Satan's Fifth Column
Satan’s Fifth Column & Facets of Rebellion by Gervase Charmley
Satan’s Fifth Column & Facets of Rebellion by Gervase Charmley
00:06:30 Tavner Smith The Rhythm of Right Decisions
00:35:39 Eric Dykstra Camping With Jesus
0052:30 T.D. Jakes Your Opposition is Your Opportunity
01:14:35 Sermon The God Who Breaks the Rules by Sergio de la Mora
Rosebrough’s Ramblings on Exodus – Omens and Interest
00:09:11 William Tapley Isaiah & Micah Verify QAnon “Prophecies”
00:20:13 Patricia King Nets & Sickles
00:41:03 Scott McKenna Satan? Really?
00:54:20 Nicole Crank Going Deeper
01:14:35 Sermon Review: How to Keep Your Tank Filled Up Instead of Running on Empty by Rick Warren
00:07:30 Jonathan Cahn & Jim Bakker Cracks the Biblical Paradigm Code
00:19:41 Brian Simmons Promotes Taking the Mark of the Beast?
00:42:52 Heidi Baker Going Deeper
01:28:40 Sermon Review: Glory of the Last Days by Brian Simmons
00:08:18 Terri Savelle Foy How to Use the Law of Attraction for Weight Loss
00:24 :20 Andrew Wommack Claims to Be a Prophet
00:59:12 Robert Morris Claims Every Christian is A Prophet
01:25:08 Good Sermon: Worth Fighting for by Gervase Charmley
00:21:04 Katie Souza Miracles While You Sleep
00:49:20 Todd White Scam Claims RE: Miraculous Sanctification
01:34:30 Sermon Review: Stretech Into by Jurgen Matthesius
Rosebrough’s Ramblings on Psalm 69
00:10:43 Bill Johnson Promotes Todd Bentley’s Upcoming “Revival”
00:16:40 Asher Intrater Claims Our Words Change the World
00:44:42 Rich Wilkerson Losing Your Ship
01:09:05 Sermon Review: Process for Progress by Jim Hennesey
00:08:21 Ryan LeStrange Release the Unusual
00:20:01 Mel Bond Divine Sex
00:39:26 Chuck Balsamo Master Your Atmosphere
00:56:07 Perry Stone Political Soul Ties
01:18:02 Sermon Review: A Deep Inner Life with God by Sarah Jackson