What to Know When You Suffer
We can be confident of God’s love for all of eternity because He perfectly demonstrated His love when He gave His own Son for our salvation. Whatever suffering you may face in your life right now, Christ’s sacrificial death for you reminds you that God is not withholding from you. Romans 8:32 says, “He who indeed did not spare His own Son, but delivered Him over for us all, how will He not also with Him graciously give us all things?” Get your heart and mind fixed on what you know!
Recently I spoke with a Christian who was walking through a time of suffering in his life that he found overwhelming. Physical trials, family trials, and a recent loss were all converging upon him at once.
This brother loved the Lord and had actively served Him for years. As he shared his pain, it seemed clear to me that he had been seeking the Lord with a pure heart and desired to see the Lord be glorified. And as I listened to his tearful words, It was evident that he had earnestly sought the Lord in prayer. He had not failed to ask the Lord, and there was no evidence that he was asking of the Lord simply to fulfill his own desires (James 4:2, 3).
Still yet, his painful circumstances clouded his mind with confusion and questions. The questions he asked were the kind I have heard many times in ministry and ones I have asked during my own trials.
The Common Questions We Ask
When we go through times of suffering, there are common questions that often flood our minds.
“Why did God allow this to happen the way it did?”
“Why has God not answered my prayers?”
“Why does it feel like God is not at work for me?”
In the middle of our suffering, our tendency is to allow our minds to be consumed with questions that can’t be answered in that moment and may never be answered. We may be asking with sincere motives, but with most of the questions that flood our minds, the honest answer is, “I don’t know.” Little to no comfort is found in that answer. What we need is a change of perspective. When it comes to suffering, don’t focus on what you don’t know, focus on what you do know.
What We Do Know
Rather than being controlled by our thoughts and emotions, we need to “take every thought captive to the obedience of Christ” (2 Corinthians 10:5). Scripture is filled with wonderful promises that should captivate our hearts and minds as we walk through times of suffering. With all the things that you don’t know, there are absolute certainties God has revealed in Scripture that you do know.
You are God’s child, and He loves you. (1 John 3:1)
God won’t abandon you. He will never leave you nor forsake you. (Deuteronomy 31:6)
The LORD is your helper, and you have no need to fear. (Psalm 118:6)
If you lack wisdom, ask of God and He will give it to you. (James 1:5)
God will comfort you in all your affliction. (2 Corinthians 1:3-5)
While there may be many questions we may never have answered, these are some of the promises that we know. But one of the most encouraging passages to help us face suffering is Romans 8:18-27.
A Biblical Response to Suffering
Paul’s words in Romans 8:18-39 are deeply profound and vital to responding to suffering in our lives. Many commentaries and books have expounded upon this passage, and no single article could come close to exhausting its richness.
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