Ref Cast

Redskins & White Lesbians | BTWN #392

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A Land Where Nobody Smiles

How should Christians approach politics? Should we flee? Should we buy Politicians? Get a political breath of fresh air when you crack open Empires of Dirt by Douglas Wilson:

WWUTT 1261 There is No Condemnation? (Romans 8:1)

Reading Romans 8:1, where on the tail end of talking about sanctification in chapter 7, the Spirit reminds believers that there is no condemnation for those who are in Christ. Visit for all our videos!

The 1689 on the Resurrection of the Dead (31.2, 3)

Here comes the JoFo talking about the resurrection of the dead from the 1689 Confession, chapter 31. When does the resurrection of the dead take place? What about those who are alive when Christ returns? Why is this such an important aspect of eschatology, and why is eschatology itself important for the Christian life?Support this podcast at — Inquiries:


Watch this podcast as recorded live on Youtube:

The BTWN “other” youtube channel Tim mentioned here:

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Faith Is Not Blind | Jeff Kliewer Joins BTWN | #390

Watch this podcast as recorded live on Youtube:

The BTWN “other” youtube channel Tim mentioned here:

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Failure And Forgiveness

Christ the Rock Church – Pastor Austin Hetsler Sermon recorded June 30, 2020.

Watch The Video Of This Episode:

Sunday Sermon: Boldness In Christ (Acts 4:1-31)

Pastor Gabriel Hughes pauses in our series on the Sermon on the Mount to preach from Acts 4:1-31 about having boldness in Christ, especially within our present day. Visit for more info about our church!

Open Air Meets Black Lives Matter

In late June, 2020, I met up with Joe Conkle, Mike Stockwell, Anthony Silvestro, and a few other dear saints to evangelize the lost in Columbus, OH. We intended to preach and evangelize at a “Luciferian March” that we never found. What we found was a Black Lives Matter protest.
Here is the audio of our time there. Note: there are non-Christians in the audio using blasphemy and profanity so listen with caution and know your surroundings.

WWUTT 1260 Q&A My Apologies, Missing Sermons, Greek Love, Romans Judgment, Dark Ages?

Responding to questions from listeners about missing sermons on the podcast, different Greek words for love, whether America is under Romans 1 judgment, and Christians in the Dark Ages. Visit for all of our videos!

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