Six Things I Hate about You
Recently Barb and I picnicked at a park on the edge of a beautiful lake. A sign near the water’s edge warned us not to enter the water because, this being Florida, “harmful bacteria and amoeba may be present.”
I’m not particularly tempted to swim in Florida lakes to begin with, but that’s largely because of the more visible dangers, such as alligators. And so I appreciate the integrity, whether forced or voluntary, of the park service to alert me to these more invisible threats.
It’s in that spirit, then, that I have created the following voluntary “warning label” for small churches. No doubt a broader one could be issued for the church in general, but those hazards are better known, more visible. My concern is for the hidden and often invisible dangers that particularly circulate around the smaller church. Those who walk through our doors should do so with their eyes wide open.
To that end, therefore, I offer the following. Feel free to use it, adapt it, or ignore it, as needed.
WARNING!We welcome you to our church.You should be aware, however,that attendance at and involvement in a smaller churchis associated with certain specific hazards.
1. You Will Not Be Able to Hide
You will find it a challenge to remain comfortably anonymous. When you visit you will stand out as someone new. If you don’t leave quickly, people are likely to approach you and talk to you. If you settle into the church and miss a Sunday, you might be pestered with texts or phone calls from those who missed you. In time, should a medical or family crisis occur in your life, it will be hard to conceal it. You will be known.