00:04:39 Patricia King Strings Together a False Doctrine
00:23:49 Creflo Dollar Cooperating With the Law of Faith
00:50:37 Beth Moore Narcigetes Issac & the Wells
01:09:03 Sermon Review: Hello My Name is Anxiety by Adam Huschka
00:04:39 Patricia King Strings Together a False Doctrine
00:23:49 Creflo Dollar Cooperating With the Law of Faith
00:50:37 Beth Moore Narcigetes Issac & the Wells
01:09:03 Sermon Review: Hello My Name is Anxiety by Adam Huschka
Why So Many Churches Hear So Little of the Bible
Tiger Wood’s Apology = Repentance Without Forgiveness of Sins
How many purpose-driven churches also preach repentancw w/o forgivness of sins
Sermon Review, “#twisdom: ManageAnger” from LCBC in Manheim, PA
The Danger of False Teachers & The Prophecy of Enoch by Gervase Charmley
1 – World Premier of the original song “Get Out of the Pulpit” by Roxylee, 2 – Not all people who self-identify as Christians are saved., 3 – Gospel of Mark Chapter 2 Part 2, 4 – Sermon by Scott Hodge on Leading in Times of Uncertainty