Bible Thumping Wingnut

Unilateral Church Discipline

1. Seth continues his review of Matthew 12 further examining Jesus’ response to the Pharisees.2. Seth responds to a listener submission about race and romance.3. Seth discusses a church discipline issue at a large, conservative church.

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Task Force Failure

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On this episode of Polemics Report for June 7th, 2022, David discusses the exit of the Purpose-Driven Pope Rick Warren, and the failure of the SBC’s Sex Abuse Task Force and its LGBTQ-affirming investigators to provide anything of value to churches despite the claims of SBC elites. In the patron portion, we answer sincere questions about choosing faithful churches and how to know the Bible is indeed the Word of God.

The Most Scandalous Scandal

Preached by Pastor Austin Hetsler on May 22nd, 2022 (Sunday Morning)

Part of the Exposition of the Book of Acts series, preached at a Sunday Morning service

“People are constantly in a state of looking for something new to worship…some new idol.”

Acts 3:11-26

God and Guns

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On this episode of Polemics Report for June 2nd, 2022, David circles back to reveal the reason he thinks Dallas Jenkins is cool with Mormonism, discusses SBC ambulance chasers, and looks at the underlying doctrine behind the gun debate. In the patron portion, we talk about why Phil Vischer and Skye Jethani don’t actually care about controlling guns, and discuss theological ignorance in even good churches.

Article VIII, The Lord’s Day

1. Seth continues his review of Matthew examining a fulfilled prophecy.2. Seth responds to a listener submission about homosexuals.3. Seth discusses Article VIII of the Baptist Faith and Message.

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Mormon = Mormon

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On this episode of Polemics Report for May 31st, 2022, David fights his lost voice to discuss Dallas Jenkins’ horrible attempt to excuse his lack of epistemological convictions, and how Lecrae is showing his unregeneration by avoiding church. In the Patron portion, we answer sincere questions about unbelieving spouses, staying in the SBC for “the stuff,” and the qualifications of pastors.

KIDScast#97 The Power To Do What Is Right

Will Power

Will power is the ability to choose the right decision or to persevere through hardship. Let’s look at some examples in scripture of people who exercised this power and see how we can grow our own.


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Song Credit:  Seeds Family Worship: “Your Word In My Heart”, “Young”

We Have Christ, We Give Christ

Preached by Pastor Austin Hetsler on May 8th, 2022 (Sunday Morning)

Part of the Exposition of the Book of Acts series, preached at a Sunday Morning service

Acts 3:1-13

Watch the video of the Sermon Here:

Awful Abortion Arguments: God Doesn’t Value Preborn Life

Seth continues a review of the Matthew 12, examining Jesus healing in the synagogue. Seth answers a question in the inbox about church offices.Seth further discusses anti-abortion apologetics.

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One More Nail in the Coffin?

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On this episode of Polemics Report for May 24th, 2022, David analyzes and critiques the SBC Sex Abuse Task Force’s report, including how bad their suggestions are and what the correct answer is to tackling abuse in the church. In the Patron portion, we discuss a book recommendation for studying the five solas and whether or not there are any good seminaries left.

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