Ref Cast

WWUTT 1382 The God of Endurance and Encouragement (Romans 15:4-5)

Reading Romans 15:4-5 where we are reminded of the encouragement we receive from God’s word, for He is the God of endurance and encouragement. Visit for all our videos!

WWUTT 1382 The God of Endurance and Encouragement (Romans 15:4-5)

Reading Romans 15:4-5 where we are reminded of the encouragement we receive from God’s word, for He is the God of endurance and encouragement. Visit for all our videos!


If you are a believer in Jesus Christ, you have full access to the Creator and can approach Him without fear of being destroyed. Today, Barry Cooper expresses how Jesus, our Great High Priest, has atoned for our sin and intercedes on our behalf. Read the transcript:

John Piper and the Fire in the Attic

Check out Doug’s book Standing on the Promises in the Canon app: 

WWUTT 1381 Christ Did Not Please Himself (Romans 15:3)

Reading Romans 15:3, that we may grow in our understanding the instruction of God to care for one another in the body of Christ, as Christ has cared for us. Visit for all our videos!

WWUTT 1381 Christ Did Not Please Himself (Romans 15:3)

Reading Romans 15:3, that we may grow in our understanding the instruction of God to care for one another in the body of Christ, as Christ has cared for us. Visit for all our videos!

Why God Hates Illegal Immigration

On this episode of Polemics Report for February 11, 2021, JD answers sincere questions from his listeners, mostly about ecclesiastical or church issues as members struggle with their church’s bad polity. He covers 3 news stories from the day on Critical Theory and “Whiteness” before explaining in quite some detail why God hates illegal immigration and Christians should oppose it. 

WWUTT 1380 Q&A Unlocking Church Lockdowns, Removing Divisive Men, Jesus On Evolution

Responding to questions from listeners about when to open churches back up, removing divisive men from your church who aren’t members, and what Jesus would have said about evolution. Visit for all our videos!

WWUTT 1380 Q&A Unlocking Church Lockdowns, Removing Divisive Men, Jesus On Evolution

Responding to questions from listeners about when to open churches back up, removing divisive men from your church who aren’t members, and what Jesus would have said about evolution. Visit for all our videos!

Conversion Bills, Great Reset News, Romans 13 Revisited

A new MP3 sermon from Alpha and Omega Ministries is now available on SermonAudio with the following details:

Title: Conversion Bills, Great Reset News, Romans 13 Revisited
Subtitle: The Dividing Line 2021
Speaker: Dr. James White
Broadcaster: Alpha and Omega Ministries
Event: Podcast
Date: 2/11/2021
Length: 88 min.

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