Doctrine & Devotion

100th Episode

Joe and Jimmy sit down to record their 100th episode. They answer some listener email (women leading in corporate worship, restoring fallen pastors, executive pastors, rural ministry, an tithing) and address the issue of their “banter” or “bickering.” Plus, an MAJOR ANNOUNCEMENT is made toward the end of the podcast.Support this podcast at — Inquiries:

Table, Pulpit, Square

Jimmy is back from his “month long” vacation, and the bromance is rekindled! Today Joe and Jimmy sit down to discuss their church's vision for all of church life: “Table, Pulpit, and Square.” What do these three environments have to do with church health and the Christian life? Grab a piece of paper and a pencil to follow along as the guys work it out.Support this podcast at — Inquiries:


Jimmy and Joe got together to talk about their anger issues. What is anger? When is it justified? What generally makes anger such a misplaced affection in our lives? Hey, haters: You can skip to 4:35 to skip the “banter.”Support this podcast at — Inquiries:


Joe and Jimmy step into the subject of joy.Where does joy come from and how does it transcend our circumstances? What role does faith play in our afflictions? How can we find joy in the midst of  our afflictions?Support this podcast at — Inquiries:

Protestant Departure

Pastor Nick Batzig joins Jimmy and Joe to talk about the departure of Protestants to the Roman Catholic faith. Why do some leave baptist, Presbyterian, and other churches for the Greek Orthodox or Roman Catholic Church? Does it even matter? Trigger Warning: This is a decidedly protestant podcast and episode. Who is Nick Batzig? Nick is the Organizing Pastor of New Covenant Presbyterian Church in Richmond Hill, GA. He has written numerous articles for Tabletalk Magazine, Modern Reformation, Reformation 21 and The Christward Collective. Nick is published in Jonathan Edwards and Scotland (Dunedin, 2011) and Jonathan Edwards for the Church (Evangelical Press). Nick is the editor of the Christward Collective and Reformation21, sites of the Alliance of Confessing Evangelicals, and the host of East of Eden, a podcast devoted to the Biblical and Systematic Theology of Jonathan Edwards. You can friend him on Facebook here and follow him on Twitter @nick_batzig. Note: We had some audio difficulties in our episodes with Pastor Nick that left is without a third quality mic. This left Jimmy sounding a bit rough. We will have this remedied quickly.Support this podcast at — Inquiries:

Christ-Centered Hermeneutics

Here he is! Pastor Nick Batzig is in the house with Joe and Jimmy to discuss Christ-centered hermeneutics. How does all of Scripture point us to Christ? How does Christ-centered interpretation go wrong? Don't forget to check out Pastor Nick's sermon on Luke 2:22-40 from his time at Redeemer Fellowship. Plus, Carmen! Note: We had some audio difficulties that left is without a third quality mic. This left Jimmy sounding a bit rough. We will have this remedied quickly.Support this podcast at — Inquiries:

The Covenant of Works

Joe and Jimmy have a short but good conversation on the Covenant of Works. Is it biblical, or just a theological construct imposed on Scripture? Plus, Pat stops by to share some goodies he picked up at the 2017 Pipe & Tobacciana Show.Support this podcast at — Inquiries:

1689 Federalism

The guys are hanging out on the back porch of the church discussing 1689 Federalism while the youth play kick ball in the background. If 1689 federalism is essentially old-school baptist covenant theology, how is it different from other forms of baptist covenant theology and how does it differ from paedobaptist covenant theology? This is just a simple introduction, and Joe and Jimmy want to encourage you to check out the resources listed below to go deeper. Plus, screaming kids who can't run or lose.Support this podcast at — Inquiries:

The Jealousy of God

Jimmy is out of the country, being all fancy, while Joe stays local. Faithful. Missional. But we still have fresh pod for you, and today the guys talk about the “jealousy of God.”  Most of us think of jealousy as a bad thing, but is there a good form of jealousy? What makes jealousy bad? In what sense is God a “jealous God” and how should this impact our faith? Plus, the guys admit they sometimes Facetime in the morning–shirts off.Support this podcast at — Inquiries:


Joe and Jimmy get into the controversial subject of “reprobation” while chilling on the back porch of the church. What is reprobation? Is it the same thing as “double predestination?” Check it out and let us now what you think.Support this podcast at — Inquiries:

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