Will Alexander

The “Great Reset” Towers in Babel

Unelected global elites, using fear and force, have big plans for the world. And, unless I missed it, submission to God is not in them. Elite revolutionaries are working feverishly on cutting-edge technologies to avert a flood of climate catastrophes that, more than likely, will never happen. To save the planet, they’ve turned to the gods of “science” and money.  

In Noah’s generation, the book of Genesis records that mankind had utterly corrupted God’s way. They were “filled with violence,” greatly wicked, with their thoughts and imaginations being “only evil continually.”  

God warned Noah of a flood that would destroy man and alter the Earth as it existed until that time. “Moved with fear,” Noah built an ark and warned his generation about “things not seen as yet” (Hebrews 11:7).

They didn’t listen. 
The flood came and went, and God instructed Noah to “be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth,” exactly as He did the first man, Adam. Noah and his family were to be the beginning of a regenerated and repeopling of the Earth – the planet’s first and greatest-ever “reset.”  
God promised Noah, his sons, and “every living creature” … “for perpetual generations” that He would never destroy “all flesh,” or the Earth, again with a flood. The reminder? His “bow” in the clouds.
But many came to doubt that promise, according to Jewish historian Flavius Josephus in an account of the biblical story in his Antiquities of the Jews (93 AD). 
Thanks to the tyrannical influence of Noah’s great-grandson, Nimrod, Josephus wrote that “multitudes” were “ill-instructed” into having contempt for God. Repeating a narrative that submission to God was cowardice, Nimrod used exaggerated fears of a catastrophic flood to harness his power and to build a tower “whose top may reach to heaven” (Gen. 11:4).  
If He “should have a mind to drown the world again,” Josephus wrote of Nimrod’s intent, mankind would stand a better chance by working together rather than scattering to repeople the Earth. “… for that he [Nimrod] would build a tower too high for the waters to be able to reach! … and that he would avenge himself of God for destroying their forefathers!”

It worked.

No pains were spared to create cutting-edge technologies – burnt brick “cemented together with mortar made of bitumen” – to build a tower designed to avert a climate disaster that, as God had promised, was never going to happen.   
The massive building project only stopped after God confused their language. The ancient skyscraper, a true marvel of that day, came to symbolize a giant middle finger to the Creator.
Fast forward to 2022.  
Despite the near-magical advance of human invention, the same rebel spirit that inspired the tower in the ancient city of Babel (eventually Babylon), thrives today. 
Unelected global elites, using fear and force, have big plans for the world. And, unless I missed it, submission to God is not in them.
Elite revolutionaries are working feverishly on cutting-edge technologies to avert a flood of climate catastrophes that, more than likely, will never happen. To save the planet, they’ve turned to the gods of “science” and money.  
“We are on a fast track to climate disaster,” said Antonio Guterres, UN General Secretary, in a video message to a panel on climate change in New York in April.
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