Simply Put

The Cosmological Argument

The existence of creation points inevitably to the existence of a Creator. Today, Barry Cooper outlines the cosmological argument for the existence of God, the first cause. Read the transcript:

Five Points of Calvinism

Salvation isn’t a 99% to 1% split between God’s participation and ours. It is entirely the work of the Lord and all the glory belongs to Him. Today, Barry Cooper explains what is at stake in the so-called “five points of Calvinism.” Read the transcript:

Common Grace

The Lord lavishes all people with His kindness, even those who ignore, belittle, or are hostile toward Him. Today, Barry Cooper explains that God’s universal patience toward a sinful creation reflects His glory in unique ways. Read the transcript:

Son of Man

When we ascribe a title to ourselves, we better be sure that we live up to the name. Today, Barry Cooper identifies the significance of the most common designation Jesus applied to Himself. Read the transcript:


Why did the Lord choose us to be His people? Is it because of something we did, something He did, or maybe a little bit of both? Today, Barry Cooper shows that the Bible’s answer to this question is abundantly clear. Read the transcript:


There is nowhere we can go to hide from the presence of God. He is nearer even than our own hearts. Today, Barry Cooper depicts the omnipresence or “all-presence” of God. Read the transcript:


In these turbulent times, power is something of a dirty word. But God’s infinite power is supremely wonderful because it is wedded to His justice, truthfulness, and love. Today, Barry Cooper delves into the unlimited power of God. Read the transcript:

Active and Passive Obedience of Christ

If we are to be reconciled to God, we need more than forgiveness for breaking His law. We also require the righteousness of One who has kept God’s law perfectly. Today, Barry Cooper explains the critical distinction between Christ’s active and passive obedience for our salvation. Read the transcript:


Matthew’s gospel both begins and ends with a marvelous declaration: God is with His people. Today, Barry Cooper meditates on the meaning behind one of the names given to Christ, “Immanuel.” Read the transcript:


Repentance is the fruit, not the cause, of our salvation. Today, Barry Cooper describes the lifelong discipline of repentance to which every Christian is called. Read the transcript:

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