Trevor Thomas

Tucker Carlson Calls Out the ‘Professional Christians’

Tragically, Moore, French, Moore, and Keller are far from alone. As I’ve noted multiple times in the past several years, whether “professional Christians,” “Christian celebrities,” pastors and priests, Tucker Carlson, or everyday Christians, for far too long, far too many Christians have sat on the sidelines when it comes to the grave moral issues that demand our attention. Thus, in a matter of just a few short years, we went from a near nationwide rejection of same-sex “marriage” to a widespread — and now often legally enforced — embrace of it.

In one of his monologues last week, Tucker Carlson called Merrick Garland “the weakest attorney general” in American history. Tucker added, “Merrick Garland has presided over the most aggressive attack on civil liberties, in particular, an attack on the practice of traditional Christianity, than any living American has seen.”
Tucker’s comments came on the heels of Garland’s recent testimony before the Senate Judiciary Committee. During the testimony, GOP senators Mike Lee and Josh Hawley confronted the attorney general on the Biden Justice Department’s heavy-handed and disproportionate attacks on American Christians, especially noting the attacks against Christians who protest abortion centers.
The senators highlighted the FBI’s shocking raid of Mark Houck’s home, where 20 to 30 agents with “full SWAT gear, heavily armored vests, ballistic shields, helmets, [and] battering ram” terrorized Mr. Houck, his wife, and their seven children simply because Mr. Houck shoved a pro-abortion extremist who was harassing his 12-year-old son.
Tucker also noted the incident involving Paul Vaughn, a pro-life father of eleven children:
In March of 2021, Paul Vaughn and 10 others were peacefully praying at an abortion clinic in Tennessee. They didn’t damage any property. They hurt no one. More than a year after they dared to do that, to pray, Merrick Garland sent the FBI to terrorize Vaughn and his 11 children at their home…
Paul Vaughn and his co-conspirators now face more than a decade in prison.
After highlighting these gross injustices against American Christians, Tucker makes what I believe is his most important point:
You have to wonder when you see a tape like that, where are so-called Christian leaders? Where’s Russell Moore and all the other breast-beating Christians as that happens, as the U.S. government cracks down on Christianity, on prayer? Silent.
The “People’s Republic of Canada” has been even more hostile to Christians. Things have gotten so bad for Christians in Canada, that in February of last year Senator Hawley reiterated his call for Canada to be placed on a special watch list of religious liberty violators. Hawley’s statements were mostly due to Canada’s then ongoing treatment of Pastor Artur Pawlowski.
A day after Fox News reported on Senator Hawley’s call, in a piece entitled “Free speech and the Bible on global trial,” the Washington Times reported,
Canada’s recently unanimously passed law, C-4, prevents its citizens from spreading Biblical views on marriage and sexuality. Canadian parents, faith leaders, and citizens who hold traditional views of marriage and sexuality will now face up to 5 years of jail time for providing spiritual guidance to those seeking counseling.
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