Joel Osteen's Become A Better You
Listener Email, Joel Osteen’s Become A Better You
Listener Email, Joel Osteen’s Become A Better You
Chris Rosebrough lectures on the Bondage of the Will vs. Free Will
Listener Email, Refuting Christopher Hitchens, Can you name the Pastor who wrote the article entitled “Learn to Love Yourself”, First look at the 3rd article of the Augsburg Confession, Reviewing a sermon on the Life Lessons of Poker.
Listener Email including an email in support of taking bong hits on the Baby Jesus and Tokin’ the Ghost, Blessing the Waves, Guts Church’s Nightmare Haunted House, A Review Guts Church’s Sermon “You University
Listener Email, Cancelling Church Services in Order to Be Church?, David Foster Preaches on Managing Emotional Monsters.
Listener Email, Doctrine of Original Sin, Patricia King Claims The Wine Cellar Of Heaven Is Open
Listener Email, The NIV Handwritten Bible & Moment of Truth Sermon Review Preached by “Life-Coach” Chris Sonksen
Listener Email, Deceived by The Tokin’ the Ghost Heresy, the Biblical Support for the Doctrine of the Trinity
Granger’s Pastors Tells Other Churches to Get Busy, The Postcard Controversy Continues, Feed God’s Sheep “Bible Study”
Archbishop of Canterbury’s belief in Visions of Mary, Rick Warren writes the forward to book written by a Jewish Rabbi, and A GREAT Sermon!