The Aquila Report

A Big Win for Christian Students and Schools

Christians will need to continue to make the case for religious freedom and demonstrate in our lives that religious Americans are the best citizens. The schools, colleges, hospitals, churches, sports leagues, and charities established by Christians benefit everyone, and are therefore indispensable pillars supporting a limited government. The ascendent cult of sexual orientation and gender identity offers none of these things. It only results in a bigger and more intrusive government less concerned with the common good than the goals of ideologues. 

The question constantly repeated by those who pushed to redefine marriage a decade ago was, “How will my gay marriage hurt you?” More recently, from those demanding full legal and social recognition for transgender identities, it has been, “How does me being my true self hurt you?” The answers to those questions have been clear for some time.  
LGBTQ dogma is not a “live and let live” vision of reality. It constantly demands that dissenters—especially the religious ones who are allegiant to the Creator, whom their ideas deny—be rooted out and punished. Christian business owners, public and private company employees, nonprofits and even parents have felt the demand to comply and agree, or else … 
Recently, a few cases have helped right some wrongs against religious freedom. The latest battle involves an attempt by activists to keep students from using federal assistance to attend religious schools. Thankfully, this case went the right way.  
In Hunter v. U.S. Department of Education, Alliance Defending Freedom successfully argued that “Title IX allows students to use federal financial aid at private religious schools that operate according to their beliefs,” specifically their beliefs on “gender and sexual morality.”  
Since 2021, Title IX has been interpreted to prohibit “discrimination” on the basis of sexual orientation and gender identity, with religious institutions receiving exemptions. ADF represented three Christian institutions—two universities and a seminary—that welcome students who receive government help with tuition but operate according to biblical convictions about sexuality. 
Activists argued that this violates the Establishment Clause of the First Amendment by involving the government in funding religion.   
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Cultivating Martial Value for Spiritual War

Written by Robert D. Hasler |
Thursday, October 24, 2024
When we understand that spiritual warfare is more than a metaphor–that it is a fundamental feature of reality–it should cause us to rethink what values we want to cultivate within ourselves and in our communities. One such example is grit. Christians in a spiritual war need to be able to take a punch without losing the will to fight. Grit also encompasses the willingness to “rejoice in our sufferings” as Paul says in Romans 5:3. Gritty Christians rejoice in hardship because they know it’s the trials that produce and reveal true character and that God’s grace is sufficient when they fail. 

Imagine you were tasked with preparing for an impending battle. What would be your strategy? What kind of soldiers would you want?
They’re important questions, but not the first question. Before ever considering how you would win or with whom, first you would have to answer this fundamental question, What kind of war am I fighting? How you answer that question informs your answer for everything else.
The first time that I taught The Gospel of Mark, I had my students take out a piece of paper and answer a single question: What is the Gospel?
This being a class of well-catechized teenagers from Reformed families, the answers were fairly predictable. Words like justification and atonement were ubiquitous. Each student had his or her own unique spin, but they all basically boiled down to a singular theme: Christ died on the cross to pay the penalty for my sins so I could have eternal life with him.
Their responses to my prompt were not terribly surprising. In fact, it is a common summary of the Gospel in most evangelical circles today. But, as I did with my class, let’s compare that definition against Jesus’s own words in the early verses of Mark’s Gospel:
“Now after John was arrested, Jesus came into Galilee, proclaiming the gospel of God, and saying, ‘The time is fulfilled, and the kingdom of God is at hand; repent and believe in the gospel’” (Mark 1:14-15).
Herman Ridderbos once said that the arrival of the kingdom of God is “the central theme of the whole New Testament revelation of God.” Why then does it so rarely get a passing mention in our Gospel presentations? In a word, our hermeneutics. It is so tempting to make our individual selves the central character of the Bible–as if all roads in Scripture culminate in my personal salvation by my personal Savior.
While the ordo salutis and one’s individual justification are important, reading the Bible through such an individualist lens blinds us from appreciating the kingdom of God as the essential biblical theme that it is. In short, it causes us to misunderstand the kind of battle we’re in, and the second-order effects are enormous.
For example, limiting our conception of the Gospel to the forensic declaration of individual justification produces Christians with values and characteristics to match. The “cage-stage Calvinist” comes to mind who is overly bookish, pedantic, and argumentative largely because his hermeneutic requires him to be.
But what if we understood our individual justification as one piece of a story bigger than ourselves? What if we understood it as one battle in a larger war? How might that change our character?
In his book Creation Regained, Al Wolters rightly expands our horizons to see the cosmic scope of the biblical story. From the Old Adam to the New Adam, the Bible describes an epic contest between two regimes, God and Satan, both of whom “lay claim to the whole of creation.”[1]
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The Doctrine of the Holy Spirit and a Pastor’s Ministry

Unless we give the Holy Spirit his due in our teaching and preaching, we settle for an anemic picture of the Christian life and ministry. We must navigate the tension between exaggerating the Spirit’s independent operations and diminishing his importance. Let us gratefully appreciate the Spirit’s vital contribution and be diligent to teach our people what the Bible says about the Spirit so he can energize their individual lives and their relationships in the body of Christ.

The Holy Spirit has engendered a fair amount of controversy in Christian circles and continues to do so today. This is somewhat ironic, as the Holy Spirit doesn’t draw attention to himself. He is content to stay in the background as he witnesses to Christ, transforms our inner being, and empowers the mission of the church. Our natural tendency may be to shy away from controversy and to avoid the topic altogether. This would be a serious mistake, however, as the Holy Spirit is massively important. Just as there is no salvation without Jesus, there is no sanctification without the Holy Spirit. How does the doctrine of the Holy Spirit relate to a pastor’s ministry?
Why the Holy Spirit Matters
The Bible refers to the Spirit from beginning to end. The first reference to the Spirit is found in Genesis 1:2, which says that “the Spirit was hovering over the waters.” Later, God puts his Spirit on designated craftsmen and leaders to accomplish a given task. Such tasks include building the tabernacle or conveying his word to his people. Thus the Spirit comes on Bezalel and Oholiab, Gideon and Samson, Saul and David, and other leaders of God’s people.
The Holy Spirit in the Bible
The term “Holy Spirit” occurs in only two Old Testament passages. The first is Psalm 51:11, where David pleads with God not to take his Holy Spirit away from him after committing adultery with Bathsheba. The second is Isaiah 63:10–11, which says that the Israelites “rebelled and grieved the Holy Spirit” at the exodus. They did this even though God “put in the midst of them his Holy Spirit” and miraculously delivered them by parting the Red Sea. In addition, there are many other references to the Holy Spirit as “the Spirit of the LORD.” This shows his close connection with the covenant God of Israel.
However, it is only in the New Testament that the full and distinct personhood and deity of the Spirit come into full view. First, the Spirit conceives Jesus, the Messiah, in Mary’s womb. Later, he descends on Jesus at Jesus’ baptism and remains on him through his entire ministry. Then, at Pentecost, the Spirit is poured on all believers. From here on out, he comes to live in all believers to perform in them the work of regeneration, sanctification, and glorification. Paul’s letters are full of references to the work of the Spirit in believers’ lives (see esp. Romans 8, 1 Corinthians 12–14, and Galatians 5).
7 Truths to Teach about the Holy Spirit
It’s impossible in a short article such as this to do full justice to the person and work of the Holy Spirit. That said, here are seven truths every pastor should be careful to teach the people in his congregation.
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A Daily Diet of Doctrine

Daily Doctrine is not a groundbreaking work of systematic theology and is not intended to be. Rather, it is an introductory work that focuses on easing people into the subject. It introduces the discipline as a whole, describes the most important terms, and explains the key ideas. In that way, it provides a framework for Christian doctrine and then builds upon it over the course of a year.

I once participated in a panel discussion alongside a seminary professor. He had far more education than I did and far greater expertise in the subject matter. A few moments before we took to the platform together, the moderator went over some of the questions he would be asking us. I found it strangely comforting to see that professor pull out his iPad, dig up some old notes, and begin to skim through them. “I need to remind myself what I believe about that,” he told me.
The fact is, we are forgetful people and often need not just to learn what we believe but to re-learn it. There are exams we might pass at one stage in life but fail in another, not because our doctrine has changed or because we have apostatized, but because we have become forgetful. It’s not that we are ever likely to forget the fundamental doctrines of the faith like the inspiration of Scripture or the divinity of Jesus, but we can certainly grow hazy on some of the lesser matters and waver on some of the secondary issues.
A while back I realized I needed to brush up on some of these and began to organize a system of spaced repetition—a way to encounter these doctrines on a regular basis, thus reinforcing them and keeping them fresh in my mind. And it was right then that I learned about Kevin DeYoung’s Daily Doctrine: A One-Year Guide to Systematic Theology. In fact, an Advance Reading Copy showed up in the mail and I knew immediately it was what I was looking for.
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A Case For A Big, Central Pulpit

As for the pulpit in particular- it is big, central, and strong, for a reason. It is meant to promote the preaching of God’s inspired, inerrant, sufficient, and authoritative Word as the central activity of the Church. The pulpit is bigger than the preacher. The pulpit requires the person who brings the Word to stand up and step into it. It demands the preacher consider the solemnity of the role he is exercising when preaching the Word, leading the congregation in prayer, or otherwise leading elements of the worship liturgy.

We had the opportunity to build a new sanctuary fifteen years ago and we opted for an Old School style complete with wooden pews, kneelers, choir in the back, digital pipe organ and a big central pulpit. This post is not trying to convince anyone they should do what we did, but rather to offer an explanation for those who wonder and even an encouragement for those who worship in older buildings that have a similar set up. The various features of our church architecture and layout are based on things we see as biblically important. Our building looks a certain way for a specific reason. Our choice of furnishings and the particular layout of the pulpit, baptismal, and communion table are purposeful.
It is not that other types of church buildings or layouts are unbiblical or wrong. For example, it seems the big, central, wooden pulpit is often rare in newer church buildings. Many modern churches opt for a large stage for a worship band and a portable stool or chair in front of a Plexiglas lectern for their casually dressed pastor to sit and teach or “talk with” his congregation. I do something similar on Sunday nights and in other teaching venues. Certainly, the Word of God can be taught or preached in different set ups. Jesus taught in various settings throughout his ministry, as did the Apostle Paul. The Bible doesn’t prescribe the arrangement of furniture in a church worship setting.
The pastor, sitting with small Plexiglas lectern on Sunday morning, definitely communicates casual, informal, personal interaction. It seems such a setup is intended to make the pastor come across as non-threatening, even a bit less authoritative. The pastor in that posture is about to have a conversation or fireside chat with his family and friends, it would seem. I suspect this approach might be a reaction to the yelling, pulpit-pounding, white-suit wearing, hanky in one hand, fire and brimstone preacher. The stool and lectern approach is meant to put people at ease as they listen to a “message” from the Bible. The pastor’s choice of casual dress while teaching or preaching Sunday morning tells the congregation- “Hey, I’m one of you! Let me tell you what I’ve learned this week.” I think much of the trend toward a casual set up for teaching and preaching Sunday morning has come from current generational pressure. Millennials and Gen Zs are characterized as being skeptical or dismissive of authority. The traditional big, central pulpit with the pastor wearing a suit or robe is a bit offsetting to a generation that doesn’t acknowledge levels of authority readily.
Let’s be honest-whatever your set up, something is being communicated.  Our intention is to communicate importance and authority by the chancel arrangement we have. The most important activities of the church are signified by the furnishings we have the pulpit, the baptismal, and the communion table. The ministry of Christ’s church is the ministry of the Word and Sacrament. Our furnishings are meant to make a statement about the priorities of the church.
As for the pulpit in particular- it is big, central, and strong, for a reason. It is meant to promote the preaching of God’s inspired, inerrant, sufficient, and authoritative Word as the central activity of the Church. The pulpit is bigger than the preacher. The pulpit requires the person who brings the Word to stand up and step into it. It demands the preacher consider the solemnity of the role he is exercising when preaching the Word, leading the congregation in prayer, or otherwise leading elements of the worship liturgy. Yes, the big, central pulpit is meant to exude authority-the authority of the preached Word primarily. This authority is not based on the preacher, but on the Word that is preached. In our church, the pastors wear robes so the congregation’s attention is not on his clothes, but rather the role he is filling for that hour. Some will say, The robe distracts me…it reminds me of when I was Catholic.”  Possibly. But I am guessing a good number might say, “Skinny jeans on Gen Xers, untucked shirts, and preachers in sneakers are distracting too”. The pulpit manned by a minister in a robe communicates reverence and authority. But this article is not really making a case for robe-wearing, so forgive the rabbit trail!
Back to the big central pulpit set up. Preaching is proclaiming the word of truth and exhorting the congregation to believe and obey. The pastor is commanded to “preach the Word” (2 Timothy 4:2) as part of his essential shepherding duties and the central pulpit arrangement can serve to encourage this practice. The central pulpit set up is a reminder to the pastor and the people about God’s authoritative Word. There is a sense in which pastors come and go, but the big, solid pulpit from which the Word is preached, will remain for generations. A preacher “filling the pulpit” is a great way to describe what a faithful pastor should be doing. He should know what the pulpit is meant for (preaching the Word) and do the task. In other words, many important messages can be relayed by architecture and setup.
To be clear, I would rather go to a church that has a modern set up with the stool and Plexiglass lectern where the pastor believes and preaches the Bible faithfully than a church with a traditionally arranged big, central pulpit, but the pastor does not believe or faithfully teach the Bible. The essential priority for a biblical, healthy church, is a right view and teaching of the Bible, which can be done with no pulpit at all. My purpose here is to offer explanation for a big central pulpit set up like ours and possibly provide some ideas to share with your church members if you have a similar arrangement.
Dr. Tony Felich is a Minister in the Presbyterian Church in America and serves as the Pastor of Redeemer PCA in Overland Park, Kansas.

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Saul Had an Extraordinary, Supernatural Conversion—and So Did You

Whether or not a person knows exactly when it happened, there is always a moment in the secret place of the soul when a person who is saved went from being spiritually dead to spiritually alive, separated from Christ to joined to Christ (Ephesians 2:1–7).

Molly Worthen’s Salvation
Recently I listened to a fascinating interview on Collin Hansen’s podcast, Gospelbound.1 It was a ninety-minute conversation with Molly Worthen, a journalist and tenured history professor at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Over many years, Molly has written as an outsider about evangelical Christians and, when doing so, has sometimes been accused of being “snarky” and having little sympathy for her subjects.2Then recently she was asked to write an article on J.D. Greear and the Summit Church.3 She began talking to people at the church, visiting the church, and sat down to interview J.D. Over time she felt herself increasingly drawn into the church and began an email correspondence with Greear to get her more personal questions about faith answered. She asked him for recommendations of books to read and began reading the books he recommended:
I found myself more than 51 percent persuaded that the Christian account of the resurrection is the best account we have. But I couldn’t believe that a person could be converted by reading a lot of books…I was praying for some sort of warm and fuzzy mystical intervention, and it didn’t happen. I just got to the point as a consistent pragmatist that I had to admit I had gotten over that line of the resurrection being the best explanation for the historical evidence, which meant I had to change my working hypothesis of the universe. That weekend I switched from praying, “God show yourself to me,” to “Jesus, you are my Lord and Savior.”4
“Is my conversion real?” she asks. “You don’t hear about a lot of people saved through reading a lot of footnotes…But I have this longing to read Scripture—especially the Gospels—that I never had before, and I think, ‘That is not me. That is new.’”5
Isn’t it interesting how God saves people? And whom God saves? And how he changes them? It’s often the people we least expect and in a way we would never expect. Some people hear the gospel and immediately take hold of it, while others spend a lot of time considering the claims of Christ and gradually come to faith. Some people have a profoundly emotional experience, while others feel very little. Some experience immediate deliverance from sinful impulses and patterns, while others spend a lifetime seeking to put certain sins to death. But there is one thing that is always the same. No matter who it happens to or how it comes about, salvation is always a supernatural work of God in which blind eyes are opened, giving a person the ability to see who Jesus is and the faith to trust him.
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When the Trees Fall

We are vulnerable, frail creatures. A tree or two can upend our entire lives. But that doesn’t change the fact that the trees are still beautiful and good. We cannot afford to sequester ourselves off from pain, from danger, from the fear of loss and the anxiety of discomfort. We have to keep planting, keep building, keep growing, even though we know that we still live in a world where trees will fall.

I’m just now back into my study at the church building. My wife and kids are with her parents where power has been restored and I’m now able to put some thought toward what the role of our church in our community looks like in the days ahead. But first, I feel like it would be inappropriate not to process the thoughts that have swirled in my head since last Friday morning when the power went out.
I live in Greenwood, South Carolina. Our town was hit hard by Helene: 100% power outage, 100-year old trees down everywhere, homes destroyed. My neighborhood is on day eight with no power. My family and I were lucky: trees missed our house by a few feet, and no permanent damage was done to our home or to any of us. We’re blessed with a gas stove and easygoing children. Others weren’t as lucky on any front.
The Greek word apokalupsis, from which we get “apocalypse,” carries the idea of “unveiling” or “revealing.” The Southeast has had, in its own way, a miniature apocalypse. Hardship always brings truth to the surface. As a church, we’ve explored 1 Peter 1:6-7 and its implications over the past several months. The apostle begins declaring the beauty of the salvation in Jesus, and then states:
“In this you rejoice, though now for a little while, if necessary, you have been grieved by various trials, 7so that the tested genuineness of your faith—more precious than gold that perishes though it is tested by fire—may be found to result in praise and glory and honor at the revelation of Jesus Christ.”
What has this storm revealed about the Christian faith? What should we remember long after we get the lines back up, the refrigerators restocked, and our AC running?
A disclaimer: none of the following is intended to paint a rosy picture of what life on the ground is like, especially for those who have lost their homes or for the entire communities in Western North Carolina that are just gone. These are my thoughts from an immensely blessed position, trying to carve out some space for hope and joy in the midst of what is for many a very dark time. Read accordingly.
Here are a few thoughts.
Our neighbors are always there.
Our community has jumped into action to serve one another over the past week. Christians have been leading the charge in clearing trees, prepping meals, and collecting materials for those who have lost everything. My neighbors and I have stood in our street and checked on each other daily. Information about needs and updates has spread rapidly.
It seems like our idea of who counts as “neighbor” quickly widens when the trees come down. Everyone checks on everyone else,
I can’t help but think: won’t it be terrible if we go back to pleasantries and polite distance after this? Our neighbors will still be there once we’re all back in our air-conditioned homes. And needs will still exist. They might not be as immediately obvious as “a tree is blocking my driveway,” but is it not worth thinking about how we can continue to serve, love, support, share, grieve with, and edify one another?
What are the weaknesses in our community that this storm has exposed? What can we do on the other side of this not only to get things back to how they were, but to make them better for all of us in the long run? The same neighbors will be there in the years to come. Will they still know that we love them? Will we work to show them that our love goes beyond just their immediate need to their ongoing wellbeing, and ultimately their eternal joy?
The crucial things are the simple things.
I’ve eaten a lot of rice and beans this week: kidney beans, black beans, you name it. I’ve gotten pretty good, if I say so myself, at seasoning and dressing them up a bit so they have some flavor. And to be honest, they’ve been quite tasty! Simple things can go a long way. I just talked about serving our neighbors. The thing that’s been interesting to me is how simple the work of service is. Provide a meal, move some branches, hear a sad story.
How much of our churches’ ministries have abandoned the simple and crucial things for the big and spectacular but ultimately shallow? How much of the Christian life have we made arcane and complex when the basic commands—pray, serve, obey—are actually remarkably straightforward? What if the unnerving lesson that we need to learn from Helene is that being a Christian, at its basic level, by the grace of Christ, is actually quite simple?
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Elisabeth Elliot, the Valiant

Elisabeth Elliot’s story reminds me of the importance of grappling with mystery and certainty, the realization that the more we know, the more we see there’s more to know. Here is a portrait of a valiant woman who knew her sins but, better yet, knew her Savior.

When I finished Lucy Austen’s biography of Elisabeth Elliot a few weeks ago, the book went first to my desk, not my shelf, because I knew I’d have to write something about this remarkable woman’s story. Elisabeth rose to prominence as the widow whose husband Jim died in 1956 with four of his fellow missionaries at the hands of Waorani men in the jungles of Ecuador. Her life was long, her ministry vibrant. Austen’s portrait reveals a woman of courage and conviction who developed spiritually and theologically over time.
In this telling, there’s no halo over Elisabeth’s head, no smoothing out all the rough spots. Austen’s admiration for her subject comes through, but the way she shows respect for Elisabeth is by refusing to sugarcoat the challenges that arose or ignore the doubts that hovered over her hardest years.
Strange and Compelling Love Story
Readers unfamiliar with the story of Jim and Elisabeth Elliot may be surprised at its roller-coaster highs and lows, and just how long it took before they agreed to marry. From the outset, the reader senses they were both right for each other and tortured in the way they sought God’s will for their relationship.
The twentysomething Jim could sometimes be callous, often immature, clearly in the throes of a throbbing passion for God yet confused because he was confident God had called him to a life of celibacy. Torn between his devotion to God and his interest in Elisabeth, opinionated to a fault yet with a charisma and grace that charmed and influenced those around him, Jim was both honest and obstinate. Often unaware of how his vacillating affected Elisabeth, his words and actions carved channels of both love and sorrow. They were called first to the mission field and only then to each other, and once married, the couple’s life was marked by intensity: a fierce devotion to God and to each other, and to the people they hoped to reach with the gospel.
Life After Tragedy
If you’re familiar with the story, you may think the most interesting part of Elisabeth’s life is wrapped up in the mission she shared with Jim, their commitment to a dangerous and remote place in the jungle while still in their 20s, and the circumstances surrounding his death. But Austen’s biography devotes more attention to Elisabeth’s life after the tragedy on the beach.
First, we see the grieving widow with a young daughter honor the story of her husband and his fellow missionaries by giving the world an account of their dedication. Then we see her return to the area, labor for many years in language development and Bible translation, and eventually live with and observe closely the tribe responsible for Jim’s death. Along the way, she wrestles with doubt and disillusionment, ponders the miracle of conversion, and bemoans the monotony of a missionary’s life. She struggles relationally with Rachel Saint (the sister of one of the missionary men killed), always wondering how to rebuild and restore what was broken. Once she becomes a writer and speaker in the United States, Elisabeth bucks the expectations set for a missionary widow, refusing to give American audiences the gauzy and inspiring stories they most want to hear, choosing instead to be honest about her experiences and observations.
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Why Wisdom Is Far More Valuable than Intelligence

Wisdom can be sought, learned, and increased. But the seeking begins with Jesus Christ and Him alone. Without Christ, without submitting to Him, we are forever condemned to the foolish harm of our souls, and the souls of those around us.

Did you know that people pass electricity through their brains (tDCS, “transcranial direct current stimulation”) in the hope of being more intelligent? They do this before IQ testing, hoping to gain an edge over others.
Intelligence is a valuable commodity. Higher intelligence opens the door to better university degrees at better universities. Better degrees open the door to more lucrative careers. More lucrative careers open the door to the Nirvana of homeownership, meals with top chefs, private schools for the kids, better medical and dental treatment, early retirement, travel, and all-important experiences.
Thus, intelligent people are the new rock stars. Jordan Peterson’s recent lecture tour in Australia was a sellout. The ubiquitous Stephen Fry—urbane, witty, mellifluous—hosts the British TV show QI and makes one feel that one could never fly at quite his own altitude.
In this environment it is difficult not to measure and value ourselves according to our intelligence.
Wisdom is far more valuable than intelligence.
God’s Word does not rate intelligence this way. A quick concordance check of the NIV Bible shows that the word intelligent appears nine times, clever appears twice, and the words smart, intellectual, bright,and brainy not at all. But the words discern and discerning appear 34 times, understanding appears 115 times, and wise and wisdom 455 times. Know and knowledge appear 1,250 times. Think, thought, consider, meditate, reason, and ponder appear 405 times. We are commanded 14 times to “Wake up!” In the KJV, the command “Behold!” appears 1,326 times. The Bible highly rates wisdom, wisely alert thought, and wisely used knowledge. Bare intelligence is irrelevance.
The reason is this: there is no necessary correlation between intelligence and morality, or intelligence and wise conduct. You can be a fool with a very high IQ. You can be an evil genius. You can be dim, and good. You can be slow on the uptake, yet wise. You can be dull, and yet very skilled at the worthwhile thing that you do.
At the end of the day, a person’s contribution to the world, their society, and their friends and family will be determined not by their intelligence per se, but by their wisdom and goodness.
Wisdom is about knowing how to act correctly in any given situation.
According to the New Bible Dictionary the Hebrew word ḥokmā, “is intensely practical, not theoretical…. wisdom is the art of being successful, of forming the correct plan to gain the desired results.” And so the craftsmen of the Tabernacle were given ḥokmā to undertake their highly skilled workmanship (Exod. 31:6). The Bible associates wisdom with skilled metalwork, woodwork, jewelry, embroidery, weaving, trading, politics, leadership, and military and nautical ability. Wisdom is not about being smart. Wisdom is about knowing how to act correctly in any given situation, to do a given task well. This is driven home by the startling observation of Proverbs 30:24–28:
Four things on earth are small,but they are exceedingly wise:the ants are a people not strong,yet they provide their food in the summer;the rock badgers are a people not mighty,yet they make their homes in the cliffs;the locusts have no king,yet all of them march in rank;the lizard you can take in your hands,yet it is in kings’ palaces.
Ants, badgers, locusts, and lizards frequently shame the sharp, clever, and intelligent. For whereas the latter so often misuse their intelligence to harm themselves and those around them, “dumb animals” act prudently, constructively, and well. (The lizard is my favorite: he lets men sweat and toil to build a great and luxurious palace, says “thanks for that” when it is done, and simply moves in.)
While intelligence may be fixed, we can increase in wisdom.
The implication is that whereas IQ, like your height and eye color, may be relatively fixed, wisdom can be sought, learned, and increased. It should grow deeper and wider with age and experience (Job 32:7, Heb. 5:12). With every journey around the sun we should learn by experience how better to look after ourselves and those around us.
That is why we will now hear, from Proverbs 8, Wisdom shouting out to us from the street corners, urging us to take hold of the gifts that she longs to lavish upon us all:
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The Means and Design of His Presence

We draw near in our day through the Word of God and prayer, continual repentance and faith, through the filling of the Holy Spirit and joining Him in His mission and continually abiding in Him. He is abundantly available to all those who seek Him, for it has always been His desire to dwell among us and be our God and us His people.

God plans for us to live in the constant, conscious awareness of His presence. He wants us to walk with Him in unceasing communion and unending joy. To this end, He has continually provided the means for this fellowship. If we cooperate, we will know the best of this in this life, a foretaste of eternity.
A Visible Reminder
As God was molding a new nation after He had delivered them from Egypt, He instructed Moses to build a tabernacle in the wilderness to aid this process. It would move with them in their travels and be placed among them when they stopped. It would be central to their encampment, always there, always present.
An Offering
Everything depended upon the people’s willingness to give. So God told Moses to raise an offering of materials to construct this dwelling place.
Tell the sons of Israel to raise a contribution for Me; from every man whose heart moves him you shall raise My contribution.Exodus 25:2
The materials were specific: gold, silver, bronze, fine linen, etc. All these beautiful elements were purposeful and to be given willingly from “every man whose heart moves him.” God could have created this Tabernacle from thin air, but He desired for its building to be a partnership with those He had created in His image. He made us like He is so we could join Him in what He does. And this joint venture was another stunning reminder of that plan.
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