How Can You Avoid Marital Failure? Read ‘Lasting Love’ by Alistair Begg

In a sea of many marriage books to choose from, Alistair Begg’s Lasting Love: How to Avoid Marital Failure will remind you that God’s heart and design for marriage is one of long-lasting joy. We live in a world of high divorce rates, but with God, failure is never final. Alistair’s balance of biblical foundation and practical advice will show you that marriage isn’t easy, but it is straightforward, and when you approach your relationship with the care of a gardener, you can experience a lasting, loving marriage.

A Word for Graduates: “Boast in This”

We live in a culture marked in many ways by self-promotion, selfism, and fierce individualism. For many, the ideal is to “be your best self,” to “live your best life.” It is to proclaim, “I am unique, and I will make much of my uniqueness. I define my own existence.” And as a new group of young adults graduates this year and embarks on life’s journey, commencement speakers are telling them things like this: “You are the most significant generation that has ever lived. You have gifts that can change the world. You have the opportunity to write your story, one day at a time.”

Wallpaper: Looking to Christ

“The man of faith has committed himself to the truth of Jesus, has assented to that truth, is no longer looking to himself or at himself but rather looking away from himself, looking to Christ.” — Alistair Begg

Don’t Forget about Jesus’ Ascension

Without the ascension, Christ’s nativity, passion, and resurrection would have been pointless. The ascension is the defining moment that marked the end of Jesus’ personal ministry on earth and the beginning of the Great Commission. Alistair Begg walks us through the Gospel plan, the Holy Spirit’s enabling power, and the personnel God uses to accomplish His purposes. As every believer joins in His mission, Jesus continues to reign from heaven, seeking the lost through weak, fearful servants like us.

Embracing Forgiveness

John Stott once wrote, “Forgiveness is as indispensable to the life and health of the soul as food is for the body.” Many people suffer from misery of the soul because they have withheld forgiveness or because it has been withheld from them. The words “I’m sorry” and “I forgive you” are painfully difficult to utter with sincerity. But this shouldn’t be true of God’s people! Indeed, a readiness to forgive is one of the markers that Jesus has given His church to show that it is set apart as His.

Wallpaper: Out Inmost Hearts

May 23, 2022

“If we have received Christ Himself in our inmost hearts, our new life will display its intimate acquaintance with Him by a walk of faith in Him.” — C.H. Spurgeon

Download (Free) “Lessons For Life: Biblical Wisdom for Young Adults”

Young men and women entering college or taking their first steps out into the working world will quickly find their faith put to the test. Contemporary influences encourage us to “live for the moment” and to “seize the day” without regard for eternal consequences. The pressure to thrive in a competitive society can lead to broken friendships and disappointments, even as it lures young adults away from devotion to Christ.

Jesus Came to Bring… Division?

On one occasion, Jesus asked, “Do you think that I have come to give peace on earth?” (Luke 12:51). Ask that question about Jesus to the average person today, and they will respond, “Well, yeah, of course!” Many people rightly understand that Jesus is a champion of love, forgiveness, and harmony. That’s why His own answer to the question is so surprising: “No, I tell you, but rather division.”

Evangelism: God’s Part and Ours

Evangelism and salvation are supremely God’s work. God created the world out of nothing; similarly, He is the one who gives us faith. And although we can imagine Him doing this with a simple “Let there be…” as in Genesis 1, that is not how He has chosen to work.

Wallpaper: He Who is Mighty

May 16, 2022

“He who is mighty has done great things for me, and holy is his name. And his mercy is for those who fear him from generation to generation.” Luke 1:49–50 (ESV)

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