Ref Cast

Penal Substitutionary Atonement

In order for our sin to be dealt with, someone must face the penalty our sin deserves. Today, Barry Cooper points to the only One who is qualified to take our sin upon Himself and reconcile us to God. Read the transcript:

WWUTT 1391 Eager to Preach the Gospel (Romans 15:22-24)

Reading Romans 15:22-24, where Paul talks about his plans to come to Rome, and even go beyond Rome to Spain to preach the gospel, eager for the cause of Christ. Visit for all our videos!

WWUTT 1391 Eager to Preach the Gospel (Romans 15:22-24)

Reading Romans 15:22-24, where Paul talks about his plans to come to Rome, and even go beyond Rome to Spain to preach the gospel, eager for the cause of Christ. Visit for all our videos!


They guys are back talking about sanctification as they look at the Baptist Catechism Question 38. What exactly is sanctification, how does it work, and what role do we play in it?Baptist Catechism Q. 38Q. What is sanctification?A. Sanctification is the work of God’s free grace,⁠1 whereby we are renewed in the whole man after the image of God,⁠ and are enabled more and more to die unto sin, and live unto righteousness.RESOURCESThe Baptist CatechismA Scriptural Exposition of the Baptist Catechism by Benjamin BeddomeRead Beddome’s Exposition online for free here.Support this podcast at — Inquiries:

Personal Liberty, Part 1

Christ the Rock Church – Pastor Austin Hetsler Sermon recorded January 10, 2021.

Watch The Video Of This Episode:

Communion – LBCF Chapter 30

Here is an excerpt from my Thursday morning 1689 Study where I taught Chapter 30, paragraphs 7 & 8 of the London Baptist Confession of Faith on the Lord’s Supper.

KIDScast#85 Listener Question: Why Did God Let Satan Into The Garden?

Letting Satan Into The Garden

Have you ever wondered how Satan got into garden in the first place? Why would God do that? In this episode I answer questions from a couple young men about this topic.


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Song Credit:  Seeds Family Worship: “Let Him Ask God” , “Young”

Special Guest Tom Buck/1 Corinthians 1 and a Debate

A new MP3 sermon from Alpha and Omega Ministries is now available on SermonAudio with the following details:

Title: Special Guest Tom Buck/1 Corinthians 1 and a Debate
Subtitle: The Dividing Line 2021
Speaker: Dr. James White
Broadcaster: Alpha and Omega Ministries
Event: Podcast
Date: 2/25/2021
Length: 111 min.

Special Guest Tom Buck/1 Corinthians 1 and a Debate

A new MP3 sermon from Alpha and Omega Ministries is now available on SermonAudio with the following details:

Title: Special Guest Tom Buck/1 Corinthians 1 and a Debate
Subtitle: The Dividing Line 2021
Speaker: Dr. James White
Broadcaster: Alpha and Omega Ministries
Event: Podcast
Date: 2/25/2021
Length: 111 min.

WWUTT 1390 Q&A Dividing a Portion, Fleeing from Satan, and Plurality Eldership

Responding to questions from listeners about what Isaiah 53:12 means about dividing a portion, how to flee from Satan and cling to Christ, and some brief comments about having plurality eldership. Visit for all our videos!

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