Fighting For The Faith

Dangers of Postmodernism

Discussion on Postmodernity, what it is and why it is dangerous for the church to embrace.

Misdiagnosis: Sinner Saved by Grace

00:11:13 Shakira McFadden Candy Prophecy
00:16:22 Ryan LeStrange Glory Storms Arising
00:21:56 Patricia King Harvest Time
00:37:06 Katherine Ruonala Denies We Are Sinners Saved by Grace
00:50:45 Andrew Wommack Baptism of the Holy Spirit Part 2
01:19:35 Sermon Review: Spider Man: Unleashing Your Gifts by Kerrick Thomas

God Did NOT Create You For A Purpose!

God Did NOT Create You For A Purpose!

Joyce Meyer Recommends a Colonoscopy

00:17:38 Joyce Meyer Recommends a Colonoscopy
00:53:08 Winnie Banov Has Lost Touch With Sanity
01:16:44 Sermon Review: Incoherent Ravings by Amanda Wells

Here I Stood

Here I Stood by Pastor Joel Klein
PCR Abandoned Conference Sydney Australia 2017

Mickey Mouse “Sermons”

00:06:53 Beth Moore Because Life is Complicated
00:21:02 Brian Houston Raising Kings and Queens
00:45:53 Holly Furtick I’m Just a Girl
01:10:40 Sermon Review: Staycation by Joshua Craft

Prophetic Tsunami Warning!

00:13:01 July “Prophetic” Words
00:55:23 Perry Stone Prophetic Tsunami Warning
01:05:08 Andrew Wommack Baptism of the Holy Spirit Part 1
01:24:47 Sermon Review: Mt. Transfiguration- Kingdom Come by Bill Johnson

Interview with Bryan Wolfmueller

Interview with Bryan Wolfmueller

Michael Brown Sneaky Squid Jonathan Edwards Wrap Up

00:04:57 Museum of Idolatry Update
00:18:47 Michael Brown Sneaky Squid Jonathan Edwards Wrap Up

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