Fighting For The Faith

Why Eastlake “Church” Embraces LGBT

00:08:46 Ryan LeStrange Annoucement Is Upon You
00:20:40 Jennifer LeClaire Claims God Will Speak To You Through Natural Things
00:41:08 Robin Harfouche Litany of Man-Made Doctrines
00:57:00 Ryan Meeks Explains Why His “Church” Embraces LGBT
01:17:14 Sermon Review: Hooked by Heather Palacios

Mark Driscoll Shifts Blame for Mars Hill Collapse

00:13:22 William Tapley Prophetic Insight on Trump’s Strike Against Syria
00:19:34 Rick Joyner The Keys to Heavenly Tourism
01:01:14 Kent Mattox Preparation for the Passover
00:49:10 Mark Driscoll Shifts Blame for Mars Hill Collapse
01:16:29 Sermon Review: Be Human Enough To Acknowledge Your Need by Chris Irwin

Look It In the Eye and Step Into It

00:06:20 Prophetic Round Up of April “Prophecies”
00:41:24 Jurgen Matthesius Ad Hominem Attack Against His Critics
01:01:14 Brian Houston Look It In the Eye and Step Into It
01:21:57 Sermon Review: Be Assured There is a Purpose and an End by Chris Hodges

Graven Images

Rosebrough’s Ramblings on Exodus 20

Biblical Ambiguity

00:08:48 Dani Bosman Taking Territory
00:19:36 Ryan LeStrange Full April Word & Oily Anointing
00:49:18 Joel Osteen & David Crank Your Words Create Your Future
01:11:26 Sermon Review: A Day In the Life by Jason Miller

Sizzle With No Steak

00:15:04 Joan Hunter Barrenness of Dreams & Visions
00:35:17 Hank & Brenda Kunneman Divine Transfers
00:48:24 Patricia King & Larry Sparks Prophecy of a Great Outpouring
01:05:04 William Branham Faith is a Sixth Sense
01:13:45 Sermon Review: What Voice Are You Listening To by Ricardo Sanchez

Rise of the Holy Ones?!?!

00:08:36 Emile Plowman & Michael Fickess Rise of the Holy Ones
00:41:33 Bill Johnson Angels and Breakthroughs
00:59:47 Nate Dooley Learning to Obey God’s Voice
01:20:10 Two Good Sermons: Pastor Mark Bestul

The Spirit of Leviathan Strikes the U.S.

00:12:03 David & Stephanie Herzog The Ancient Portals of Heaven
00:37:34 Terri Savelle Foy Steve Jobs’ Greatest Secret to Success
00:53:15 Jim Bakker The Spirit of Leviathan Strikes the U.S.
01:20:59 Sermon Cage Fight: Rosebrough vs Wolfmueller

What Does It Mean To Have a God?

Rosebrough’s Ramblings on Isaiah 40-42

Passover Pickpockets

00:09:17 Katie Souza Divine Shake Up
00:49:58 Benny Hinn & Steve Munsey Squishy Shack Broadcast
01:43:54 Two Good Sermons: Rich Young Ruler by Chris Rosebrough

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