Theocast - Reformed Theology

Narnia, the Reformation, and Hopelessness

Many of us, if we are honest, often live lives characterized by fear and hopelessness. This is the plight common to fallen man, true. But …

The Resting Heart Rate of the Christian Life (S|R)

Jon and Justin continue to talk about the inherently corporate nature of the Christian life, as well as how union with Christ produces unity in …

The Resting Heart Rate of the Christian Life

What is the resting heart rate of the Christian life? From a biblical and Reformed perspective, it is union with Christ. By faith, we are …

Have We Missed the Point of Church? (S|R)

Jon and Justin talk about plans for something called the Grace Reformed Network. The guys also consider more implications of a confessional perspective on church. …

Have We Missed the Point of Church?

Have we missed the point of church? From a Reformed, confessional perspective, it seems we have. In short, the point of church is the forgiveness …

A Guide to Deconstruction

There seem to be a number of people “deconstructing” these days–and by that we mean deconstructing the Christian faith and leaving it. At Theocast, we …

A Guide to Deconstruction (S|R)

The guys continue the conversation on deconstructing by speaking more to those in a confessional environment about the dangers of always having to be against …

More Than Forgiven

In our third of three episodes on the implications of covenant theology, Jon and Justin discuss the significance of the covenant of works as it …

More Than Forgiven (S|R)

Jon and Justin talk about the fallout produced by a denial of the covenant of works. The guys discuss final/future justification as a part of …

The Bible Is Not an Instruction Manual (S|R)

In our second of two episodes on the implications of covenant theology, Jon and Justin consider the purpose and point of the whole Bible. It’s …

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