Fighting For The Faith

How Pastors Can Prepare the Laity to Defend the Faith

How Pastors Can Prepare the Laity to Defend the Faith by Dr. Rod Rosenbladt

The Dangers of the Passion “Translation”

The Dangers of the Passion “Translation”: Interview with Pastor Gervase Charmley

The Dangers of the Passion “Translation”

The Dangers of the Passion “Translation”: Interview with Pastor Gervase Charmley

Unusual Miracles

00:10:10 Adalis Shuttlesworth & Magalis Griffiths Understanding Activates Your Faith
00:39:58 Joyce Meyer Super Sneaky Tweak of Scripture
01:00:15 Brian Houston Unusual Miracles
01:17:15 Two Good Sermons by Rev. Mark Bestul

Blatant Contradictions

00:05:51 Katie Souza Bent
00:34:40 Scot Sherman Contradicts Jesus RE: Historicity of Jonah
00:51:29 Joel Osteen Super-sized
01:08:38 Sermon Review: Growth by Russel Evans

Mutiny Against Dr. Michael Brown

Mutiny Against Dr. Michael Brown’s Equivocation, Obfuscation and Manipulation About the New Apostolic Reformation. A “Pirate Gang Conversation” with Amy Spreeman & Steven Kozar

Scripture Forbids Interpreting Omens

00:08:52 Ryan LeStrange Divine Merge?
00:18:47 Paul Manwaring Interprets Omens at Bethel
00:36:46 Leon Walters Overcoming Impossibilities
00:52:05 Bill Winston Rising to the Top
01:15:12 Sermon Review: United by Ashley Wooldridge

Silencing God's Voice

00:12:21 Georgian Banov Silences God’s Voice With Tall Tales of the Spirit
00:39:34 Jane Hamon Silences God’s Voice With Absurdity
00:58:08 Zach Drews & Sasha Volz Silence God’s Voice With Sketchy “Prophetic”
01:20:53 Sermon Review: Burden of Power Adam Huschka

Two Kingdoms: Natural Law

Two Kingdoms: Natural Law by Dr. Korey Maas

“Power” Evangelism?!?

00:05:28 T.D. Jakes Peking Order
00:19:256 John Cameron Uses Word Play to Avoid What Scripture Says
00:47:21 Michael Brown False Definition of a False Prophet
01:15:21 Sermon Review: Power Evangelism Part 1 John Wimber

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