Fighting For The Faith

Rick Warren's Convinces Muslims That Islam and Christianity are Two Sides of the Same Coin

(1) Listener Email, (2) Brian McLaren Sings the Social Justice Jesus Blues, (3) Rick Warren’s Appearance at the MPAC Convinces Some Muslims That Islam and Christianity are Two Sides of the Same Coin, (4) A Good Sermon that Prepares the Way of The Lord

Church Check's Secret Worshipper Services

(1) Joe Farah of Worldnet Daily Weighs in on Rick Warren’s Invocation at Obama’s Inauguration, (2) Church Check’s Secret Worshipper Services, (3) A Sunday School Lesson on Christmas

The Amazing Fulfilled Prophecies Regarding Jesus Christ

Listener Email, Is Obama’s Presidency Going to be Purpose Driven?, New Survey Confirms That Majority of Christians in America Believe Many Faiths Lead to Eternal Life, The Fulfilled Prophecies of Jesus, Sermon Review – When Your Finances Need a U-Turn.

What is the Biblical Definition of a Good Work?

What Paul Crouch Thinks John MacArthur is Missing
Rick Warren to Give Invocation at Obama’s Inauguration
Listener Accuse Rosebrough of Not Producing ANY Good Works. So, What is the Biblical Definition of a Good Work?

Rob Bell's Narrative Theology

Listener Email
Rick Warren is Re-Courting Conservative Evangelicals
Rob Bell’s Narrative Theology
A Sneaky Bad Sermon on the Age of Anxiety

Emergent Rebellion Against Sola Scriptura

Listener Email
Anglicans Put Hindu Snowmen and a Chinese Dragon in Church Nativities
Emergent Rebellion Against Sola Scriptura
Richard Cizik’s Comments on NPR

Rick Warren Publicly Affirms Deeds AND Creeds

Listener Email on Joel Osteen’s Creed
Rosebrough Defends Rick Warren
Rick Warren Publicly Affirms Deeds AND Creeds
A Good Sermon by Jeff Noblitt

Review of Kung Fu Panda The Sermon

Studio guest Lane Chaplin.
Listener Email
Baby Jesus’ Being Stolen from Nativities. Protect Them Using GPS
New Oxford Dictionary for Juniors Omits Christian Words
Review of Kung Fu Panda The Sermon: by the Paul Wirth of Relevant Church

Brian McLaren Claims Mohammed Had An Encounter With God

Listener Email
More on The Voice
Brian McLaren Claims Mohammed Had An Encounter With God. Does Christianity Really Have Common Ground With Islam?

Phyllis Tickle Predicts the End of Sola Scriptura

Great Emergence’s Phyllis Tickle Predicts the End of Sola Scriptura
The Voice’s Mistranslation of Romans 3:21-26
Joel Osteen’s most recent appearance on Larry King

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