Wallpaper: A Crown of Righteousness
March 07, 2022
“Jesus’ crown was a crown of thorns in order that we might have a crown of righteousness.” — Alistair Begg
March 07, 2022
“Jesus’ crown was a crown of thorns in order that we might have a crown of righteousness.” — Alistair Begg
Charles Haddon Spurgeon was no stranger to suffering. Known in his day as the “Prince of Preachers,” Spurgeon faced trials of various kinds throughout his life, some physical, some circumstantial, some internal and personal. Such a man—one so saturated with Scripture and seasoned through suffering—has much wisdom to offer us. This is wisdom for everyone, because the question of suffering is not a question of if we will face it, but when. Suffering is one of life’s certainties, as is the good which God produces through it. We would therefore do well to listen to the Spurgeon as he offers counsel to prepare us for the suffering we will face.
Dear Friend,
In 1976, when I was assistant to Derek Prime at Charlotte Chapel, Bruce Milne was a guest speaker for a special weekend. I can still recall his sermons and the manner in which they were delivered. As a young man, hoping to learn how to preach, I paid careful attention, as he provided a model of humility, clarity, and warm persuasiveness. In due course, he moved to Canada to lecture alongside the late J. I. Packer at Regent College. His best-known book has been a staple diet for the leadership here at Parkside. Know the Truth is of immense help in understanding basic Christian doctrine. The very fact that, half a century on, we are offering it to you this month suggests that it is already a classic.
Acts 2:41 “So those who received his word were baptized, and there were added that day about three thousand souls.”
In his brand-new book Love Your Church: 8 Great Things about Being a Church Member, pastor Tony Merida explains the biblical model of the church that Jesus established. The blessing of community, he writes, requires coming together, not distancing ourselves from our spiritual brothers and sisters. Merida explains that it’s a great privilege to belong to God’s church and family—and just like you’ll find in any family, the privileges come with responsibilities.
February 28, 2022
“If we would ripen in grace, we must live near to Jesus—in His presence—ripened by the sunshine of His smiles.” — C.H. Spurgeon
Along life’s journey, it’s not uncommon to experience seasons during which everything seems to be winter in one’s soul—seasons defined by feelings of loneliness and desperation. Although life goes on, a deadening sense grips us. We often can’t explain it. The sun may be shining, the sky blue, and there may be nothing to worry us—but nonetheless, all seems bleak, and we are deeply unsettled and spiritually weighed down.
I need Thee every hour,Most gracious Lord;No tender voice like ThineCan peace afford.
In the book of Revelation, we find John, its author, banished to the small island of Patmos because of his faithfulness to the Gospel. As he addresses his readers in the book’s opening verses, he refers to himself as “your brother and partner in the tribulation” (1:9)—an acknowledgment that the people he was writing to were believers who, much like him, were trying to make sense of their troubled lives.
February 21, 2022
“Get nearer to Jesus, and you will find yourself linked more and more in spirit to all who like yourself are supported by the same heavenly manna.” — C.H. Spurgeon