Ref Cast

WWUTT 1349 Do Not Walk the Path of the Wicked (Proverbs 4:15-27)

Reading Proverbs 4:15-27 and understanding the practical wisdom that is given there, that we may not walk in wickedness but in righteousness. Visit for all our videos!

Time to Change

The guys look forward to 2021 and discuss the changes they are making in their lives to honor God, serve others, and enjoy life. Plus, Jimmy declines Latin, and Joe is fat shamed.Support this podcast at — Inquiries:

Biblical Marital Submission | BTWN #394

Biblical Marital Submission with Pastor Michael Coughlin

Michael Coughlin joins BTWN to discuss what the scriptures actually say about wives submitting to their husbands.

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Make Hate Speech Great Again

Check out the newest entry in the Christian Heritage series: 

WWUTT 1348 Live Peaceably With All (Romans 12:17-18)

Reading Romans 12:17-18 and understanding how we are to live in a world of people who hate God and hate those who are pursuing godliness. Visit for all our videos!

Cracked Nipples Don’t Make You a Pastor

On the episode for December 28, 2020, JD is back from “vacation” and ready to talk polemics. After sharing the Gospel, JD launches into an explanation for why Albert Mohler got “Worst Christian of 2020” award from Protestia (he’s been sent a trophy with a goat atop, per our annual tradition). He then discusses numerous topics, including Jonathan Merritt RT’ing a poem and woman who claims that women are uniquely qualified to be a pastor because breastfeeding gives them cracked nipples (we kid you not). JD also gives an Ode to Ken Fryer, who passed away into glory. And then, JD answers some patron’s questions and explains why people missing church for COVID-19 should be disciplined. 

Jofo's Recos

Here’s a bonus episode for everyone where the guys share some of their recommendations for the new year. What book rocked their worlds in 2020 that they would recommend? What books are they most excited about being released in 2021? Recommended apps? Recommended TV shows? And more. Plus, Joe gives Jimmy his Christmas present, and Jimmy can’t stop making The Office references.Support this podcast at — Inquiries:

WWUTT 1347 Weep With Those Who Weep (Romans 12:15-16)

Reading Romans 12:15-16 and understanding the context of “Rejoice with those who rejoice, and weep with those who weep,” that we remember to “associate with the lowly.” Visit for all our videos!


This word of praise erupts out of the final chapters of the book of Psalms and of the book of Revelation. Today, Barry Cooper explores a word that calls us to marvel at the self-sustaining, eternally existing, utterly transcendent nature of God. Read the transcript:

Special Providence and the Problem of Answered Prayer

Want to make this New Year your most fruitful yet? Pick up Ploductivity: 

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