The Bible’s Priorities for Godly Fathers

Men are often masters of delegation. Give them a task, and they can quickly assign just the right person to do it. A simple phone call? Let the office assistant make the connection. Household chore? One of the kids can get it done.
Delegation can be a wonderful thing—but what about abdication? What if we assign away our responsibilities?

10 Bible Verses on Marriage, Divorce, and Remarriage

Genesis 1:27“So God created man in his own image,  in the image of God he created him;  male and female he created them.”

What Exactly Does the Bible Teach about Marriage?

All marriages have challenges, because a union between two sinners—even a God-ordained union—isn’t going to be perfect. But encouragement from Gospel-Shaped Marriage: Grace for Sinners to Love like Saints will help you understand that a marriage’s greatest chance for success comes when both husband and wife adhere to God’s design.

The Fear of the Lord Is the Beginning of Education

Even in a time of tumult and uncertainty regarding education in our culture, the book of Proverbs remains a timeless course in wise living. It’s self-described purpose is for its readers “to know wisdom and instruction, to understand words of insight, to receive instruction in wise dealing, in righteousness, justice, and equity; to give prudence to the simple, knowledge and discretion to the youth” (Prov. 1:2–4). It teaches us what it means to walk the path God has appointed.

Wallpaper: That We Might Be Saved

June 13, 2022

“It’s not the Bible that saves us; it’s the Bible that makes us wise so that we might be saved.” — Alistair Begg

The New City Catechism

You’re likely familiar with the term catechism: a statement of faith or the study of Scriptural doctrine using the practice of group recitation. The earliest catechisms date all the way back to the first century. They were used to teach foundational beliefs to the early Christian church.

Who Is the Holy Spirit?

The subject of the Holy Spirit causes confusion for many people. Indeed, more nonsense seems to be spoken in relationship to the doctrine of the Holy Spirit than nearly any other Christian doctrine. So, if we wish to understand the Spirit’s identity and work, we must take special care to do so within the framework and controls of the Bible itself.

Wallpaper: Speaking to Us

June 06, 2022

“In the Scriptures, God was and is speaking to us. If you want to listen to God, open your Bible.” — Alistair Begg

The Gift of Singleness

Of all the worldly choices we will ever face, the decision about whether to marry, and then whom to marry, is as crucial as any. If we desire to shine as lights in a dark world, pointing toward Christ in every facet of life, is it fair to say that one way to do so is to embrace singleness? In order to answer that question adequately, we must pay careful attention to what the Bible teaches about the single state.

Alistair Begg on the Basics of Marriage

Dear Friend,
Learning how to swing a golf club successfully is not easy, but it is straightforward. One of my heroes, Byron Nelson, entitled his autobiography How I Played the Game. In 1945 he won 18 tournaments, 11 of them consecutively. The key to his success lay not in spectacular displays of individual talent but in his ability to “do the basics” well and with consistency. As in golf, so too in marriage: it is not easy, but it is straightforward, and learning to “do the basics” is vitally important.

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