Ref Cast

Religious exemption to mask mandates?

As elementary school students return to school this year, many states are requiring them to wear masks unless they have a religious objection to such a mandate. I have already been asked by several parents for my thoughts on such a thing. Now, generally I want to leave medicine to doctors, science to scientists, and politics to politicians (and in the case of mask mandates for little children, it honestly is hard to tell where one of those groups ends and the other begins). However, since the government is allowing religious opting out, that is my wheel house.

This post is an argument for why, if you are in a state that allows religious opting out of mask mandates for children, you should opt out—even if you want your kids to wear a mask. It is not a post denying the reality of COVID, nor is it a post about vaccines. It is not a post that is comparing persecution by the Taliban to mask mandates.

It is a post meant to help parents think through the religious implications and convictions behind ceding to the state the authority to tell little kids to wear a mask all day at school.  

Let me start by asking in religious terms, what is the purpose of education? How you answer that question will help you understand the nature of a potential religious objection to mask mandates.

I answer that question by saying that the purpose of education is to “study reality as a manifestation of God’s glory, to speak about it with accuracy, and to savor the beauty of God in it.” That definition is not mine, but borrowed from Piper’s God’s Passion for His Glory (p. 43; link takes you to a free PDF version). That kind of devotion to reality is at odds with world systems. The world’s approach to education is to dissuade people from finding their satisfaction in the gospel, and instead promise safety and satisfaction through politics, work ethic, or personal self-worth. Thus, the world’s education will be “wrong, because [it] knows neither the Scriptures nor the power of God” (Mark 12:24).

A Christian approach to education should give children the foundation they need to grow up to be different than the world. We want to make Daniels, who disregard the king’s edict and throw open the window to pray. We want to make people like Moses, who count it a privilege to suffer with God’s people rather than enjoy the comforts of home. We want Rahabs, who are willing to defy the mandates of the city in order to side with God’s people. We want Abrams, who receive more joy from God’s glory than they do from familiarity with their world.

Now, if you have that as the goal, how you get there is key. It is a critical component of Christian education that children learn that the world view that they are being taught is more significant—indeed more true, if there is such a phrase—than the world views of society. Cultural conformity is not a virtue.

Mask mandates don’t correspond to reality

With that said, consider mask mandates for children. They do not appear scientifically based. I know scientists say “masks are an effective way of stopping the spread of COVID,” but that is very different than saying what the scientists say corresponds to reality. This requires nuance. Do you understand the difference between science says and scientists say?

I don’t want to tread too far into verboten territory here, but the idea that mask mandates for little children are political theatre should be evident. I am not talking about mask mandates for adults, and I am not talking about mask mandates for airplanes. I’m talking about places like Virginia, where initially the mask mandate was for kids over 12, then it became 7, then it became 2. Those changes did not come with any corresponding “science.” There were not studies on the spread of COVID to arrive at the age of 12. When COVID was rising a year ago, many states adopted mask mandates for age 12 and up, and we were told that if we complied, they would go away. But rather than COVID going away, it raged out of control despite the mask mandates. How did governments respond? Well most of them simply lowered the mask mandate’s age, as if those unmasked 7 year-olds were why it was out of control. In Virginia it dropped from 12 to 7, then finally to 2. It did so without research, studies, or any evidence whatsoever other than the assertion that “science says.” That’s what I mean by “political theatre.”

Speaking of politics, these mandates are becoming more and more evident in blue states, but not in red states. Why? I am not asking that question from a “mask-denying” perspective, but am literally asking that question: why do mandates for little kids follow the political make up of an area? Could it be that these mandates are more world-view oriented than scientific?

And, while we are on that question, it is also worth asking if mask mandates have been effective at “slowing the spread.” There is plenty of research showing that COVID rates follow patterns, and those patterns are pretty much consistent regardless of masking. Nations without masking follow the same patterns as nations with. Hawaii (strict masks) and Texas (no mandates) follow the same curves. To reference back to how we described the purpose of education, mask mandates for children as a means of slowing the spread of COVID does not match reality.

Again, let me stress the nuance here. I’m not arguing overtly against masks, but against mask mandates for children. That is a huge and critical difference that I hope is clear, and leads to the next part of this religious objection to mandates. I visited one school recently for a sports practice that required masks on little kids. But when the kids went to recess, all the students put their masks in a shared basket. Then, after recess, they all fished their masks out to go back to class. It was an incredible scene to watch, and if you think your kindergartener’s mask is more sanitary than that…well, if you have a kindergartener, you already know it isn’t.

My point is that these mandates, despite all of the “experts” agreeing on their efficacy, don’t actually correspond with the world as it is. Some parents might say “I don’t think the mask mandates for kids do anything, but at the same time, we should just go along with it, because we don’t have a religious objection.” But I’m saying that is a huge problem in Christian education. If you are teaching kids to comply with a mandate that does not correspond to the real world (especially when the state lets you opt out), that in and of itself is the big deal. I’m not saying it should be a matter of martyrdom—don’t die over masks. Don’t’ get thrown out of stores (or schools, for that matter). But if the stores (or schools, for that matter) allow you to opt out for a religious conviction, then the mandate’s lack of correspondence to reality is that religious conviction. The uniquely Christian purpose of education to teach kids a vision of the world that corresponds to reality.

Ephesians 6:4 teaches that it is the family’s job to raise their children, not the state’s

In the Christian family, fathers are supposed to “raise [their] children in the discipline and instruction of the Lord,” and children are supposed to “obey [their] parents,” so that they may “live long in the land” (Ephesians 6:4, 1). While the phrase “discipline of the Lord” may sound benign, there is an entire world view behind it that is relevant today.

In the Greco-Roman world, that word translated in Ephesians 6:4 as discipline was a critical world-view level word. In the New Testament era, the Romans continued the Greek tradition of believing that it was the state’s job to “discipline” children. Don’t confuse this with parents spanking their children—that’s not what this word describes. Rather, it describes the kind of cultural discipline required to function well in society. Think “discipline” as in “military discipline.” In the Greco-Roman world, it was the state’s function to instill those social norms in children. TDNT (a Greek dictionary) describes the word translated discipline this way:

“Even ideas about family education in the classical period are mostly presented as demands of the legislator. For strictly all education is a public affair. At issue in discipline is the relations of man to the polis (political element of society), and…the indissoluble tension between man’s freedom and the claim of society… Political education (in the Greek Empire) is introduction into the political relation created by the legislator. Thus the state attains to radical superiority over the individual; [in this vision] education is fully a matter for the state.”TDNT paideuo

Into that world, Paul tells fathers the opposite. He pierces the loyalty educators have to the state, and instead claims that it falls to the family to instill into their children the kind of discipline that will prepare them to function well in the world God created. My eyes often just glide through Ephesians 6:4 but it is helpful to remember that Paul is saying “Fathers, it falls to you to make sure your family understands reality for the glory of the Lord. Don’t give that burden away to the state!”

To be clear, I’m not even particularly arguing against masks. If you have done the research, and you want your children to wear a mask at school, then by all means have them wear a mask at school. If they are the only kid in a mask, tell them that it is a good reminder that they are being obedient to their parents, and that obedience will give them a longer life than the mask will (Ephesians 6:3). Own your decision, and teach them that they can be a Daniel by doing what their parents tell them to do, not because the state says so, but because Mom and Dad say so. Religiously opt out of the mandate, and then have your kid mask up.

But whether you want your kids to mask up or not, I hope you agree that it falls to parents to say “God has made me responsible for my children’s wellbeing and safety; I do not want them to be pawns in some sort of political game. God gave my children to me, I will decide if they should mask up at school, according to the authority God has given me in Ephesians 6:1-4, and for that reason I have a sincerely held religious belief that precludes me from having my kids participate in this mask mandate.”

If you are in a place with a mask mandate and God has providentially provided a way for you comply without violating your conscience or neglecting your parental responsibilities, and without provoking the state, then you should avail yourself of it.

At the advice of attorneys from the Liberty Counsel, if you are opting out for religious reasons, and you are in a state that allows you to opt out for religious convictions (like Virginia), then a simple notification to the school should suffice: “I have a sincerely held religious belief that, in accordance with the governor’s emergency order, allows my child to decline to wear a mask while at school.”

My Hiding Place (Part 1 of 2)

The Puritans described the book of Psalms as a “medicine chest for the soul.” But not everyone’s conscience is receptive to its healing power. Find out what it takes to cure the effects of sin when you join us on Truth For Life with Alistair Begg.


Three New Tools That Make a Huge Difference

Many years ago I discovered a set of tools and procedures that allowed me to be most productive. Since then, I have pretty much stuck with those same tools and with that same system, save for a few minor tweaks here and there. (See Do More Better)

In the past year, though, I have discovered a few new tools that have swiftly made a big difference to my life. These have not replaced any of my existing tools, but instead settled in alongside them. Knowing that some of my readers are interested in such things, I thought I’d share about them. The first two pertain to reading, retaining, and engaging with information while the third pertains to time management.
Roam Research
Roam Research is a note-taking tool that allows you to enter, organize, and then re-discover information. It is, I suppose, a tool for personal knowledge management. Some call it their “second brain.” It has proven truly life-changing for me and I keep it open at all times.
I have long used Evernote to store notes, receipts, and other important information, and it follows a standard hierarchical method of putting notes in notebooks and notebooks in notebook stacks. It’s perfectly suited to that purpose. But what it doesn’t do well is relate one piece of information to another. This is where Roam Research comes into its own. It uses a non-hierarchical method of relating notes to one another with its “bi-directional links” creating relationships between related pieces of knowledge.
Consider, for example, this note I took while reading Carl Trueman’s The Rise and Triumph of the Modern Self:

The brackets and hyperlinking of “Philip Rieff” show that I can click on his name. This will open a page displaying all the other references to Rieff across the entirety of my Roam database—both the links I have made deliberately by employing those brackets and others one that I may have missed. These links may have come from books or articles I’ve read, articles I’ve written, podcasts I’ve listened to, or just about any other source of information. The same is true of “psychological man” and “safe place,” and could be true of any other word I care to bracket. If I do click on “Philip Rieff” I can see that I have also run into him and bracketed his name in Rod Dreher’s Live Not By Lies and the multi-authored Myth and Meaning in Jordan Peterson, and can read the contexts in which his name appeared.

Additionally, I can see a “graph view” which shows the relationships between terms. So, for a term like “Critical Social Justice,” I can see which resources and terms it most relates to.

Roam Research also has a daily notes function which is extremely useful in its own way. To be honest, though, it’s all quite hard to explain, so instead of writing thousands of words, I’ll link to a couple of explanatory articles and then suggest that you check it out, especially if you work in areas where relationships between knowledge could be helpful. And then be sure to read about Readwise and how it interacts with Roam. (Introductions to Roam: 1, 2; as an alternative, you can look at the similar app Obsidian)
Roam Research is free for 31 days, then has a moderate subscription fee. “Scholarships” are available to researchers, people under 22, and people in financial distress.
Readwise is an app designed to help you get the most out of your reading, and especially reading on the web or e-reader devices. Again, let me tell you how I use it so you can take that as a test case.
I read the great majority of my books on my Kindle. As I read, I highlight important passages. Readwise’s job is to collect those highlights and to do two things with them.
The first is to build a daily newsletter which is sent to me in the morning. This newsletter contains a selection of highlights from the books I have read in the past. It selects them randomly from all the books in my library, except the ones I have specifically unselected. I can weight some books as more important than others, or books I’ve read recently as more or less important than books I read a long time ago. These daily newsletters have been an extremely helpful mechanism for helping me re-encounter and retain the information from those books. I have Readwise send me 6 highlights per day and I take the time to read each one. It is 2-3 minutes well invested.

The second thing Readwise does is export all the highlights from my books into Roam Research. So what I highlight on my Kindle is automatically entered into Roam Research a few hours later. Here, for example, are some highlights from Theodore Cuyler’s How To Be a Pastor:

After the highlights get exported, I go through them briefly to bracket keywords (or add hashtags, which accomplishes the same thing). Each highlight includes the Kindle reference so I can easily navigate back to that spot in the book with a single click. If I read books the old-fashioned way, I can still add my highlights, but either have to type them in manually or use Readwise’s scanning function, which works middlingly well.
Readwise is free for 30 days, then has a modest subscription fee.
The final resource is an email app called Tempo. Its unique feature is that it delivers email in batches based on a customizable schedule. So for those who, like me, struggle with email self-control and seem unable to stop themselves from checking it all day and every day, Tempo allows you to determine the times of day at which it will fetch your email. This has proven to be exactly what I needed to wrestle back control over my email habits.

I have Tempo setup to check email in the early morning, at noon, and at the end of the workday. That is all I need and it works absolutely perfectly. It has other features as well, including a wonderfully minimal workspace, but batching is its best one. Its iPhone app is in beta, but works very well. Android and Windows support is coming in the future.
Tempo is free for 30 days, then requires a subscription.

WWUTT Q&A Our Refuge and Strength, Legacy Standard Bible, Lordship Salvation

Responding to questions from listeners about seeking peace from God in these days, reading from the Legacy Standard Bible, and if Lordship Salvation is biblical. Visit for all our videos!

A La Carte (August 20)

Grace and peace to you today, my friends.

There are just two Kindle deals this morning.
Logos users will find some good deals in the Back to School sale.
Afghanistan, the Pulpit, and the Myth of Progress
“If we’re to truly remember the world’s tragedies in our ministries, what we need to retrieve isn’t simply what our Christian forebears taught in their ministries. We need to also retrieve their sense of the world which lay behind their ministries – a sense that the world is unstable, violent, and harsh.”
Weakness May Be Your Greatest Strength
This is good and helpful: “It’s easy for us to see our strengths as assets. But most of us naturally consider our weaknesses as liabilities — deficiencies to minimize or cover up. But God, in his providence, gives us our weaknesses just as he gives us our strengths.”
Pain Will Not Have the Last Word
Sarah Walton says, “No one lives this life untouched. We all experience the brokenness and frailty of this world in one way or another. Whether we face daily disappointments, an aging body, a life-altering illness, abuse, broken relationships, or loss, the pain we experience becomes woven into the fabric of our lives. It changes us, sometimes leaving us with scars or a limp.”
“I’ll See You in Court!”
Jesse Johnson digs into the biblical prohibition about suing other Christians. “The business had workman’s comp insurance, but the insurance company was requiring that the injured worker’s personal insurance company file a claim in court in order to compel payment. The bottom line: in order to get covered, a believer (or his insurance company) would have to sue another believer (or his insurance company).”
Bethel, Jesus, and Dove Dung
Lionel Windsor shows just how awful some of the teaching is that’s emerging from Bethel. “Before I read the book, I was hoping to find something positive to be able to say. Anything. But I could find nothing. In short, as a believer in the Lord Jesus Christ, I found this book extremely disturbing (especially one part of it).”
How Difficult was the Book of Revelation’s Journey into the Canon?
Despite the uniqueness of the book of Revelation compared to the rest of the NT, its acceptance into the canon was not particularly tempestuous, as Michael Kruger shows here.
In the Quiet
Melissa reflects on the quiet in her home now that the kids have returned to school.
Flashback: Two Gifts You Give To Others in Your Sanctification
Your sanctification is a gift to others. Your continual growth in holiness is not something you emphasize merely for your own benefit or your own assurance, but something you pursue for the benefit of others.

God never made a soul so small that the whole world will satisfy it. —William Hendriksen

Is There a God?

Many people today claim that the world’s living creatures naturally developed on their own–with no help from a Creator. Today, R.C. Sproul and John Gerstner continue their mock debate by discussing the origins of the universe. Get the ‘Silencing the Devil’ and ‘Defending Your Faith’ Teaching Series’ on DVD for a Gift of Any Amount: Don’t forget to make your home for daily in-depth Bible study and Christian resources.

What is Gospel Culture?

On this episode of Polemics Report for August 17th, 2021, JD and David dig into the effeminate and false “gospel culture” promoted by Ray Ortlund and Sam Allberry via the Gospel Coalition. In the Patron portion, JD gets descriptive with his need for support with lawsuits he’s facing and goes a little deeper into the issue of Christians in public schools. 

A Las Vegas Road Trip DL

A new MP3 sermon from Alpha and Omega Ministries is now available on SermonAudio with the following details:

Title: A Las Vegas Road Trip DL
Subtitle: The Dividing Line 2021
Speaker: Dr. James White
Broadcaster: Alpha and Omega Ministries
Event: Podcast
Date: 8/18/2021
Length: 67 min.

A Las Vegas Road Trip DL

A new MP3 sermon from Alpha and Omega Ministries is now available on SermonAudio with the following details:

Title: A Las Vegas Road Trip DL
Subtitle: The Dividing Line 2021
Speaker: Dr. James White
Broadcaster: Alpha and Omega Ministries
Event: Podcast
Date: 8/18/2021
Length: 67 min.

Thursday, August 19, 2021

(0:0 – 11:7):
Are Americans Just Deciding Not to Work? It’s Vexing Economists — And Should Concern Us All

Will the Rich World’s Worker Deficit Last?

(11:8 – 21:4):
Chief Justice John Roberts Prediction Nears Fruition as Harvard Law Today Argues for the Legitimacy of Polyamory

Polyamory and the Law Harvard Law Today

(21:5 – 25:39):
Did God Create Disgust, or Is It an Evolutionary Trait Necessary for Survival? Worldview is Everywhere — Yes, Even in “Festival Toilet” Videos

Ever Feel Your Skin Crawling? Maybe You Can Thank Evolution.

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