Doctrine & Devotion

The 1689 on the Church (26.8-9)

Jimmy and Joe are ready to get into some more ecclesiology and the 1689 Confession. Who is necessary for a local church to properly exist. What are the responsibilities of church members and church officers? How should officers of the church, elders and deacons, be appointed to serve? Plus, Joe is not invited to game night, and Jimmy turns “Kirk Cameron” into a verb. Skip the banter by jumping to the 5:50 mark. THE 2020 DOCTRINE AND DEVOTION CONFERENCE It’s a good thing we scheduled our annual conference for the Fall this year! Doctrine and Devotion's fourth annual conference is Friday, September 18 and Saturday, September 19, 2020 in St. Charles, IL. Our theme for this two-day conference is Covenant Theology: God's Promises for God's People. Dr. Sam Renihan will be our keynote speaker, joined by Joe Thorn and Jimmy Fowler, walking us through the biblical covenants between God and his people. For all the details and to register click the link below. Get all the links and show notes at this podcast at — Inquiries:

Corona Chaos

Joe and Jimmy are back on the mics talking about the coronavirus pandemic, the “shelter at home” order, and how churches are working to care for their people during this time. What are some of the good things that have come about because of the coronavirus? What specifically is Redeemer Fellowship doing to serve her people? Why is discipline and order important during all this forced downtime? And the guys revisit their problem with small group communion. Plus, Jimmy figures out how to use the “drop” feature on the new sound board. The 2020 Annual Conference It’s a good thing we scheduled our annual conference for the Fall this year! Doctrine and Devotion's fourth annual conference is Friday, September 18 and Saturday, September 19, 2020 in St. Charles, IL. Our theme for this two-day conference is Covenant Theology: God's Promises for God's People. Dr. Sam Renihan will be our keynote speaker, joined by Joe Thorn and Jimmy Fowler, walking us through the biblical covenants between God and his people. For all the details and to register click the link below. this podcast at — Inquiries:

Communion Questions

Today’s episode is taken from the Doctrine and Devotion Live that ended our virtual conference this past weekend. In it Jimmy and Joe answer a question about communion, or The Lord’s Supper. What is necessary to observe the Lord’s Supper? Before it’s over the guys come back and answer a follow up question for more clarity. Note: this was done live so the sound is different. We will be back to our normal schedule and setup this Thursday. The 2020 Annual Conference Doctrine and Devotion's fourth annual conference is Friday, September 18 and Saturday, September 19, 2020 in St. Charles, IL. Our theme for this two-day conference is Covenant Theology: God's Promises for God's People. Dr. Sam Renihan will be our keynote speaker, joined by Joe Thorn and Jimmy Fowler, walking us through the biblical covenants between God and his people. For all the details and to register click the link below. Get all the links and show notes at this podcast at — Inquiries:

Coronavirus and the Church

The guys are back to talk a bit more about the coronavirus outbreak and the local church. Many of us are dealing with businesses closing, working from home, being laid off of work, churches suspending services, social distancing, isolation, lack of fellowship, and loneliness. How can we walk through this faithfully as Christians? How can the church continue to serve her members? What does our theology say to our current situation? Plus, Joe is a quitter, and Jimmy holds out on Joe. Contending for the Gospel Virtual Conference Contending for the Gospel: Protecting Orthodoxy and Promoting Unity will be live-streamed for all who are registered on Saturday, March 21. The deadline to register for this conference is Thursday, March 19 at 11:59 p.m. CDT. Those registered will receive a link to the live stream by 9:00 a.m. on the morning of March 21st. For all the links and show notes visit this podcast at — Inquiries:

The 1689 on the Church (26.7)

Happy Monday, er’ybody! Jimmy and Joe are back to talk about the 1689 Confession and authority in the local church. What authority do elders have, and what authority does the congregation have? Did JMac The Lesser actually say “congregationalism is satanic?” For more of the guys' thoughts on church discipline listen to the 2016 episode on Church Discipline.   Plus, the Southwest Conference in Texas on March 21st is still on! If you’re registered, wash your hands and bring your extra toilet paper—we will see you there! Get all the links and show notes at this podcast at — Inquiries:

Coronavirus and the Congregation

The guys planned on releasing this next week, but decided the issue is worth sharing now. And, besides—you listeners deserve a bonus episode! So here are Joe’s and Jimmy’s thoughts on the coronavirus and church service cancellation. Some churches are canceling Sunday services, others are not. Who is right? Who is wrong? The Doctrine and Devotion Annual Conference Doctrine and Devotion's fourth annual conference is Friday, September 18 and Saturday, September 19, 2020 in St. Charles, IL. Our theme for this two-day conference is Covenant Theology: God's Promises for God's People. Dr. Sam Renihan will be our keynote speaker, joined by Joe Thorn and Jimmy Fowler, walking us through the biblical covenants between God and his people. For all the details and to register click the link below. For all the links and show notes visit this podcast at — Inquiries:


Joe is back from teaching his son to drive, and Jimmy is waking up just in time to talk about the act of confession. What is gospel-centered confession and how is it different from the Roman Catholic sacrament of confession? What does confession accomplish, and how do we do it well? THE 2020 DOCTRINE AND DEVOTION CONFERENCE Doctrine and Devotion's fourth annual conference is Friday, September 18 and Saturday, September 19, 2020 in St. Charles, IL. Our theme for this two-day conference is Covenant Theology: God's Promises for God's People. Dr. Sam Renihan will be our keynote speaker, joined by Joe Thorn and Jimmy Fowler, walking us through the biblical covenants between God and his people. For all the details and to register click the link below. For all the links and show notes visit this podcast at — Inquiries:

The 1689 on the Church (26.6)

The guys talk through the 1689 Confession, Chapter 26 paragraph 6, on the calling of the saints, the evidence of faith, and our ministry to one another in the church. Plus, Jimmy drinks English grandma tea, and Joe is stuck in the 80s. 2020 ANNUAL CONFERENCE Doctrine and Devotion's fourth annual conference is Friday, September 18 and Saturday, September 19, 2020 in St. Charles, IL. Our theme for this two-day conference is Covenant Theology: God's Promises for God's People. Dr. Sam Renihan will be our keynote speaker, joined by Joe Thorn and Jimmy Fowler, walking us through the biblical covenants between God and his people. For all the details and to register click the link below. For all the links and show notes visit this podcast at — Inquiries:

A29, Poaching, and Preaching

Today Jimmy and Joe cover a lot of ground, discussing Joe’s trip to a recent Acts 29 meeting, answering listener emails about church plant poaching, preaching practices, and more. They also read their most negative reviews on iTunes. Plus, Joe is the worst at traveling. The 2020 Annual Conference Doctrine and Devotion's fourth annual conference is Friday, September 18 and Saturday, September 19, 2020 in St. Charles, IL. Our theme for this two-day conference is Covenant Theology: God's Promises for God's People. Dr. Sam Renihan will be our keynote speaker, joined by Joe Thorn and Jimmy Fowler, walking us through the biblical covenants between God and his people. For all the details and to register click the link below. For all the links and show notes visit this podcast at — Inquiries:

The 1689 on the Church (26.5)

Joe and Jimmy have heard your cries and today they are giving you what you want. Steve McCoy is on the pod’ to join a discussion about the local church, how Jesus calls the elect, what it means to be called out of the world, and what is it that Jesus calls us to? Plus, Joe and Jimmy survive a fight.Support this podcast at — Inquiries:

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