Fighting For The Faith

Fire Feeders

00:08:05 Rodney Howard-Browne Doubters of the Laughing Revival Go to Hell
00:41:37  Lillian Brown Hearing God in a Noisy World
01:01:34  Steven Furtick Trapped in Nazareth
01:22:44 Sermon Review: Fire Feeders by Russell Evans

The Thief and the Miser

Rosebrough’s Ramblings on Exodus – The Thief and the Miser

Can Christians Be Possessed by Demons?

00:06:30 Terri Savelle Foy Soul Ties
00:22:34  Joanna Adams Introduction to Deliverance
00:55:14  Larry Huch Pentecost First Fruits Scam
01:09:15 Sermon Review: Now You See Me by Matt Garner

Royal Wedding Sermon Malfunction

00:10:52 David Crank Look Again
00:42:02  John & Carol Arnott How It All Happened
01:11:00 Sermon Review: Royal Wedding Sermon by Michael Curry

Wrap Up of the Ten Commandments – Part 3

Rosebrough’s Ramblings on Exodus – Wrap Up of the Ten Commandments – Part 3

Andy Stanley Rejects the 10 Commandments (and the Old Testament)

00:07:22 Joy Gigone Stewarding God’s Prescense
00:15:52  Perry Stone The Pitfall of Delayed Blessing
00:39:06  Andy Stanley Denies the 10 Commandments (and the Old Testament)
01:25:00 Sermon Review: The Come Up by Sarah Jakes Roberts

Four Reasons God Hides Prophets in Caves (link fixed)

00:07:46 Jennifer LeClaire Four Reasons God Hides Prophets in Caves
00:19:41  John Gray Preparation for Promotion
00:47:26  Rick Warren Making Space to Slow the Pace of Your Life
01:04:00 Sermon Review: Prayer Walking Until the Walls Fall by Kerry Shook

Big “A” or Small “a” Apostles?

00:08:11 Dr. Michael Brown The Masting of Dr. Michael Brown – Part 2
01:40:55 Sermon Review: The Apostolic Church by Joseph Mattera

Are There Apostles in the Church Today?

Are There Apostles in the Church Today? by Dr. Alan Cairns
The Foundation of the Apostles by Gervase Charmley

The Foundation of the Apostles and Prophets

The Foundation of the Apostles and Prophets by Albert Martin

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