Fighting For The Faith

Prophecies are Weapons of Warfare

00:07:17 Valerie from Chiswick Christian Center Winter Tree “Word of the Lord”
00:15:21 Bill Johnson Prophecies are Weapons of Warfare
00:39:57 Steve Long The Presence of God
01:12:55 Sermon Review: Chosen to Choose by Keith Craft

Is Man a Machine?

Is Man a Machine? by Dr. A.E. Wilder-Smith

Jen Hatmaker Preaches About Inclusion

00:06:38 Jen Hatmaker Preaches About Inclusion
00:53:42 Church of the Highlands Montage of Subjectivity
01:11:17 Sermon Review: Everything Must Go by Sarah Jakes Roberts

Time and Creation

Time and Creation by Dr. A.E. Wilder-Smith

Debunking the False Kenotic Christology of the N.A.R.

00:10:06 Jennifer LeClaire Does a Prophetic Emily Letila
00:47:03 Daniel Zelli False Kenotic Christology
01:05:53 Ben Fitzgerald Why Do Diseases Return When People Are Healed?
01:12:59 Michael Brown Rebukes Bill Johnson’s False Doctrine?
01:28:05 Sermon Review: Supernatural Series 03 by Daniel Hagen

Design and Logos in Biology

Design and Logos in Biology by Dr. A.E. Wilder-Smith

Making Room for Miracles by Tuning the Room

00:11:00 David Wagner Thomas Glowed Like a Light Bulb
00:48:14 John Gray is Now a Vision-Casting Leader
01:05:41 Randy Feldschauul Making Room for Miracles
01:27:26 Sermon Review: Supernatural Series 02 by Daniel Hagen

The Origin of Life

The Origin of Life by Dr. A.E. Wilder-Smith

God is Commissioning Weather Warriors

00:10:13 Amanda Wells Thomas Glowed Like a Light Bulb
00:22:14 Kat Kerr God is Commissioning Weather Warriors
00:34:03 Lucas Connell Lost In Religion
00:46:56 Daniel Zelli We are NOT Sinners Saved by Grace
01:19:56 Sermon Review: New Apostolic Reformation: Paradigm Shift by Danielle Dixon

New Wineskin Churches?

00:07:29 Thom & Krista Shirley Inadvertently Admit They’re Not Hearing From God
00:22:03 Ben Lim Five Mantles of the New Breed
00:40:52 Sermon Review: New Apostolic Reformation: Old and New Wineskins by Danielle Dixon

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