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Make the West Christian Again?

In a recent interview with LBC host Rachel Johnson, Dawkins expressed concern about London’s growing numbers of Mosques, admitting, “If I had to choose between Christianity and Islam, I’d choose Christianity every single time.” Dawkins went on to say, “[Christianity] seems to me to be a fundamentally decent religion, in a way that I think Islam is not.”

Evolutionary biologist and raging atheist, Richard Dawkins, has made a career denigrating Christianity. But it seems the author of ‘The God Delusion’ may be slowly waking up to the fact that those who drive Christianity out of society are preparing the way for another religion.
In a recent interview with LBC host Rachel Johnson, Dawkins expressed concern about London’s growing numbers of Mosques, admitting, “If I had to choose between Christianity and Islam, I’d choose Christianity every single time.”
Dawkins went on to say, “[Christianity] seems to me to be a fundamentally decent religion, in a way that I think Islam is not.”
Dawkins’ concern is nothing new. Author Peter Hitchens has long been sounding that alarm. Back in 2018, in an interview on Conversations with host Vicky Warren, Hitchens warned that when militant atheists drive Christianity out of Europe, they will not create an atheist paradise in its place. Rather, it will leave a gap for Islam to fill.
According to Hitchens, the West’s material prosperity, military force, and anti-terror laws are not a reliable or sufficient defence against a rise in Islam.
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