Fighting For The Faith

What Does the Bible Say a Good Work Is?

Voddie Baucham Answers the Question: If God is so powerful and so good, why do bad things happen? What is a Good Work? This is a counter point response to the Introduction to the book Pop Goes the Church by Tim Stevens. Expose on Joshua Mills

Make Us Audacious?

A review and Biblical critique of Steven Furtick’s sermon from the One Prayer series entitled ‘Make Us Audacious’.

The Purpose-Driven Heavenly Rewards Calculator

Segment 1- Rick Warren’s Doctrine of Heavenly Rewards and the PD Heavenly Rewards Calculator.

Brian McLaren vs. Jesus' View on True and False Doctrine

Segment 1- Email Response

Segment 2- Brian McLaren vs. Jesus’ View on True and False Doctrine

Pop Goes The Church

Segment 1- Heavy Metal Monk and His “Message” to the Masses

Segment 2- Biblical Critique of Tim Steven’s Pop Goes the Church. Should the church use Pop Culture to Draw a Crowd?

Osteen's Self Affirmations and Bentley's False Gospel

Segment 1- Joel Osteen’s Self-Affirmations

Segment 2- Todd Bentley’s False Gospel

God Wants Me to Be Rich?

Segment 1- World Premiere of Marty Python’s Flying Circus Church and their sketch entitled “Purpose-Driven Inquisition”

Segment 2 – Joel Osteen’s ‘kinder’ and ‘gentler’ gospel of how God Wants You to Be Rich.

The “New” Christian Mystics

The “New” Christian Mystics – Critique of Todd Bentley, Patricia King and Bobby Conner and their false visions, false doctrine, false wonders.

What is the Church?

Segment 1- You Call This Worship?

Segment 2- What is the Church and who is it for?

Church Giving Away an Assault Rifle to Teens & the $10,000 Creflo Dollar Challenge

Oklahoma church giving away an AR-15 assault rifle to teens, $10,000 Creflo Dollar Challenge!, What does the Emergent Church believe?

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