Doctrine & Devotion

Giving to the Church

Jimmy and Joe sit down to record an episode on “giving to the church”, but they also decided to try out Uber Eats. So there is an Italian Beef intermission. Why are some pastors uneasy teaching on giving? Should pastors receive a salary from the church? Is an “offering” biblical? How much should members give to their church? What should the offering go toward? Plus, Joe's arachnophobia is on full display.Support this podcast at — Inquiries:

Sacred and Secular

The guys are back in the US and ready to talk about the realms of the sacred and secular. Should Christians see everything as “sacred?” Or is there an appropriate realm that we live in that could be considered secular? The guys talk through the basics of “two kingdom” theology and land over there with Horton and Kline.Support this podcast at — Inquiries:

10 Ways to Love Other Christians

Joe and Jimmy wrap up the New Zealand Acts 29 Conference with one more live recording of Doctrine and Devotion. In this episode the guys discuss ten practical ways to exercise love for our brothers and sisters in Christ. Plus, Jimmy exaggerates about NZ burgers, and the guys eat Satanic pizza.Support this podcast at — Inquiries:


In this episode Joe and Jimmy sit down with pastor Michael Beck of Gracenet Church, NZ to talk about the issue of worldliness. We hear Michael share a bit about his testimony, and then the guys get into what worldliness is and is not. This episode was recorded live at the Acts 29 New Zealand Conference in November 2017.Support this podcast at — Inquiries:

The Gloriavale Cult

While at the Doctrine and Devotion Conference in New Zealand this year Jimmy and Joe sat down with Pastor Nick Clevely of Covenant Grace Baptist Church (Timaru, New Zealand) to talk about the cult in his back yard and what he and his church were led to do about it. After you hear this story we hope you will be encouraged to preach the gospel and love the lost with works of grace following your words of grace.Support this podcast at — Inquiries:

Jim Renihan on Creation

The guys sat down with Dr. Jim Renihan at the Acts 29/Doctrine and Devotion Conference. Dr. Renihan is President and Professor of Historical Theology at IRBS Seminary. On this episode Joe and Jimmy ask Dr. Renihan, “What are the most important themes and doctrines related to creation?” Plus, Jimmy causes cultural confusion in New Zealand, and Joe gets top billing over Dr. Joel Beeke.Support this podcast at — Inquiries:

Elder Candidacy

Happy Thanksgiving, everyone! In this episode, recorded before their trip to New Zealand, Jimmy and Joe discuss the elder candidacy process at Redeemer Fellowship. How are potential elders identified at Redeemer? How are specific men chosen to be elder candidates, and what does our elder candidacy consist of? If our process “hard,” or “robust?” Does Jimmy procrastinate? Will he ever finish his elder candidacy? Let’s find out. GO!Support this podcast at — Inquiries:

The Church Planting Green Light

Joe and Jimmy sit down after preaching to talk about the “church planting green light”. Specifically, they cover four essentials a church planter must have a grasp on before they are ready to sent out to plant. What is “calling”, and what does it have to do with aptness for church planting? How does “context” play a role in one's readiness to plant? What does it mean to have “clarity” concerning the specific church someone desires to start? Why is “collaboration” so important in church planting? Plus, Jimmy calls us to have a “singular focus of two things.”Support this podcast at — Inquiries:

Pastoral Care

Jimmy and Joe bring back Pastor Pat to talk about pastoral care. Pat is one of our closest friends, and someone we love to work along side in the ministry at Redeemer Fellowship. Pat is the “Community Life Pastor” at Redeemer and the official babysitter of the Jofo. What is the nature of pastoral care? how do churches get it wrong? What should pastors be prioritizing in their shepherding of the people?Support this podcast at — Inquiries:

The Communion of Saints

Joe and Jimmy and back, talking about the “communion of the saints.” What is the communion of the saints? How is this different than simple community? What are the privileges and responsibilities in this communion?Support this podcast at — Inquiries:

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