Observations from Alistair Begg while Visiting Italy

Dear Friend,
I seem to recall a comment from the travel writer Paul Theroux that was along the lines of “When we travel, we not only see things, but we begin to see things from a different perspective.” It came to mind when I was asked about my reflections on our recent trip to Italy. The sunflowers had begun to bow their heads in anticipation of autumn. The vines were being harvested, and the olive trees were heavy-laden and preparing for the arrival of the workers in the groves. It is hard not to wish for the pace of life that seems to mark the routine tasks of the Tuscan hillsides.

Brand-New: ‘O Come, O Come, Emmanuel’ Devotional for Advent

Prepare for the coming of Christ this Christmas season using the newly published Advent devotional O Come, O Come, Emmanuel. This carefully curated collection of forty daily readings will guide you step-by-step through a rich daily worship experience from the beginning of Advent through Epiphany, which occurs on January 6.

10 Bible Verses about Jesus Christ

Matthew 16:13–16
“Now when Jesus came into the district of Caesarea Philippi, he asked his disciples, ‘Who do people say that the Son of Man is?’ And they said, ‘Some say John the Baptist, others say Elijah, and others Jeremiah or one of the prophets.’ He said to them, ‘But who do you say that I am?’ Simon Peter replied, ‘You are the Christ, the Son of the living God.’”

Wallpaper: Rock of Ages

“While I draw this fleeting breath,When mine eyes shall close in death,When I soar to worlds unknown,See Thee on Thy judgment throne,Rock of Ages, cleft for me,Let me hide myself in Thee.” “Rock of Ages,” Augustus M. Toplady

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The Marks of God-Given Ministry, Part Two: Purpose and Pleasure

In Colossians 1:24–2:5, the apostle Paul invites the Colossian believers to examine the shape of his ministry, his goals, and the pleasures he takes from his labor. In the face of false teachers among them, he lays down a spiritual plumb line against which we may measure a ministry’s legitimacy as we ask, “Whom has God really sent to us?” In other words, who should become a pastor, what should their work look like, and what should they hope to accomplish through it?

The Marks of God-Given Ministry, Part One: Calling, Message, and Method

In the first verse of Colossians 2, Paul writes to the church at Colossae, “I want you to know how great a struggle I have for you.” “Struggle” is an apt description of pastoral ministry. It captures the rigorous nature of this calling, and it will resonate with all whom God has set to the task.

Wallpaper: Sends Trials

October 23, 2023

“God often sends us trials so that our graces may be discovered and that we may be convinced of their existence.” —Charles Spurgeon

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(The Holy Bible, English Standard Version®), copyright © 2001 by Crossway, a publishing
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The “Respectable” Sin of Slander

James 4:11 addresses one of the “respectable sins”—that is, one of those behaviors that the Bible has so clearly condemned but that Christians by and large have learned to tolerate and sometimes even celebrate. We are prone to rage against what is wrong outside of our group while failing to pay attention to what is dreadfully wrong inside, turning a blind eye to our own sins because they are ours. Among these “respectable sins” is slander.

How Are We Saved? Read ‘The Beauty of Divine Grace’

Even if we’re believers, we might experience moments when we question, “Have I done enough?” or “Have I been good enough?” in order to feel secure in our salvation. The Beauty of Divine Grace challenges these insecurities and explores five essential truths about God’s role in salvation to help us grasp the depth of our total and complete reliance on God for eternal life.

Gift From Him : Wallpaper

October 16, 2023

“We need God to teach us that every day we have on earth is a gift from Him.” —Alistair Begg

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