Tim Challies

A La Carte (September 2)

Here’s some news: Westminster Books has received their shipment of Seasons of Sorrow and has decided to ship it right away. So if you ordered from them, the book should be on its way. They have also made it their deal of the week so it’s a good time to order.

One Audiobooks has a free copy of Anne of Green Gables if you’d like it. (It’s still and always one of my favorite novels.)
Today’s Kindle deals include Dane Ortlund’s Deeper among others.
The “Good, Better, and Best” of Worship
“Throughout church history, there has been a tendency for serious, theologically-minded believers (and we should all want to be serious, theologically-minded believers) to fall into the trap of being overly critical of the way in which other believers approach the adiaphora circumstances of worship.” This is most certainly true.
For this Purpose I Raised You Up
“When we read God’s statement in scripture where he says, ‘For this very purpose I have raised you up,’ commonplace religion has conditioned us always to expect the reason to be something positive for the person addressed.” But in what context does God use those words?
Money’s Not the Problem
“He sat in front of me, bitter and discouraged. His view of his life was that he had been dealt a bad hand. He hated the comfortable lifestyle of so many people around him, and he had long since given up any practical belief in the goodness of God. He had started out our time together by saying this: ‘I’m here to get your advice because my wife told me to get help or she would leave, but I don’t want you to talk to me about God.’”
There’s lots to think about in this article from Jake Meador as he considers Rod Dreher’s argument that it’s time for a moral panic.
If we don’t understand how people actually live, our solutions won’t really appeal
I suppose that’s common sense. But I think it’s still good to consider.
After Church Discipline: Comfort After Removing a Loved One from Membership
“With a heavy heart, I walked into the church building knowing what was about to take place. As a church, we were gathering together to exercise the final step of church discipline: removal from membership. When the call to vote came, I cast my head down and raised my hand to vote for removal.”
Flashback: The First Two Minutes Matter Most
Here’s the challenge: Determine right now that when the service ends, you will do your utmost to give the first two minutes to someone you don’t know or to someone you don’t know well…It’s the first two minutes that matter most.

If you show me a person whose life is governed by the Word of God, I will show you a person whose life is governed by the Spirit of God. —H.B. Charles Jr.

Book Review: Joni’s Songs of Suffering

One of the keys to Joni’s suffering is singing. As she suffers the effects of her paralysis, as she endures chronic pain, as she persists through illness, she sings. And it’s out of her singing-through-suffering that she brings a new book titled Songs of Suffering. This book is a series of devotionals based upon 25 hymns that have proven especially precious to her.

Few people have a sweeter and kinder spirit than Joni Eareckson Tada. Few people have suffered longer and more consistently than Joni Eareckson Tada. These two things—sweetness and suffering—do not necessarily go together, but by God’s grace they can and often do. They most certainly do in Joni’s life which is one of the reasons so many of us admire and honor her.
One of the keys to Joni’s suffering is singing. As she suffers the effects of her paralysis, as she endures chronic pain, as she persists through illness, she sings. And it’s out of her singing-through-suffering that she brings a new book titled Songs of Suffering. This book is a series of devotionals based upon 25 hymns that have proven especially precious to her.
“I have lived with quadriplegia for more than half a century,” she explains, “and have wrestled with chronic pain for much of that time. I struggle with breathing problems and am in an ongoing battle against cancer. All this makes for a perfect storm for discouragement.”
Yet when my hip and back are frozen in pain, or it’s simply another weary day of plain paralysis, I strengthen myself with Jesus’s example in the upper room.
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A La Carte (September 1)

Welcome to September! Grace and peace to you today.

As you know, the launch event for Seasons of Sorrow is coming up on Monday. You can still sign up to come. Alternatively, it seems that the event will be recorded and released a few days later to those with a Virtual Pass to the Sing! conference. You can save 35% on any of the virtual passes with code CHALLIES35.
There’s a long list of Kindle deals, most of them geared toward the academics among us.
(Yesterday on the blog: So You’ve Been Told You Should Read Some Old Books…)
Why the (mis)labeling of pregnancy resource centers on Yelp needs to be corrected
“Now, more than ever, technology companies must not bow to the pressure of abortion advocates, government leaders, and the abortion industry in limiting access to life-altering information for women in crisis. Access to accurate information in order to make life-and-death decisions should be at the very core of these businesses’ values.”
How to see Mt. Rainier
This is a good illustration. “One of my favorite things about living in that area was the magnificent views that can be had of the Olympic Mountains to the west, and especially of Mt. Rainier to the south-east which is so enormous and so distant that it looks more like a vision or something painted in the sky than a mountain of solid rock. One of my least favorite things however, was how cloudy and foggy it is there.”
Elegant Orthodoxy: The Thirty-nine Articles of Religion
“The Anglican Church’s Thirty-nine Articles of Religion aren’t comprehensive. They don’t answer every theological or ecclesiastical question a follower of Jesus might have. But there’s an elegance in the Articles’ brevity and simplicity that both roots us in the historic church and is timely today.”
A Jesus Misjudged?
“What is Christ doing in his church? What are the ways that we should interpret the–sometimes dark–providences of God in building, reforming, censuring, or comforting the church? We are not as skilled as we ought to be in judging the work of Jesus in our midst; and that’s always been the case.” I agree with this.
Even after His Death, Jesus Fulfilled the Law
“What if Jesus broke the Law of Moses? Would that impact your faith? Would it change significant points of Christian doctrine? The short answer is a resounding yes.” It’s interesting to consider that Jesus fulfilled the law not only during his life, but also after his death.
Forgive the Unforgivable
God asks us to do some difficult things. “Here’s the unvarnished truth: Those things you think you can’t forgive? Jesus wants you to forgive them. He demands it.”
Flashback: Writing Tips: Tools & Context
I love to write, I write often, and I share my writing publicly. For those reasons I am often asked to share tips. How can I write more? How can I write better?…Today I want to offer a handful of new tips that are a little bit different from the kind I have offered before.

God made us to be light makers, and the spotlight is meant to shine right back on him. —Jen Oshman

Teaching Others to Sing Sweetly

Amidst all the dissonance, one woman sang clearly, calmly, and perfectly in tune, her sweet voice rising just above the din around her. She was undistracted by the flat notes and grating tones, undistracted by all the unskilled singers that surrounded her. As that musician stood and listened, he noticed with fascination that first one voice and then another was drawn to this woman’s. Soon those immediately around her began to follow her lead, to match her melody, to hit the same notes. 

The story is told of a musician—a particularly skillful musician with a highly-developed ear for pitch, tone, and harmony—who visited a new church for the first time. He arrived a little late and entered the sanctuary just as the congregation was beginning to sing the opening song. To his chagrin, the singing was badly out of tune. It pained him to hear the people attempt to sing one of the great hymns of the Christian faith without the least bit of success.
But as he walked to a pew and took his place, he began to hear one voice that stood apart. Amidst all the dissonance, one woman sang clearly, calmly, and perfectly in tune, her sweet voice rising just above the din around her. She was undistracted by the flat notes and grating tones, undistracted by all the unskilled singers that surrounded her.
As that musician stood and listened, he noticed with fascination that first one voice and then another was drawn to this woman’s.
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So You’ve Been Told You Should Read Some Old Books…

A reader of this site recently got in touch to ask me for some book suggestions. She has been a believer for quite a long time and along the way has heard of the value of reading “Christian classics.” Yet she hasn’t been sure where to begin and asked for some guidance. I was glad to take on that challenge!

In this article I will offer some suggestions that cover various eras from the early church until the late twentieth century. I should note that these recommendations will tend more toward literature that is devotional than scholarly or purely theological. And I should note as well that there is not a person in the world who will agree with every book I’ve included and every book I’ve excluded—and that is just fine because there is always a degree of subjectivity to these things. And now, without further ado, here are some Christian classics to consider reading.
John Bunyan allegorical The Pilgrim’s Progress is one of the bestselling books in all of history and a great place to begin. It has never gone out of print and in one way or another has influenced every generation of Christians since it was first published in the late 1600s. For those reasons alone it is well worth a read. Though you can find modernizations that adapt the language either lightly or significantly, the original is still surprisingly accessible. There are also some lovely audio versions available. If you’d like to listen to it, I recommend the Nadia May recording. If you’d like to read a slight modernization, this one by Crossway is well done. Otherwise, perhaps try this edition. (Most editions contain part 1 and part 2—the journeys of Christian and Christiana. You can consider yourself to have read The Pilgrim’s Progress once you complete part 1 since that is the original work.)
Note: When it comes to books that are out of copyright, you’ll often find many different editions at Amazon, eBay, and other sites that will sell pretty much anything. It’s worth being careful because a lot of them are very poorly printed or bound—often little more than photocopies of old editions that are then cheaply slapped together. Get used to clicking the “See all formats and editions” link on a book’s page and then looking for an edition by a reputable publisher. If you shop at Westminster Books or a similar bookseller, you shouldn’t run into this issue as they will already have curated the books they sell.
We should go back in time a little to make sure we don’t neglect the earliest Christian classics, which include the most noteworthy work of Augustine: Confessions. It is available in a multitude of editions and translations.
I know little about the 1,000 years between Augustine and the Puritans so don’t have a lot to offer here beyond names like Dante and Thomas Aquinas. But as far as I can tell, this was not an era in which there were a lot of devotional works that have since been affirmed by Protestants. (Authors like Thomas à Kempis and Brother Lawrence are still read and treasured today, but typically not by Reformed Protestants.) Calvin’s A Little Book on the Christian Life gets us into the Reformation era and is an excerpt of the most practical section of his Institutes.
You may have heard of the Puritans and been told you should try reading their books. When we talk about “Puritan books,” we are talking about thousands of titles written over more than a century, many of them incredibly voluminous, so there are more options than any one person could read in a lifetime (except maybe Joel Beeke). Thankfully time has served as a filter and brought many of the best works to the surface. Among them is Precious Remedies Against Satan’s Devices in which Thomas Brooks instructs us in how to resist Satan’s temptations. The Rare Jewel of Christian Contentment by Jeremiah Burroughs tells why contentment is so fleeting and how Christian can achieve it, The Bruised Reed by Richard Sibbes offers hope for those who are suffering, while Thomas Watson’s The Godly Man’s Picture presents a “picture” of mature Christian character. Those are great options to begin with. For something slightly more advanced, try Sin and Temptation by John Owen—still the definitive work on the subject. You also can’t go wrong with Foxe’s Book of Martyrs, Anne Bradstreet’s works of poetry, or Samuel Rutherford’s wee little The Loveliness of Christ. The Puritan Paperback series by Banner of Truth and the Puritan Treasures for Today by Reformation Heritage Books can guide you into many more options.
Let me interject with a note about Puritan works. Many Puritan classics are actually excerpts from longer works, so you may find the same content in a number of different places. Also, a few of them now have modernized editions in which either the text has been rewritten in modern English or has simply been annotated to assist in understanding. With some authors this really isn’t all that necessary, but with others it can be very helpful. The best in this category are the John Owen books edited by Justin Taylor and Kelly Kapic.
When it comes to post-Puritan classics from the 1700s and early 1800s, I confess that my knowledge is a bit lacking. You might consider Real Christianity by William Wilberforce or The Religious Affections and The Diary and Journal of David Brainerd by Jonathan Edwards. Memoir & Remains of Robert Murray M’Cheyne by Andrew Bonar was published in the mid-1800s. The sermons of George Whitefield and the hymns of Charles Wesley are rewarding, though these last two probably don’t quite count as classic books. The same would be true of the letters of John Newton. Lemuel Haynes wrote in this era and, while I don’t think any of his books are considered classics, his sermons are enjoyable—perhaps especially “Universal Salvation.”
As we get deeper into the 1800s and come to the early 1900s, I have read much more so can offer more confident suggestions. J.C. Ryle’s Holiness and Thoughts for Young Men are rewarding reads. Theodore Cuyler’s God’s Light on Dark Clouds is a beautiful work on suffering while P.B. Power’s A Book of Comfort for Those in Sickness is exactly what it sounds like. This was an era in which sermons were often transcribed and printed in periodicals, so you can find entire volumes of sermons from men like Charles Spurgeon, D.L. Moody, or De Witt Talmage that are a joy to read. You will actually find that a good number of the books in their names are really just adapted sermons. Machen’s Christianity and Liberalism is more theological than devotional, but crucial to understanding liberalism. John Murray’s Redemption Accomplished and Applied is brilliant.
For more contemporary classics (by which I mean works from the late 1900s that seem destined to survive the ages) I suggest The Attributes of God by A.W. Pink (which is self-explanatory), Mere Christianity by C.S. Lewis (which is Lewis’s best known apologetic work), Knowing God by J.I. Packer (which is a kind of introduction to the Christian faith), The Cross of Christ by John Stott (which is a description of what God accomplished through the substitutionary death of Jesus Christ) and The Holiness of God by R.C. Sproul (which calls us to know and love God as holy, holy, holy). Through Gates of Splendor by Elisabeth Elliot is a biography that had a massive impact on world missions.
If I had to plot out a short reading list with one book from each era, I might go in this order: The Pilgrim’s Progress, The Rare Jewel of Christian Contentment, A Little Book on the Christian Life, Holiness, Knowing God, Confessions, the Religious Affections. Either way, I hope this article brings some clarity and motivates you to explore some of the true classics of the Christian faith.

A La Carte (August 31)

This has been a bit of a slow stretch for Kindle deals. We will hope that things pick up with a new month.

Westminster Books has a deal on a new book for pastors (and, if you click through, on some related resources).
When You Hear of a Scandal
Darryl Dash has some valuable advice on what to do when you hear of yet another scandal.
Talk about an Awkward Term
The awkward term, in this case, is abomination.
Though My Flesh May Fail: Reflections on Chronic Suffering from the Hospital Bed
Brett Fredenberg: “Amidst temptations to doubt, God continues to reveal His good purposes for me in my affliction. As I sit in my hospital bed today, three lessons stand out among the rest as reminders of the sovereignty of God’s grace and His goodness in my life.”
The Whole Story
I enjoyed this simple account of the way the Lord saved one of his people.
Is Double Predestination Biblical?
John Piper explains what is meant by “double predestination” and offers his take on it.
Only Use Authority in the Fear of God
“Is all authority abusive? Is all authority—by virtue of one person having power over another person—in its very nature, abusive? I ask these questions in a day when accounts of sad experiences with abusive pastors are all too common. ” Mark Dever considers an unpopular concept.
Flashback: That Time I Went After an Older, Godlier Man
While a right acknowledgement and right assessment of my youth should have constrained me, a total failure to acknowledge and assess my youth empowered me. And in my arrogance I launched a broadside against a good man.

If one is not faithful in an insignificant sphere he will not be faithful in a resounding sphere. —De Witt Talmage

Lessons In Becoming a Better Listener

“Good listening is a great means of grace in the dynamic of true Christian fellowship. Not only is it a channel through which God continues to pour his grace into our lives, but it’s also his way of using us as his means of grace in the lives of others.”

It is one thing to hear, but another thing to listen. Good communication and healthy relationships depend upon not only hearing the words other people say, but on carefully listening to what they mean to communicate. To listen is to love.
But if we are honest, few of us are good listeners. It’s easy enough to hear others, but very difficult to truly listen to them. That may be particularly true and particularly important in the context of the local church where we are called to love one another, to care for one another, and to bear one another’s burdens. None of this is possible without good listening. David Mathis addresses this problem in his excellent book Habits of Grace and offers six lessons in good listening.
Good listening requires patience. We must not succumb to hasty or inattentive listening, but be willing to listen patiently and thoroughly. We must focus on the speaker and not on the inevitable distractions in our minds or in our environment. We must listen in such a way that we are not already planning what we will say to combat the speaker or to defend ourselves. “Good listening,” says Mathis, “silences the smartphone and doesn’t stop the story, but is attentive and patient.”
Good listening is key to fulfilling so many of the ethical commands of the Bible, the greatest of which is love.
Good listening is an act of love. When we listen poorly, we are just waiting for the opportunity to cut off the other person so we can move on with our lives. “Poor listening rejects; good listening embraces. Poor listening diminishes others, while good listening invites them to exist, and to matter.” Good listening is key to fulfilling so many of the ethical commands of the Bible, the greatest of which is love.

Related Posts:

A La Carte (August 30)

Blessings to you on this fine day.

(Yesterday on the blog: When God’s Blessings Flow)
Hey Christian, Don’t “Quiet Quit” your Faith
Have you been hearing the term “quiet quitting” as much as I have lately? Here the term is applied to the Christian faith. “Quiet quitting the Christian life is the third soil that Jesus speaks of: those who bear no fruit because of the cares of the world, the deceitfulness of wealth and the desire for other things. Or as we might put it today ‘everyday life’.”
Can I Be Angry with God and Be Holy?
I’m very much with John Piper on this one.
How the 5 Solas Do More Than Respond to Catholicism
Michael Kruger: “Some misunderstand the 5 Solas as merely a response to Roman Catholicism and nothing more. In other words, they are viewed as a time-bound, historically conditioned set of affirmations that are largely applicable to a era that is long gone. It is precisely here that I want to offer a bit of pushback.”
Evangelical and LGBT+ Ally
Joe Carter shows how some terms so contradict one another that they can’t both be claimed by the same person.
Playing Home
You may identify with Glenna here. “There is something carved into the deepest layer of who I am that longs for a life that’s realer than this. That lasts longer. That means more, that hurts less.”
Television’s boundary-smashing pioneer turns 100
Al Mohler: “Norman Lear reached his 100th birthday this week, happily surrounded by his large family. That’s a remarkable achievement, but the real story here is not that Lear turned 100 but that he changed the world.”
Flashback: Why We Must Emphasize A Pastor’s Character Over His Skill
Of all the many qualifications laid out in the New Testament, there is just one related to skill (he must have the ability to teach others) and one related to experience (he must not be a recent convert)…What fits a man to ministry is not first accomplishment or capability but character.

The Lord gets his best soldiers out of the highlands of affliction. —Charles Spurgeon

How to use Catechism in Family Worship

This post is sponsored by Christian Focus Publications and written by Ben Preston. Get your copy of The Illustrated Westminster Shorter Catechism here.

For generations upon generations, families have used the Westminster Shorter Catechism to teach their children the biblical truths of the Faith. Here are three helpful pointers in how to use our new illustrated edition of this beloved resource.
Commit time.
We would suggest that the ideal time to open and use our book would be at regular family worship or in the quiet Sabbath afternoon. Children thrive on consistency, and your commitment to them in this manner will quickly become the regular and expected thing that the family does. Family worship doesn’t need to be long, but it does need to be a regular feature of the day. A time where the Bible is read, praise is sung, and the doctrine and practises of the Christian faith are discussed and learnt. Use the Catechism as part of that discussion.
Cooperate in the learning.
It is a great help when parents and guardians commit to learning and memorising the catechism alongside the children. For example, if you ask what the answer is to question 4 ‘What is God?’, it is important that you know the answer without looking. Do persist in this style of memorisation of question and answer, as in our experience both teacher and child can very quickly catch onto what is expected and we trust the modern language used in our book will be an aid to this. Furthermore, we recognise the importance of imagery and with this beautifully illustrated version, there are plenty of visual clues to discuss and hang memorised parts on it. The goal in this is not just robotic parroting of answers but that you would discuss and learn the principles and biblical truths that the Shorter Catechism so clearly reveals.
Community is vital.
Parts of the Shorter Catechism can be hard to understand, and children will come up with tricky questions. In these moments you should remember your place in the church community.  Seek advice from your pastor and elders; they would be only too delighted to help you and your family as you seek to pass on our Christian beliefs. In using our book, in teaching the truths of the Christian faith with this pattern of asking questions and memorising answers, you are serving the body of Christ, and laying a lifelong foundation of knowledge. As a minister, I have been at countless bedsides and asked elderly saints questions from the catechism of their youth and found their eyes light up with remembrance of the answer and more importantly the confession of their faith in a God who saves and transforms.
In ending our brief blog, we recognise your great desire to see your children confess the faith. We trust in God’s promises that His salvation is for our children and us, and with given parental responsibility we set out to teach them of God who wills and works in them for His good pleasure. Our prayer is that this illustrated catechism book would be a useful resource for you in that task, but ultimately remember is it God who will provide His children with everything He requires of them. Keeping trusting in God’s promises and availing of His provisions, especially the ordinary means of grace; the Word, and Sacraments.
Get your copy of The Illustrated Westminster Shorter Catechism here.

When God’s Blessings Flow

A few months ago I stood upon the rocky shores of Malta and gazed out to sea. I pondered what it must have been like nearly 2,000 years ago as the Apostle Paul leapt from a battered, broken ship and made his way ashore. There are a number of spots on Malta that claim the historic pedigree as the place he landed. The most widely accepted candidate is the aptly named Saint Paul’s Bay. It has shoals and reefs capable of causing a ship to run aground and beaches capable of receiving shipwrecked passengers. If it is not that specific location it is certainly one nearby.

I have never been aboard a ship that was so blown and tossed by the wind that the crew had lost all control of her. I have never been aboard a ship that was in such a precarious situation that all hope had been abandoned and all thoughts of rescue set aside. I have never been in a situation in which I could only count down the hours and minutes to my demise. But if I ever am, I hope I will react like Paul did.
While the expert sailors frantically tried to save themselves by undergirding the ship and securing its boat, by lowering the gear and throwing the tackle overboard, Paul took a different approach to the emergency—he turned to the Lord. While the sailors carried out their responsibility, he carried out his. And then something remarkable happened: An angel appeared before Paul and told him “Do not be afraid, Paul; you must stand before Caesar” (Acts 27:23). God had a plan for Paul that involved him getting to Rome and appealing his case before Caesar himself. That being the case, the storm could not possibly claim him. He, like each of us, was immortal until God was ready to call him home.
But there was more to the angel’s message than this. He also said, “God has granted you all those who sail with you.” Though it was Paul alone who was meant to stand before Caesar, God’s grace toward Paul was extended to everyone else on the ship. It was extended to his fellow missionaries and to the soldiers and sailors, to the Christians aboard and to the pagans. Paul had prayed for each of them and God would grant the same blessing to each of them. Little wonder, then, that Paul could stand before them and say “Take heart, men, for I have faith in God that it will be exactly as I have been told.” Though they must still be shipwrecked, they would escape with their lives. And all because Paul had prayed.
And this makes me wonder how many times God has blessed the people around us because of our prayers. Just because he doesn’t send angels to tell us that he has answered our prayers doesn’t mean he doesn’t answer them just as freely. Just because he doesn’t communicate so explicitly, doesn’t mean he doesn’t deliver just as dramatically. Paul’s God is our God, and he who answered two millennia ago has lost none of his ability and none of his willingness to answer today.
Are you in the habit of praying not only for yourself and your family, and not only for your friends and your church, but also for the people around you? Are you in the habit of praying that God would bless and deliver not only you but also others? As modern Western society teeters and groans at what seems like it must be the beginning of its end, do you pray that God would intervene and deliver not only you and not only his people, but also everyone round and about? Do you plead that his blessings would extend far and wide?
Aileen is an avid gardener and, through the hot summer months, waters our lawn and garden with great care. The other day I noticed just how burnt and brown our neighborhood is in mid-August. But I also noticed just how green and lush our lawn is by comparison. Then I noticed something else as well: As Aileen waters our grass, the water sprays and flows to some of the nearby grass as well so there is a fringe of green beyond our own lawn and outside the boundaries of our own property. And just like that, this little story from the book of Acts tells us that God’s blessings flow not only to his people but also beyond them. It is God’s good pleasure to answer our prayers and to grant his blessings not just to us, but also to others. And who but God can know what blessings they hold, what pleasures they enjoy, that flow from your prayers and mine.

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