Bible Thumping Wingnut

  Gay Haircuts, and Dumb Tweets

On this episode of Polemics Report for August 31st, 2021, JD and David talk about how Ron Burn’s stupid tweet comparing abortion to coronavirus betrays his evil worldview, a TGC article discussing getting a gay haircut, and how Rick Warren has no business giving anyone health advice. In the Patron portion, we answer sincere questions concerning the catastrophizing of the vaccine, Voddie Baucham, and what modesty looks like.

  Facing Your Accuser

On this episode of Polemics Report for August 26th, 2021, JD and David discuss the abuse lawsuit in the SBC and the relationship is between mandatory vaccines and the mark of the beast. In the Patron portion, we discuss Afghanistan and catch up on sincere Patron questions.

  Pinwheels and Proof of the Poke

On this episode of Polemics Report for August 24th, 2021, JD and David talk about Doug Wilson’s righteous deception as it relates to proof of the poke and take issue with brother Todd Friel’s misunderstanding of government authority. In the Patron portion, we dig further into Todd’s take and the phenomenon known as antibody-dependent enhancement.

It Is Finished, Part 3

Part of the Exposition of the Gospel of John series,

Preached by Pastor Austin Hetsler on August 8, 2021 (Sunday Morning).

“One loses with a whimper…one wins with a SHOUT”

Continuing with the exposition of the Gospel of John. John 19:17-30

Watch The Video Of This Episode:

 How To Flip Off the People Who Made You Rich and Famous, While Lying to Them About Your Real Beliefs

On this episode of Polemics Report for August 19th, 2021, JD discusses how TGC types are now supporting the idea that virtual church is not a thing (long after it takes any courage to insist on it), and Russell Moore and Beth Moore talking about the virtues of abandoning orthodoxy. In the Patron portion, we touch on how to teach your SBC congregation about leaving the SBC, and talk about how to start a church food bank.

What is Gospel Culture?

On this episode of Polemics Report for August 17th, 2021, JD and David dig into the effeminate and false “gospel culture” promoted by Ray Ortlund and Sam Allberry via the Gospel Coalition. In the Patron portion, JD gets descriptive with his need for support with lawsuits he’s facing and goes a little deeper into the issue of Christians in public schools. 

Chasing Rabbits

On this episode of Polemics Report for August 13th, 2021, JD discusses NAMB admitting to planting churches with women preachers and David and JD chase the rabbit of David pulling his kids out of their public school. In the Patron portion, we dissect Beth Moore’s latest idiotic Tweet thread and dig into Patron questions.

Lying the Entire Time

On this episode of Polemics Report for August 5th, 2021, JD discusses how Jonathan Merritt has been lying to everyone to infiltrate the church and how his father James Merritt was one of the pastors who taught JD that James must now hand his son over to the devil. In the Patron portion, JD clears up his position on female breadwinners, the origin of the other F-word, what will happen if churches are ordered to close again, and righteous deception in the cause of personal freedom.

It Is Finished, Part 2

Preached by Pastor Austin Hetsler on July 25, 2021 (Sunday Morning).

Christ The Rock Church

“Crucifixes are not lucky charms. The power is not in the cross, but in Him who hung on it.”

Continuing with the exposition of the Gospel of John. John 19:17-30

Watch The Video Of This Episode:

Bible Butchers Defending Plagiarism

On this episode of Polemics Report for August 3rd, 2021, JD discusses a pastor justifying plagiarism by butchering scripture. In the Patron portion, we answer questions about the silliness of accusing Voddie Baucham of plagiarism, holding church services at Masonic Temples, and being held accountable for the sins of our ancestors.

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