Simply Put


The eternal Son of God took on flesh and died as a man, all so that death itself would die. Today, Barry Cooper speaks on an awesome reality, recorded in Scripture, that sets the Christian faith apart from all other religions. Read the transcript:

The Sufficiency of Scripture

Is the Bible all we need to live life well? Today, Barry Cooper explains that Scripture tells us everything we must believe in order to be saved and what we must do in order to please God. Read the transcript:

Abomination of Desolation

Jesus warned His disciples of an ‘abomination of desolation’ who would defile the temple. Is this a figure we should still expect, or has he come already? Today, Barry Cooper turns to the context of Christ’s warning to give clarity to this figure’s identity. Read the transcript:


After completing His work of creating the world, God rested–but not because He got tired and needed a break. Today, Barry Cooper explains how the Sabbath reminds us to regularly rest in God and enjoy the ultimate rest that He has given His people in Christ. Read the transcript:

Irresistible Grace

When Jesus calls people to Himself, they come. Today, Barry Cooper shows how God puts His sovereign grace in display every time a lost soul is drawn to Christ. Read the transcript:

Unconditional Election

On what basis does God choose His people for salvation? Today, Barry Cooper explains that our eternal destiny doesn’t ultimately depend on our free choice–and why that’s a good thing. Read the transcript:

Penal Substitutionary Atonement

In order for our sin to be dealt with, someone must face the penalty our sin deserves. Today, Barry Cooper points to the only One who is qualified to take our sin upon Himself and reconcile us to God. Read the transcript:


Followers of Jesus seem to be at the mercy of earthly kings bent on destroying them. But each of these rulers will instantly fold at a single word from the mouth of Christ. Today, Barry Cooper invites us to take heart in knowing the King of kings and Lord of lords. Read the transcript:


If you are a believer in Jesus Christ, you have full access to the Creator and can approach Him without fear of being destroyed. Today, Barry Cooper expresses how Jesus, our Great High Priest, has atoned for our sin and intercedes on our behalf. Read the transcript:


While the prophets often did present God’s revelation of the future, their calling had much more to do with how God’s people were living in the present. Today, Barry Cooper observes how the prophets reminded remind God’s people of their covenant obligations, culminating in the ultimate Prophet, Jesus Christ. Read the transcript:

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