Crazy-eyed prophetess, Beth Moore, says it’s sinful to have supported Donald Trump and America is under God’s judgment for having a pro-life president. This is just one topic of many covered in this episode of Polemics Report for January 19, 2021.
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Transubstantiation LBCF Chapter 30.6
Here is a teaching from the London Baptist Confession of Faith’s chapter 28 paragraph 1. What are Baptism and Communion?
KIDScast#98 The Foundation
The Foundation
Genesis, the first book of The Bible, sets the foundation for the rest of God’s Revelation. So many foundational questions are answered within the first 11 chapters and by the time you’re done with this episode you will see why it’s so important.
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Song Credit: Seeds Family Worship: “God Created”, “Young”
How To Flip Off the People Who Made You Rich and Famous, While Lying to Them About Your Real Beliefs
On this episode of Polemics Report for August 19th, 2021, JD discusses how TGC types are now supporting the idea that virtual church is not a thing (long after it takes any courage to insist on it), and Russell Moore and Beth Moore talking about the virtues of abandoning orthodoxy. In the Patron portion, we touch on how to teach your SBC congregation about leaving the SBC, and talk about how to start a church food bank.