Aphorisms on Liberty
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Get Joy at the End of the Tether, today: https://canonpress.com/products/joy-at-the-end-of-the-tether/
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GK Chesterton’s Orthodoxy (with flames atop his head and everything!) awaits you: https://canonpress.com/products/orthodoxy-introduction-by-g-k-chesterton/
GK Chesterton’s Orthodoxy (with flames atop his head and everything!) awaits you: https://canonpress.com/products/orthodoxy-introduction-by-g-k-chesterton/
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How should Christians approach politics? Should we flee? Should we buy Politicians? Get a political breath of fresh air when you crack open Empires of Dirt by Douglas Wilson: https://canonpress.com/products/empires-of-dirt-secularism-radical-islam-and-the-mere-christendom-alternative
How should Christians approach politics? Should we flee? Should we buy Politicians? Get a political breath of fresh air when you crack open Empires of Dirt by Douglas Wilson: https://canonpress.com/products/empires-of-dirt-secularism-radical-islam-and-the-mere-christendom-alternative