Doctrine & Devotion

Screening Screentime

Today Jimmy and Joe kick back and have a conversation about how they place boundaries around the media their kids take in, and what principles they want their children to keep in mind as they watch, read, or listen to movies, tv, and music. OUR SPONSOR The ministry landscape is changing. More and more, pastors need to be equipped with rigorous theological training as well as job skills to make a living where God has called you. That’s why Southeastern Seminary has created the M.Div.-M.B.A. in just 4 years, you can graduate from a theologically rigorous M.Div. program at Southeastern and have the practical job skills of an M.B.A. With leading Baptist scholars like Bruce Ashford, Ben Merkle, and John Hammett, there’s no better time to start your theological training today. Get all the details here.Support this podcast at — Inquiries:

The 1689 on the Church (26.13-14)

The guys talk about conflict in the church, and praying for other churches, all from Chapter 26 of the 1689 Confession. How should we not react to a problem we have with another member in the church? And what does prayer for other churches look like? Plus, Jimmy has traveling pants, doesn’t know who Keith Green is, and received a Trump flag in the mail. Jump to the 6:30 mark to skip the banter. OUR SPONSOR The ministry landscape is changing. More and more, pastors need to be equipped with rigorous theological training as well as job skills to make a living where God has called you. That’s why Southeastern Seminary has created the M.Div.-M.B.A. in just 4 years, you can graduate from a theologically rigorous M.Div. program at Southeastern and have the practical job skills of an M.B.A. With leading Baptist scholars like Bruce Ashford, Ben Merkle, and John Hammett, there’s no better time to start your theological training today. Get all the links and show notes at this podcast at — Inquiries:

Protesting Pastors

Today Joe and Jimmy answer some listener email. What do the guys think about church leaders who are protesting state orders regarding the quarantine? When does our not meeting together as local churches in the current crisis become “forsaking” the assembly? Would house churches be a better missional approach in expensive city contexts than a more “traditional” approach? Plus, more questions and Joe freestyles. OUR SPONSOR The ministry landscape is changing. More and more, pastors need to be equipped with rigorous theological training as well as job skills to make a living where God has called you. That’s why Southeastern Seminary has created the M.Div.-M.B.A. in just 4 years, you can graduate from a theologically rigorous M.Div. program at Southeastern and have the practical job skills of an M.B.A. With leading Baptist scholars like Bruce Ashford, Ben Merkle, and John Hammett, there’s no better time to start your theological training today. Get all the details here. For all the links and show notes visit this podcast at — Inquiries:

The 1689 on the Church (26.12)

Happy quarantine! On this episode Jimmy and Joe talk through the benefits of belonging to a local church from the 1689 Confession. Where do we see church “membership” in Scripture? What are the “privileges” of membership? What’s a “censure,” and why does a local church practice church discipline? REFERENCES Through the Westminster Confession, Chad Van Dixhoorn On Church Membership (Doctrine and Devotion) On Church Discipline (Doc trine and Devotion) Tony Doppke preaching at Redeemer Fellowship this past Sunday. OUR SPONSOR The ministry landscape is changing. More and more, pastors need to be equipped with rigorous theological training as well as job skills to make a living where God has called you. That’s why Southeastern Seminary has created the M.Div.-M.B.A. in just 4 years, you can graduate from a theologically rigorous M.Div. program at Southeastern and have the practical job skills of an M.B.A. With leading Baptist scholars like Bruce Ashford, Ben Merkle, and John Hammett, there’s no better time to start your theological training today. Get all the details here. For all the links and show notes visit this podcast at — Inquiries:

Virtual Communion

Joe and Jimmy have another conversation about The Lord’s Supper in connection with the article we just released call, Virtual Communion. Because the context in which the Lord’s Supper was observed in the first century was when local churches gathered together, and because of the warnings and actions of God against those who partake of the ordinance in an unworthy manner, and because of God’s charge to leaders to exercise oversight and discipline during the observance of this ordinance, it is only when the local church is assembled, with the oversight of the elders, that we can properly observe this ordinance. Plus, the guys answer some related questions that came in via social media. OUR SPONSORSupport this podcast at — Inquiries:

The 1689 on the Church (26.11)

The guys discuss preaching from The 1689 Confession. What are the preacher’s devotional habit? Instant preaching? Training preachers? What is preaching? Plus, Steve McCoy is a meteorologist.OUR SPONSORSoutheastern Baptist Theological Seminary believes that theological education is best done in partnership with the local church. Southeastern’s EQUIP Network empowers churches and ministry organizations to offer accredited and accessible courses to students from the highest level of theological training. The EQUIP Network weds the seminary experience with real life ministry opportunities to provide students with the most integrative ministry training available. Students can fulfill their remaining degree requirements through the online, hybrid, or campus-based classes. Students can earn up to 36 hours of seminary credit in their local church through EQUIP classes. AND if you’re a pastor with an M.Div., you can start an EQUIP center at your church. For more information go to all the links and show notes this podcast at — Inquiries:

Comfort in Affliction

Today the guys read some Lewis Bayly to encourage those who are suffering. Bayly’s 10 meditations to comfort those in affliction are a timely and good word to many enduring the current pandemic. We hope the words of this 17th century puritan are an encouragement to you. Plus, Joe and his evil buddy pulled off a terrible prank in third grade. Our Sponsor The ministry landscape is changing. More and more, pastors need to be equipped with rigorous theological training as well as job skills to make a living where God has called you. That’s why Southeastern Seminary has created the M.Div.-M.B.A. in just 4 years, you can graduate from a theologically rigorous M.Div. program at Southeastern and have the practical job skills of an M.B.A. With leading Baptist scholars like Bruce Ashford, Ben Merkle, and John Hammett, there’s no better time to start your theological training today. Get the detail here. For all the links and show notes visit this podcast at — Inquiries:

NDA Bonus Episode

You didn’t ask for it, but the guys are giving it to you anyway! Jimmy had a bee in his bonnet and wanted to revisit the whole NDA discussion the guys had on April 2. If you haven’t listened to that episode, be sure to start there. For all the show notes and links visit this podcast at — Inquiries:

The 1689 on the Church (26.10)

Joe and Jimmy are back in the second of two episodes recorded offsite at an undisclosed location, and they get into a touchy subject. Should pastors be paid by their local church? How much should pastors be paid, and how can we determine that amount? And should congregations know what pastors are paid (the answer is yes). Plus, Jimmy is a dandy. Want to skip the small talk? You can skip to the 6:05 mark.OUR SPONSORSoutheastern Baptist Theological Seminary believes that theological education is best done in partnership with the local church. Southeastern’s EQUIP Network empowers churches and ministry organizations to offer accredited and accessible courses to students from the highest level of theological training. The EQUIP Network weds the seminary experience with real life ministry opportunities to provide students with the most integrative ministry training available. Students can fulfill their remaining degree requirements through the online, hybrid, or campus-based classes. Students can earn up to 36 hours of seminary credit in their local church through EQUIP classes. AND if you’re a pastor with an M.Div., you can start an EQUIP center at your church. For more information go to all the links and snow notes this podcast at — Inquiries:

Non-Disclosure Agreements

Today, Joe and Jimmy are joined by their friend, Greg, to discuss non-disclosure agreements and the local church. Greg is an attorney, and helps the guys think the purpose of an NDAs, the legitimate use of NDAs, how they can be misused in the church, and when is signing an NDA a good or bad idea? Plus, Greg was a secret agent before he was a lawyer?! Skip the banter by jumping in at the 8:37 mark. Additional Resources: Silence of the Sheep by Emily Belz (World Magazine) Quick to Listen with Morgan Lee, Episode 185 (Christianity Today)Support this podcast at — Inquiries:

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