
When Two Baptists and Two Presbyterians Walk into a Podcast…

Jon and Justin recently had the opportunity to be guests on the Guilt Grace Gratitude podcast. In this episode, two Baptists and two Presbyterians talk …

What Happened to Preaching? (S|R)

Jon and Justin talk about some of the critiques that are raised against Christ-centered, redemptive-historical preaching, along with the false dichotomy introduced between grammatical-historical and …

What Happened to Preaching?

The guys continue the series on the means of grace by discussing preaching. What has happened to the preaching of the word of Christ? Jon …

What Happened to Communion?

The sacrament of communion was given to us by God as a means of His grace. In the Lord’s Supper, Jesus is …

What Happened to Communion? (S|R)

Jon and Justin discuss Reformed worship–and communion as a part of that. In addition, the guys give some thoughts regarding churches that do not observe …

What Happened to Baptism?

The sacrament of baptism was given to us by God as a means of His grace. Baptism is about our union with Christ. It is …

What Happened to Baptism? (S|R)

Jon and Justin continue to discuss baptism as a sign of our union with Christ. In particular, the guys consider how pietism, revivalism, and Arminianism …

God’s Will Hunting (S|R)

Jon and Justin continue the conversation on the will of God. What do we say to people who fear they have ruined their lives through …

God’s Will Hunting

In today’s episode, the guys talk about God’s will. Many Christians agonize over the will of God for their lives. Is there a secret will …

I Come to the Garden Alone?

The title for today’s episode comes from a 20th century hymn. That hymn is illustrative of the common mindset in the evangelical church–that the real …

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