloyd-Jones’ sermons, and how you can pray for the team behind the trust and the work they do.
We pray the episode is a particular blessing to you. Make sure to check out their website, apps, youtube channel, and more.
The MLJ Trust website:
The MLJ Trust App (Android):
The MLJ Trust App (iOS):
YouTube Channel:
Martyn Lloyd-Jones Two-Volume Biography:
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The Martyn Lloyd-Jones Trust I: An Introduction

Sometimes we make plans for a podcast and then have to change them after we finish recording. Such was the case this week.
Earlier last week, Teddy filmed an interview with Greg Jones, president of the Martyn Lloyd-Jones Trust. Because we wanted to properly introduce the MLJ Trust to you John jumped into the studio for a “10-minute introduction” that lasted over 30 minutes.
We thought the discussion was so good and hopefully would whet your appetite for more, we decided to split everything into two episodes. So this week, we present to you Dr. John Snyder and Teddy James discussing the MLJ Trust and the impact Dr. Lloyd-Jones has had on the two of them. Next week we will present the interview with Greg Jones.
In case you don’t want to wait until next week for all the pertinent links teased in the episode:
The MLJ Trust website:
The MLJ Trust App (Android):
The MLJ Trust App (iOS):
YouTube Channel:
Martyn Lloyd-Jones Two-Volume Biography:
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When Theology and Experience Collide with Ian Hamilton

Earlier this month Ian Hamilton came to the office of Media Gratiae to begin production on a new study focusing on genuine discipleship. While he was in town, we asked him to preach at Christ Church New Albany.
His chosen text was Psalm 44 and he focused on the seasons of life when our theology and life experience seem to be at odds with one another. How should we pray when overwhelemed by life’s problems? How should we worship when all seems hopeless?
We as a team and as a church found his sermon warm, encouraging, convicting, and most importantly, Christ exalting. We share it with you praying it will be a blessing to your soul.
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When All Means All

Last week John took a look at John the Baptist bringing doubts to Jesus Christ. It was the result of John’s study of Scripture not matching up with what he was seeing and expecting. So he brought doubts to Jesus.
This week, John Snyder is taking another look at Christ in a way that will, prayerfully, help us as we enter 2024. The central thought comes from Matthew 11, with Jesus saying, “Come to Me all who are weary and heavy-laden.” The problem with golden passages like this is that we are so familiar with them that we think we have mastered all the meanings and applications of the passage, but we certainly have not. So John seeks to add weight to the passage by examining it closer, particularly focusing on the little word “all.”
This word is incredibly important, weighty, and precious to those who have come to Christ. And it should be terrifying those who are independent and rebellious against the Savior who has stooped to offer salvation to them.
See the full study here:
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