Theocast - Reformed Theology

Stop Preaching the Pietism ‘Gospel’

If you are directed inwardly to find the comfort and assurance that Christ has saved you from your sin, you will be …

Biblicism and the Supernatural

Is the supernatural view of Genesis 6 a historic view or a new view in relation to church history? In this episode, …

Where Is Jesus in My Suffering? (w/ Mike Abendroth)

Today, it seems like if you are not suffering from some kind of ailment or cancer, you know someone who is or …

Reformed Theology and The Divine Council

A supernatural view of the Bible, and the history within it, helps bring even more clarity to covenant theology. The way God …

There Is No Power in the Law

Some of you are probably really concerned about this title, thinking we’ve gone too far. Well, we’re here to defend not ourselves, …

Common Struggles with “The gods”

How should we understand the word Elohim? What is the significance of idols in scripture? Are we espousing polytheism? We receive many …

Common Struggles with “The gods”

How should we understand the word Elohim? What is the significance of idols in scripture? Are we espousing polytheism? We receive many …

What Does America Need?

People often criticize us here at Theocast, saying that we are not concerned about society, the culture in which we live, or …

Demons, Spirits of the Giants?

Many will tell you that demons come from fallen angels, but is this true? Several pieces of scripture point towards a different …

Psalm 1 Is NOT About You

One of the most famous Psalms that nearly everyone reads is Psalm 1. Jon and Justin want to highlight the distinction between …

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