As the word means “messenger,” an angel isn’t so much a type of being as it is a job description. Today, Barry Cooper presents a biblical picture of these otherworldly creatures. Read the transcript:
As the word means “messenger,” an angel isn’t so much a type of being as it is a job description. Today, Barry Cooper presents a biblical picture of these otherworldly creatures. Read the transcript:
Walking an aisle and praying a prayer can never assure us of our salvation. Today, Barry Cooper asserts that true assurance accompanies a life truly changed by the gospel. Read the transcript:
Jesus’ own words seem calculated to dissuade endless speculation about His return. Today, Barry Cooper outlines how the Bible’s revelation of the world’s end is meant to stir us to action today. Read the transcript:
For Christians, death is a homecoming. Today, Barry Cooper portrays the Bible’s depiction of what takes place between our death and resurrection. Read the transcript:
Sin is not a virus lurking outside of us, but a poison that defiles our hearts from within. Today, Barry Cooper helps us to delve into the depths of our sin. Read the transcript:
Who, or what, is God’s Word? Today, Barry Cooper explains why both Jesus and the Bible are called the “Word” of God. Read the transcript:
What lies beneath our yearning for relationship and our longing for home? Today, Barry Cooper points us forward to the glorious climax of God’s story of redemption. Read the transcript:
When we claim the Bible is devoid of errors, we must clarify what an error actually is. On this episode of Simply Put, Barry Cooper deciphers the doctrine of biblical inerrancy. Read the transcript:
How is it possible that sixty-six distinct books seamlessly contribute to the same story? On this episode of Simply Put, Barry Cooper traces the authority of the Bible back to its divine author. Read the transcript:
Unlike what we may have been told, our existence is no accident. On this episode of Simply Put, Barry Cooper marvels at God’s creation of all things from nothing. Read the transcript: